331de4708b05e1c7e3d68a6f68a1dc3c24899f06 Sahajayoga- Meditation techniques acclaimed worldwide: 08/01/2021 - 09/01/2021


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Thursday, August 26, 2021

Evolution of society will throw out Fundamentalism

Any kind of fundamentalism is out of date and they cannot survive. “

So we have all gathered here today in this country of Austria, which in Sanskrit we call it Astra. Astra means: The divine weapons. And the greatest credit, I would give to Austria is this: That you don´t find any fundamentalism of any kind, whether it is Islam, or whether it is Christian, or Hindu any kind of fundamentalism operating in this country. Which is a very, very, very rare thing. Right from Russia to England you find everywhere there is a subtle fundamentalism existing. And this country has this speciality that there is no fundamentalism. And also racialism you don´t feel here at all. In every country I have felt that there is racialism. Of course, in Russia, there isn´t. But otherwise. So this country seems to be a very open minded country and perhaps because they have such beautiful nature with them. In this beautiful nature they want to enjoy the natüre and for that you have to have an open heart. Or maybe the vice versa, the natüre must have opened their heart.
So, this land has a speciality: And I am very happy you all have from all the way from so many countries, even from America, Australia, India, such far-off countries you have assembled here for this celebration and yesterday we actually saw ourselves, with our own eyes, the grace falling on this country. Cause this country deserves it. Any country which has fundamentalism behind it, will have to go down in this modern times. Any kind of fundamentalism is out of date and they cannot survive. They will be thrown out. Out of the evolution of the societies. So: One has to open yourself to everything. Moreover, Sahaja Yoga encompasses all the great religions and all the great incarnations, prophets and saints.
We respect all of them equally, like the jews respect Christ as they respect Moses, the Muslims respect Moses, as they respect Muhammed Sahab, the Hindus respect Muhammed Sahab, as they respect Shri Rama. This kind of a mutual respect, that we have, is not by blind faith, but by understanding through Sahaja Yoga, what we call on our central nervous system we can feel the divine power, and our whole being works like a computer and we can find out what is the truth about all of them. And that is how through our enlightenment, in that light, we worship all these people equally the same. But when it starts going to the fundamental bases, everybody is ruining, everybody’s name is put into shame and all these great people are looked upon as some sort of trouble-makers. So, today´s thing speciality is that if we have any fundamentalistic ideas within our head, first of all, we should drive it out. In a way, whatever is happening in modern times is the exposure of all, that is wrong, evil and destructive. And all that is today shown to us, very clearly.
We see it so clearly happening, that those people, who are against unification of the world, oneness of the world, and love for each other , are just getting exposed. So, our main power is our love. And that love is so effective, so kind, so tender, so beautiful, it has to be felt and to be enjoyed…
H H Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
Talk before Shri Ganesha Puja 1990-0826


Wednesday, August 25, 2021

The True Prophet and Religion


If we consider the most ancient evidence left by homo sapiens, we can see that man has always been aware of the existence of a Supreme Being, who is Lord of all things and of all living creatures.

Using every conceivable means, human beings of every era have always tried to show their feelings of deep respect (and reverence) towards God and to perform what is due to their Creator.

This is why Islam has always stressed the possibility of direct communication with God. Even those who have fallen into idolatry have never denied the existence of the Creator, but have simply put their idols and images in His place. And this is still happening today. This being the case, how can we recognise a true prophet and what is his or her mission?

The mission of the prophets is to reveal the will of God, that is, to provide a logical and tangible explanation of religion as it is experienced in our daily lives.

Genuine monotheism - the belief in a Supreme Being - means (or implies) the unshakeable oneness of the whole creation between man and God. Monotheism proves then, the pointlessness of idols and of images that come between man and God. The mission of the prophets is thus to set human beings on the right track, and in order to do this, the prophets have used two parallel and complementary paths:

- the way of learning, based on theology and philosophy
- and the way of Self-Knowledge or Self-Realisation

This is why we find in our Holy Book, the Koran, both scholastic discourse and phrases which hint at the"Way in"to knowledge of the Highest Self. The concrete means of putting this message into practise is what is offered to us in this age by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi.

