331de4708b05e1c7e3d68a6f68a1dc3c24899f06 Sahajayoga- Meditation techniques acclaimed worldwide: 07/01/2021 - 08/01/2021


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Monday, July 26, 2021

Meditation - Sahajayoga Meditation - Unique Meditation

Sahaja Yoga is a method of meditation resulting in evolved spiritual personality through the awakening of Kundalini. This process of Kundalini Awakening called Self Realisation was discovered by H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi in 1970 and has since spread all around the world.

This inner awakening is called by many names: Self Realisation, Second Birth, ... Enlightenment etc and it is the goal of all religions and spiritual traditions of the world. The knowledge of Kundalini is ancient, but for a long time, it was available only to a few enlightened souls, being kept secret and transferred from guru to disciple, since Self Realisation was extremely difficult to achieve. In these modern times, through Sahaja ("spontaneous") Yoga ("union with one's Self"), this experiencehas become effortless and available to everyone through Self Realisation, for the first time in the history of human spirituality. 

Through the practice of Sahaja Yoga, our awareness gains a new dimension where the absolute truth ofvibrations can be felt on our central nervous system and our palms. The vibrations are emanated from the palms of the person as a result of the awakening of the Kundalini.

 As a result of this experience, our spiritual ascent takes place effortlessly ... and physical, mental and emotional balance is achieved as a byproduct of the self-realisation and Sahaja Yoga Meditation.

 We then realize that we are not this body,mind, ego, conditionings, emotions or intellect, but something of an eternal nature which is always residing in our heart in a pure, undisturbed state - the Self or Spirit.

The Spirit is the source of true knowledge, peace and joy. Self Realisation is the actualization of the experience of this connection between the Kundalini and the Spirit, which as Shri Mataji says, is the birthright. 

The Spirit is the sourceof true knowledge, peace and joy. Self Realisation is the actualization of the experience of this connection between the Kundalini and the Spirit, which as Shri Mataji says, is the birthright of every human being.

Saturday, July 24, 2021

The Innate Religion

 Shri Mataji described Sahaja Yoga as the pure, universal religion integrating all other religions. She claimed that she was a divine incarnation, more precisely an incarnation of the Holy Spirit, or the Adi Shakti of the Hindu tradition, the great mother goddess who had come to save humanity.


When the Kundalini comes in this part (eg: green area of Void), She enlightens within you your religion which is innate. That means you become righteous. Like people who are, they may be Christians, Hindu, Muslims, anything – it’s just a brand, they can commit any sin they want. But after this happening you become really a righteous person. Christ has described it in the second chapter Mathews. He says, “Thou shalt not have adulterous eyes.” Means innocent eyes without any greed, without any lust in the eye. Actually, your eyes become like that. Innocence cannot be lost. It is covered with clouds because of our wrong doings, but it cannot be lost. It cannot be destroyed. And you become so powerful that even a glance of such a person can create beautiful peaceful atmosphere.
Shree Mataji Nirmala Devi 19 Jul 1994

taken from =Sean Kelly post on facebook.

Thursday, July 22, 2021

The Light of the Spirit - Absolute Truth

The time has come for all of you to get to your ascent. “

Kalis as they call it in the Arabic language. Even Guru Nanak has said there will be people who will be Kalis. The great English poet William Blake has described that in those days people will be born who will be the God’s people. And they will have powers to make others divine. This is exactly what is happening in Sahaja Yoga. They respect their parents, they respect their country, they respect their laws. They are not materialistic, they are not dealing in hanky pankies. All the beauty that they had, all the greatness they had is now manifesting. You don’t have to pay for it. It is the last breakthrough which you all have been looking forward to. I have told you that this is your own power. The whole subtle system has been described in Koran, and also in the Bible, as the tree of life .
So we have to understand that the time has come for all of you to get to your ascent. The first thing that happens to you is that you start feeling this all-pervading power, the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost. For the first time, you feel It. Second thing that happens to you that your fingers, all these 5, 6 and 7, these right and left centres of the sympathetic nervous system get enlightened. These represent your centres on left and right. Now this Kundalini is the reflection of the Holy Ghost in you. We have Father the God, and Son the God, but we don’t have Mother, how can that be?. In every religion, there is the Primordial Mother, even in the Greek’s, they called Her Athena, the Chinese, in every religion there is the Primordial Mother, except in Christianity, it is a dove!. Symbolically good because doves ascend… . An God Almighty Himself, there is one God, is reflected in our heart. But he has His apostles which are all placed on these centres. When you get your Realisation, on these fingertips you can feel the centers of others. As you can feel your own centres. All the world’s problems are mostly because of human beings. And all human problems are because of the centres in your body. Your physical problems, many incurable diseases have been cured definitely by Kundalini. We have proof of that. Your mental problems, many people who have been suffering mentally have been cured with Sahaja Yoga. The modern disease of stress and strain is cured by Sahaja Yoga. Also spiritual problems which are coming from following wrong paths, as there are many false gurus also. … Are cured by Sahaja Yoga. Then, the second awareness that you develop is of collective consciousness by which you can feel others. Then another awareness that comes to you is thoughtless awareness. The thoughts rise, fall, again rise, then fall, again rise and then fall. And these thoughts are coming either from the past or from the future.
Now if I say you be in the present, you cannot. In between these thoughts, there is a small space. When this Kundalini rises, She suppress these thoughts. And you are in complete silence and peace. If you want to think, you can think. But if you don’t want to think, you can be in thoughtless awareness, it is called as nirvichara samadhi in sanskrit language. At this stage, when you are thoughtless, you become the witness, witness of the whole drama going on . You are no more in the problems, you are out of it, so you can solve your problems very easily. And also there is God Almighty, you enter into His Kingdom. And the bliss of Divine Love starts looking after you, protecting you….
So the Spirit starts manifesting, you get enlightened and in the light of the Spirit you know the absolute Truth. …. But Sahaja Yoga is meant for intelligent people. Not for book-worms, or people who have degrees, but who are really intelligent enough to see the point.
It is not meant for idiots. And the stupid people. It is meant for people who are simple and who see the point that we have to ascend.
H H Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, 1993-0717, Public Program, Hotel Metropole, Brussels,Belgium.

