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Monday, April 3, 2023

Thoughtless Awareness is first step towards your Freedom or Liberation


All these six enemies attack you through thought only. There is no other way out. First it comes as a thought then it can become a physical pain, it can become a mental agony, it can become anything. But if you are in your thoughtless awareness then they cannot attack. So try to develop your thoughtless awareness, in your meditation. So this is the first step towards your freedom, liberation. From these six enemies you must get out. These six enemies are still waiting at the door and they’ll get hold of you. Even if there is a mine of gold here and if you do not know the method, how to extract the gold out of it, you will remain poor. First you must recognize and then you must know the method, how to extract. Thanks God you are born at a time that most of the things are discovered about the Goddess and I don’t have to tell you. It’s very embarrassing. But those who have searched for you have already laid it down and it is better that you surrender your ego and take up their ways how they do it, and how they have done it, and what have they prescribed.

Their language is not so important. What is important is what they are trying to communicate. They have given something great to you. You have to give something great to your children, to your progeny. And what are you going to give them? There were very few people who gave such great methods and ways to you. Now you have to give your progeny the witness, witnessing of this great Maha Yoga, the manifestation of this Maha Yoga that you have seen with your own eyes, with your own hands feeling it, with your whole body feeling it. This is what you have to give to others. This is the most precarious time and the precarious year. In this year we can achieve a lot if you really understand at this moment the importance of getting liberation, of moksha that you have got. You have to give mokshas to others. By giving to others only your moksha will improve. Those people who are still planning and trying to make, you see, a device or and an intrigue and all that is really working out for themselves. They are going against themselves. And these things are very dangerous.

As a Mother I would say that anybody who tries such things can affect seven generations in a family. It’s not only in one generation this finishes off. In seven generation it goes. So after coming to Sahaja Yoga, after getting Realization you do not exist only as a angel which has fallen down, generations but you become responsible for seven in your family. So one has to be very, very careful and that is why in the puja we do not allow people who according to us are not up to the point.

Republic Day puja,
Lonavala, India, 1982-012