To back up this Truth, if you will allow me. I will quote these words of the Prophet Muhammad, who tells us: "God is closer to man than his own veins.”And the Prophet says: "With the knowledge of the Spirit, man will begin to know himself, so as to finally achieve knowledge of God.” "With the purification of his inner being, man becomes conscious that he is the Spirit.”

It is thus the experience of spontaneous Self Realisation - which is revealed by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - and Sahaja Yoga - which is the practise which she teaches - both spontaneous Self Realisation and Sahaja Yoga are in perfect harmony with the teachings of Islam. It is because of this revelation by Shri Mataji that I have wanted to speak to you tonight.”

Ayatollah Dr. Mehdi Rouhani
Royal Albert Hall, UK - July 3, 1997

Thursday, August 19, 2021

Sahajayoga- discovery through Islamic Scholars


H.A.R. Gibb, J.H. Kramers, Shorter Encyclopaedia of Islam
E.J. Brill, Leiden 1953, p.24.

“Allah sends to this nation at the beginning of each century those who renew the religion.” [Sunan Abi Dawud (4291)] This is an authentic hadith that has enjoyed widespread acceptance among Muslims.

Given all the above facts concerning Hidjra (Hijrah or Hegira) the starting point of the Islamic period begins at the end of the year 622. "Early in the 14th century of the Hidjra" is 1923. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi was born the 21st of March 1923! This priceless prediction of Nabi Muhammad has manifested exactly as foretold 14 centuries ago. Surely the Hypocrites and Wrongdoers (Zalimun) are not going to deny the prophecy of Prophet Muhammad, their revered Messenger of Allah. Surely the Unbelievers (Al-Kafirun) are not going to deny the Promised Mahdi Shri Nirmala Devi, an Androgynous Being in the Spirit World.

Islamic Conference Focuses On Sahaja Yoga

LUCKNOW (Feb 9) - Interpretation of the Quran in the light of Sahaja Yoga was the topic of the first international conference of the Islamic Study Group in the city here on Sunday. Various Muslim scholars from around the globe dwelt on the divine powers of Nirmala Devi, who has rediscovered the magic of 'sahaj yoga.' The members discussed the benefits of this form and how Muslims could benefit from it.

Speaking on occasion, Mr. Husain Top, a renowned sufi saint from Turkey, said the seven heavens mentioned by the prophet were in fact seven 'chakras' of consciousness.

"The Almighty is pleased after one attains a higher state of consciousness through self-purification and meditation," he said.

"God sees through man and he hears through man," the sufi saint said. Mr. Top said in the final stage of consciousness man is enveloped by the will of God and in this state he attains union with the Almighty and finds peace.

Mr. Jamal from Algeria revealed that 'Qayamet' or Doomsday as is generally understood, is not destruction but resurrection attaining enlightenment.

Mr. Javed Khan, president of the Indian Taekwondo Association and the All-India Kickboxing Federation, said the 'meraj' or ascent can be attained through self-realization, which happens spontaneously in Sahaja Yoga. The Quran and the Hadith speak specifically about 'meraj,' he said.

Dr. Amjad Ali from Australia spoke on the same topic and explained the matter in detail. He related every aspect of his theory to the electromagnetic field of the energy present within every individual, which he termed as 'chakras.' Explaining the position of the 'kundalini,' which he said was the breath of god in the human body, Mr. Amjad Ali said the 'kundalini' ascends from the base of the spine to the top of the head, which when aroused leads to self-realization.

Dr. Zafar Rashid from the United Kingdom talked about incarnations. He said the holy ghost was in fact the primordial feminine power called 'AdiShakti.' "It is through this 'shakti' that we can attain salvation," he said.