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Monday, July 19, 2021

Effect of Deep Meditation


The co-relation between Sahastrara and Central heart is just like Fuel Tank and Generator.

In the state of Deep Meditation, our Kundalini works as 'Self' and our Spirit works like a Battery to supply current to start this Generator.
When it starts then its Engine sucks the fuel automatically from the Fuel Tank and then the power starts generating.
This generated power goes to all the motors (Chakras) to make them run smoothly.
Which too produce different types of energy which is capable to pierce more Brahmmrandhara and help the Lotus to sprout at Sahastrara.
And then all the Petals start unfolding themselves one by one into the state of Deep Meditation.
Only then this Lotus perceieve infinite Cosmic Energy ('The Power of Adi Shakti') and gets nourishment to Bloom properly.
And It becomes capable to Pull up all the Kundalini of the people to their Sahastrara.
Who come close to the Magnetic Field of this opened Sahastrara whether by physical presence or with the attention.
These types of Sahaji become “Mobile Centers”. This is what "Shree Mata ji" ‘wants us to ‘Become’.
That’s why "She"has said, “I want 1000 Sahajis who can sit on their Sahastrara to transform the whole World.”
This state can be achieved easily if we maintain the sensation at both the Energy Centers like Sahastrara and Central heart all the time.
This is not an imagination; anybody can try this by sincere practice, who has Pure Desire.”---'Impulses'
.........Jai Shree Mata Ji

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Deep Roots provides high Development

Very Deep Roots.

Today we are here to hear about a brand new discovery. Because when we progress outside, maybe some progress inside. And there must be progress inside. If you see a tree growing very high, you must know it must have very deep roots. If not, he can't push that high. Same way when you grow so much outside, there must be people out there who discover the roots to feed this overdeveloped civilization that is ours. And this discovery is that the time has come for us to realize in mass that very few have received before, our realization of the self that is - to know ourselves, not through a brainwash or speech , but an event that must take place within us during our evolutionary process.. >>
Goddess Sri.
A great discovery of modern times
Kensington, London (England)
July 3, 1980

It is very true that more deep you get invovled in practising sahajayoga, it enriches your all round development- mental, physical, financial - in every respect. It is possible only with daily meditation in sahajayoga way. You become a new person with a broadened horizon, brighter spirit, sweet tongue, sharp intellectual to identify false,bad, evil things, gurus etc. around you. You are the living divine spirit, the angel spreading the message of god.

Jai Shri Mataji.

Sunday, July 4, 2021

Thoughts can create wonders or havoc in our life


Sahaja yoga is a special kind of yoga wherein the persons physical and mental worries, problems are automatically taken care of, when the persons kundalini awakens, with the blessings of Adishakti Mataji Nirmaladevi.

Mataji Nirmaladevi had always advised us to be in a balanced condition. She has assured sahajayogi have no need to worry, the ganas and devatas would always take care of that person, of the realised spirit.

Following is the extract from one of her speeches -

When we have some physical issues then it takes a toll on our mental health also .

