331de4708b05e1c7e3d68a6f68a1dc3c24899f06 Sahajayoga- Meditation techniques acclaimed worldwide: May 5, 2021


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Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Last Judgement -Simplicity and purity will rule


We are heading towards a Golden Era . This is the last stage of dark age .

Last year we celebrated the Golden year of Sahasrara ,every word Mother spoke and prophecised seems to be written in Gold .
So many incarnations incarnated on Earth to spread the message of peace and love but we human beings are really strange .We want all good things in the world to happen with us .This self love has reached to such a depth that we are falling down in the the deep well of filth filled with the dirt of greed ,ego ,cruelty.
Human beings have shamed the humanity .Disgraced this body ,mind and their birth by all kinds of nonsensical things .
This beautiful garden on Mother Earth ,which divine created with so much of Love has turned into a wild forest .
Everybody is on the move .All are running after something or the other ..No time to stop by and introspect and to appreciate the beauty of nature.
Today ,the World has come to a standstill . Mother Earth is not able to carry the burden of these strange ,weird species called ‘Human Beings ‘.Nature wants to bloom ,Mother Earth wants to heal and for that ,this strange species had to be quarrentined .
Before the dawn of Satyuga ,time is given for we humans to introspect and take our self realisation and that is Kritayuga ,the ongoing time which is going to end soon .
Now again Divine has given us one last chance to improve ourselves ,to go deeper into our ascent .
This great lock down ,quarrentine is nothing but the time given to we human beings before moving on to Satyuga .
We have to get our basics right to bask in bliss and Joy of golden age .
Always remember ,we are the choosen ones ,laying the foundation of heaven on Earth .Every street will be paved with Gold where a true Yogi walks down.
This is the most historic time .This is the Last judgement that has already started.No escape for any human being .Most awaited time has come . Yes ,blossom time has come .Lets keep reminding ourselves again and again .
We are almost running out of time .Lets spread Mother’s love everywhere .Let’s save whatever we can as clearing has already started .
We don’t know what lies ahead of us but one thing is sure that in this divine wrath all the hindrances coming in the way of purity ,righteousness love ,peace will be fully destroyed .
Simplicity and purity will rule .All false ideas ,beliefs ego and conditionings will be utterly destroyed .
Love will prevail over hatred .Dharma will be established in the true sense .There will be heaven on Earth . This is a beautiful vision which will soon turn to reality .
A day to truly realise the divinity in ourselves and the power of vibrations with in us .
Let’s promise our Mother to be her beautiful instruments spreading the nectar of Nirmal love in whatever way we can . Let’s make this instrument so melodious that only sweetness flows and our aura glows . This is the best gift we can offer to our holy Mother on this special occasion of Sahasrara Day .
Happy Sahasrara day to all of us