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Thursday, August 11, 2022

I am Shiva

 Adi shankaracharya has described what is Atma, who I am, how I am, what is my real nature.  Adi shankaracharya has clearly told that I am not this external manifestation, 
I am not only one body with mind, but something beyond it.  I am Atma, I am Shiva. 

Mataji Nirmaladevi also in many of her lectures has described our conditions, who we are, how we should think and perceive ourself.  I am Atma, I am Sat Chit Ananada.  I am on the abode i.e. upon the Sahastrara.  So we need to be aware of our real position, i. e I am Atma, I am Shiva. 

I am not mind intellect egoor repository of memories. I am not ear,tongue,nose,or the eyes. I am not spale ,earth, fire ,or air. I am of tI am shiva I am shiva . ||1|| I am of the   from aliveness,e xternal bliss,auspiciousness .  

I am shiva I am Shiva   ||1||


I am not principal life force (prana) or any of the five prans(prana,udana,apana,vyana,Saman

I am not any of the seven constituents (skin, flesh, fat, blood, muscle, bone, marrow) of the body or any of the five sheaths (annamaya,  manomaya, pranamaya, vigyanmaya,  anandmaya.) I am not speech,hands,feet, genitals or anus. I am of the from of aliveness external bliss, auspiciousness.

I am shiva I am shiva ||2||

 I am devoid of aversion, attachment, greed, delusion, pride or jealousy. I am beyond four major goals of life,righteousness,wealth, pleasure or liberation. I am of the from of aliveness, eternal bliss, auspiciousness

I am shiva I am shiva  ||3||

 I am not beyond virtues ,sins,joy or sorrow. I am not beyond mantras ,pilgrimage ,vedas or yagyas. I am not food, eatable or its eater. I am of the from of aliveness eternal bliss auspiciousness i am shiva i am shiva ||4||

 I have no fear of death or distinction of caste. I have no father or mother. I am unborn. I have no brother, friend, master or disciples. I am of the from of aliveness, eternal bliss,

Auspiciousness,i am shiva i am shiva. ||5||

 I am beyond all doubts, formless,all pervading everywhere and surround all sense organs. I am always established in equanimity. There is no liberation or bondage in me. I am of the from of aliveness, eternal bliss ,Auspiciousness.

 I am shiva I am shiva ||6||