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Friday, June 24, 2022

Sahaja Yoga helps reduce all the Liver Problems

Dr. Ramesh Manocha from Sydney University has explained as to how sahajayoga treatment helps to solve the problems and diseases of liver.

Here is what I have heard from Shree Mataji from various talks, direct advice to me and a sprinkling of mainstream medical knowledge thrown in:-

  1. The liver is represented by right nabhi and right swadhisthana.
  2. The role of the liver is to

a. Support the attention, ie right side.

b. Remove toxins from the body.

c. Convert fats and proteins to glucose for use by the brain.

  1. Everything we eat goes to the stomach and small intestines where it is broken down into its basic constitutents. These constituents pass through the walls of the gut straight into a special set of blood vessels (called the portal circulation) that transport this blood directly to the liver. Hence everything we swallow goes to the liver to be further broken down and processed before it is sent to the rest of the body.
  2. When fats or proteins are converted to glucose by the liver, heat is also generated, that’s why the liver gets hot when we eat fatty, rich or “liverish” food. It has to work a lot to process fats and proteins but not as much for carbohydrates.
  3. This is also why the liver gets hot when we consume toxic stuff such as alcohol, drugs, preservatives and colouring agents
  4. When the liver becomes overwhelmed by toxins (ie bahdhas) it stores them in fat globules in and around the liver cells.
  5. When these toxin containing fat globules accumulate, the vibrations of the liver are reduced because it fills up with badha. Strangely enough these fat globules can even be seen with a microscope in liver biopsy samples.
  6. As the toxins (badhas) build up, the liver has less capacity to support attention and hence the attention (and hence right side) becomes weak and ultimately “impure”, the person’s behavior becomes ill-tempered and “liverish”. The heat in the right side manifests as too much thinking, poor attention and general difficulty in meditating.
  7. When the liver’s ability to remove heat reaches its limit, other chakras are recruited to help remove the heat, especially vishhudhi. Hence people with very hot livers also have red complexions, and “hot under the collar” behavior.
  8. The excess heat travels up to the Vishuddhi. When the vishuddhi is overwhelmed it travels to the agnya and radiates out of the head, hence the term “hot head”.
  9. Too much heat in the head eventually puts pressure on the back agnya, making it much easier for left sided negativities to affect it despite the fact that the person is right sided. This is why an ice pack on the back of the head can sometimes help back agnya problems- because it reduces the pressure of the overheated right side on the back agnya.
  10. Excess heat can also travel down from right swadhisthan to right mooladhara, causing problems such as haemorrhoids.
  11. When the heat crosses from right mooladhara to left, the whole mooladhara can get affected. This explains why very right sided people can develop “anti- mooladhara” behavior patterns.

Sahaja yoga provides treatment in various forms to overcome all liver associated problems as under -
1. To be selective in consumption of food. Avoiding excess sugar, salt, alcohol, smoking, taking more raw foods than cooked one are some of the measures we can easily adopt in our routine life. 
2. Cooling of the liver is greatly accelerated by consumption of large amounts of water. Vibrated water is particularly good because the water molecules have a slightly different “bond angle” that allows for more heat absorption.
3.Daily foot soaking is best for removing all impurities from body, and thus cooling the liver.
4.Daily Meditation is highly beneficial as it helps in changing the individual habits of eating, drinking, work, everything.