Our attention is fixed and focussed on our health problems. For sahajayogis attention is our greatest power . If we are in balance then it works out wonders but if we shift like pendulum then our attention is not free but some what attached .
When we are in balance then we witness everything in the form of spirit but when we are sad then our attention pushes us towards the left and we go on crying , cursing our fate and feel lot of depression and dejection .
Like wise when we are aggressive then our attention pushes us towards arrogance, domination .
We have to go through a cycle of contradictions till we are on Earth . There is no escape from it .
Nature also goes through the cycle , autumn , spring , winter , summer .
Does nature ever laments when leaves fall off . No never coz it’s a time for regeneration .
We enjoy all the aspects of nature . It’s beautiful in every aspect but when it’s balance is disturbed then it creates havoc . We all enjoy rain and it’s necessary also but too much of rain causes flood , tsunami .
So likewise we humans go through a continuos cycle .Every time we need to learn from the hardships and appreciate ,our blessings .
If we keep nurturing pain then the pain will control our mind . Mind goes on producing thoughts to torture us while heart is like a soothing balm to relax us .
If a person is ill and he makes his will power very strong that he will overcome this , then universe also helps that person . All angels are by his side .
But if he becomes too vulnerable and weak then our mind produces such toxic thoughts that we feel miserable and the negativity attacks us .
We have to look at our thoughts carefully .
Thoughts can create wonders or havoc in our life . It’s all in our hands
So even if we are in the midst of calamities ,
still hope for the golden rays .
Life has its own mysterious ways
To teach and preach
Not for perfection
But to balance our life by introspection .
To make masters of our own life
By practicing meditation .

taken from -Sonia BhayanaShri Mataji's love- facebook post

Thursday, July 1, 2021

Kingdom of God exists and will exist


“ A Great War Going on Between Satanic Forces and Divine Forces.”

…we must know that there is a great war going on between satanic forces and Divine forces and all the satanic forces who symbolised as devils – in Sanskrit language they are called as rakshasas, asuras and all that – have taken their birth on this earth to demolish the Kingdom of God. Imagine! What ambitions! But they want to demolish this kingdom of God in your hearts. The kingdom of God exists, will exist, it’s eternal. It has created Universes after Universes. It has created human beings from amoeba to this stage. It has brought you to this position that today you are here to receive your ultimate goal. It all has happened now.
At this critical moment, at this precious moment when you are about to enter into the Kingdom of God, all these forces are built up to pull you down. It lies in your wisdom to understand that the forces are very subtle, extremely cunning, beyond your comprehension. Even after entering into Self-realised state you have noticed, how they act on you, try to drag you down, pull you down.
This war is played not on the conscious plane as it was played before. Say, one rakshasa coming in, was all right to kill him. He came as a rakshasa, he came as a devil, he was killed, finished. But today they have come as godly men, as god men – as they call them, as god women. They call themselves as god, gurus. They have come in the garb of religion. These ancient rakshasas have taken their birth and they have gone into the minds of the seekers. Thousands and thousands of seekers they have captured! Imagine the situation is so, so precarious and so dangerous. They have entered into the minds of the people who are the seekers, who are the ones who are to be bestowed with this Kingdom, who are to be enthroned, who are to be crowned, have been destroyed, tortured, by these horrible forces. And because it is not in your conscious plane, you cannot see them, you cannot feel them you cannot understand them, how dangerous they are. While they have learnt all the methods of coming into your ego or into your superego, to influence you.
That war we all have to fight. If we have to establish ourselves fully in the kingdom of God, we must know that we have to fight all those pulling forces.
Sahaja Yoga is not meant for useless people, is not meant for people who have no courage, is not meant for cowards. It’s not meant for people who run after money and who run after all these material things. Especially the first people who are the foundation of Sahaja Yoga, they have to be people of great calibre and of great desire to achieve their state of emancipation, because they are the people who are going to save the whole humanity. They are the redeemers, they are the one who are going to manifest the salvation of this doomed humanity.
Those who are weak can be strengthened because the energy lies within them. Those who are unhealthy can be cured. Those who are mentally disturbed can be brought round. But there is no place for cowards in this. You have to be courageous and cheerful people, for one thing, because you represent that force which is fighting for the Divine, for God Almighty, you are his hands. And you have to be wise, also. Stupid people are no good. Stupidity can never help you to rise, you have to be wise people. Useless people, those who run after nonsensical things, let them go wherever they like, they’ll come back when their time and turn will come. We need not be many people for this. Very few can save the world, but they have to be strong and absolutely established in their understanding of the powers of their Spirit, powers of their Father who is Almighty….
And then the whole society of realised souls is going to pull out this humanity. Everyone need not be brought to Sahaja Yoga. They’ll be all pulled out. We must have sufficient pulling force within us.
So those who come to Me earlier have a greater responsibility than those who’ll be coming much later, say after ten years. They’ll be just jumping into it. You are the ones who are going to do that. So, judge your self-esteem and do not try to condemn yourself for anything. That’s forbidden in Sahaja Yoga, you know that. You are all saints….
H H Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Caxton Hall, London, England. 30 June 1980.