Mr. Majeed Golpour from Iran said resurrection is also the time for advent of the 12th. Imam or the 'Ma'dhi' (which Javed said was in fact 'AdiShakti'.) Mr. Golpour said from the various signals he received from time to time, it has become clear that 'Adishakti' or the 'imam ma'hdi' had come to Earth in the form of Nirmala Devi.”

The Hindustan Times, Feb. 9, 1998


Sunday, August 8, 2021

Meditation in sahajayoga form helps to quit smoking and drinking liquor


Sahajyoga  Meditation,helped many quit smoking

Sahajayoga is a unique meditation technique and as one learns it and practices daily gets multiple health benefits.  Many people who are addicted to smoking and tried hard to give up smoking, can easily encounter this problem and get rid of smoking in a more natural manner as a result of awakening of kundalini.

In many parts of the world many seekars have successfully given up smoking and also other types of addiction. In meditation by sahajayoga way, you become self enlightened, awakened from inside, which gives you rare light of discerning good and bad things.  In the process you give up bad habits harmful for health and life by your own desire.  It is great victory over badhabits which is of permanent nature.

One of the testimonial from  Mr Hemant Kumar Bhatnagar from India clearly explains above process.   He  started smoking since 1973 after passing class XI in childhood, and could never gave it up for many years.  Even after marriage he could not give up smoking. During a casual discussion with brother he came to know about sahaja yoga. After practicing sahajayoga he could successfully quit smoking.  On new year party of 1999 he lit the cigarette and suddenly did not like it.  He threw it and the packet and since then he is no more smoker. He also lost desire to drink liquor. 

Sahajayoga by mataji Nirmaladevi has helped  thousands of people like this to quit smoking and drinking liquor.  Those people are at peace now and experience qualitative change in life.

Monday, August 2, 2021

Seven Chakra Benefits through Sahajayoga

Mataji Nirmaladevi has awakened the kundalini of lakhs of people all over the world free of cost. It is unique gift to humanity by the Adishakti Mataji Nirmaladevi. She has spread sahajayoga for the benefit - physical, mental, social of all the people.

Sahajayoga meditation is based on Kundalini awakening and thereby opening all the seven chakras from Muladhar to Sahastrar and as  a result providing multiple benefits associated with opening of each chakra.  For this purpose we must understand the subtle system in the body made of nadis and chakras.

Understand the subtle system- The subtle system is made up of nadis and chakras. The nadis or channels carry energy through the body, while the chakras or "wheels" are the energy centers of the body. There are three primary vertical energy channels and seven main chakras. This system can only be activated with the awakening of the Kundalini. Kundalini awakening purifies and balances the system and illuminates and purifies the chakras.

• Each chakra has spiritual abilities. The chakras still exist in the body, but they only manifest all their qualities when the Kundalini is awakened.

• When the Kundalini rises and nourishes the chakras, our body automatically becomes dynamic, creative, confident and very humble.

Know the spiritual capabilities of the chakras-

The chakras are called wheels because the energy here rotates with a frequency, similar to a galaxy of planets spinning around its axis. The chakras are found throughout the spinal cord region and control and maintain the proper functioning of the body system. What attracts and interrupts the chakras affects their sensitivity and performance. Self-realization will illuminate the central nervous system and allow you to feel each of the seven chakras.

• The Mooladhara or the first chakra will help you to rediscover your innocence and your innocent and intuitive wisdom.

• The second chakra or Swadisthana will stimulate your creative instincts and develop pure knowledge.

• In the Nabhi, the third chakra, the realization of your realizations will be satisfied and your inner peace will settle in you.

• Your heart will be open to family and friends during the fourth chakra or anahat with compassion.

• Vishuddhi, the fifth chakra, requires good communication, a sense of perspective, and a balanced handling of stressful situations.

At the sixth chakra, or agnya, your forgiveness will allow you to move forward in life without resentment or hatred. You will be able to identify with your freedom and the strength of your inner being.

• Finally, the final chakra, sahasrara, allows you to have a transformative connection that allows you to understand a deeper and truer meaning