331de4708b05e1c7e3d68a6f68a1dc3c24899f06 Sahajayoga- Meditation techniques acclaimed worldwide: Jan 21, 2010


Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bahrain, Belgium, Benin
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Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark,Estonia,Finland
France,Germany, Ghana, Greece, Hong kong, Hungary
Iceland, India, Iran, Ireland Israel, Italy, Japan, Kuwait
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United Kingdom, United States of America, Vanezuela

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Sahajayoga-famous You tube videos

It is in the interest of every person to learn and practice Sahajayoga. If it is not possible to attend personally any branch near you, you can watch the very famous videos on You tube on Sahajayoga.
Following is the list of You Tube Videos most seen on Sahajayoga.
1. Subtle system Animation
2. Power of Kundalini
3.India lucia music fusion
4.The Inner Power
5.Spiritual Secrets of carbon atom
6.The Mother calls
7.Sahajayoga music of joy Vancouver-Canada
8.The Beginning of Sahaja Yoga
9.Interview with Mataji Nirmala Devi
10.Sahajayoga Meditation - short meditation with instructions

By going through various videos on Sahajaayoga you will notice its importance, utility and practicability in day today life and lead the happy and peaceful life.
Jai Shri.Mataji.