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Wednesday, February 13, 2019


Cancer is widely spreading all over the world.  Every day we hear somebody dying by cancer. Why it is happening ?  Is there no remedy or medical treatment which is full proof to cure cancer ?  There are so many different types of cancers and people from all walks of life becomes its victims.

Cancer is just on killing spree. Medical science has till date not been successful in curbing the cancer deaths.  Then what.  Mataji Nirmaladevi has said many times that Sahajayoga has power to cure cancer.  But for getting this cure one must know and become sahaja yogi and practice it every day.  With the blessings of Adishakti Mataji Nirmaladevi nothing is impossible in this world.  Let us spread this message for the benefit of all . 

Following is the important blog post i came about as to how sahajayoga can treat cancer.  The answer is quite simple - by awakening the God, one can get rid of this dangerous disease.  Your connection with the God, the super power of this universe , can save you from Cancer and nothing else. 

It’s only through Sahajayoga, cancer will be cured.
…..who earnestly try to do something without having connection with God, move to the left side which is called as the collective subconscious area. And this is a very dangerous area within us. From there many things, which the doctors call as ‘protein 58’, but we call them as dead souls, are attacking. Doctors call it as protein 58 because they don’t know what they are. They this protein comes from areas which are unknown but existed within us since the day of creation. That means it is collective subconscious. And these protein, 52 — 58 they have tried to even photograph it and they that when they attack us, then only cancer is triggered. But the … of the cancer is created by our extreme behaviour.
How cancer is created, we should try to understand. For example the left side and the right side, as I told you there are two powers left and right side powers which we work out. For example the emotional on the left, and on the right hand side, we have a power which we call as ‘the power of action’ where your physical and your mental efforts are expressed. Now when we go to the extreme of these, then what happens the connection between the left and right breaks, just breaks. And when it breaks you start getting the power on its own, because it breaks the connection with the whole. So it is very arbitrary, it is not coordinated, it doesn’t cooperate with the whole body, it just starts growing by itself. And then one cell becomes big or a cell in the nose start becoming big and starts covering the whole face. There’s no relationship between the different organs and different parts of the face, it just starts growing, overpowering other cells, and that’s how we call it a malignant growth or a malignant cell. Now when you go on like that what happens : it breaks ; and the Deity, the One which controls it, the One which is inside it, just slips off. At that time, the best thing would bo to awaken that Deity. If you awaken the Deity, the whole thing comes back and that’s how we can cure the cancer of people. It’s true Sahaja Yoga can cure cancer ; I’ve been telling this for the last, I don’t know, the last twelve years or so : “It’s only through Sahaja Yoga*, cancer will be cured”……….
we are here to give you realisation. God’s interest is in people who are seeking God, who are God’s people, He’s not interested in devils. Supposing tomorrow, Hitler gets cancer, God won’t be interested in curing him. So God’s interest is in people who are seeking Him and those who get enlightenment, and after their enlightenment they can give light to others. God doesn’t bother about people who are just wasteful, who are good for nothing. He has to look after the people who really will take up the cause of God and do His work after getting cured……..
 reference -https://rpmeena.wordpress.com/2017/03/03/its-only-through-sahaja-yoga-cancer-will-be-cured/