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Friday, February 10, 2023

Controlling Ego and Superego


Controlling Ego and Superego.....
First, I will speak in Hindi language and then in English. We are such a cosmopolitan people that I don’t know what language to take to. [Shri Mataji speaks in Hindi]
I am talking to them about Shiva’s worship – what should happen to you. But today, I am going to tell you about the internal happening within us when you get your realization. There are eleven rudras placed here – eleven rudras. They are particles, we can say, anshas as they call it, of Shiva’s powers. And all of them try to take out, or to remove all the false ideas we have about life. When the Kundalini rises, they all get enlightened - eleven of them. And, say for example, Buddha had a part of that; Mahavira had a part of that. Now, all of them, what they do is to control us from falling into the prey of various things. Like, we have an ego. So, Buddha will look after the ego part. He will see that you get shocked by your ego. You will be quite amazed how you could be so egoistical, and so insulting, and so humiliating. But when this rudra is not awakened, when there is no light in this rudra, then what happens? You start justifying yourself. You think whatever you do is correct, whatever you’ve done, whatever you’ve said, whatever you have achieved, you think is your right. You’ve done nothing wrong. For that, this Buddha’s rudra has to be awakened.
On the contrary, if you go on pampering your ego, if you go on becoming egoistical, you become absolutely a right-sided personality. Once you are a right-sided personality, you know what all the symptoms there are of such a person. Now, for that if you just watch and introspect and see for yourself what ego has done to you, what wrong ideas you had about yourself. So that’s why Mohammed Sahib has said, “Beat yourself with shoes.” He didn’t know what else to tell. Because this ego business can really burst you, your head completely, and you may land up into so many difficulties. Ultimately, I have seen people developing this yuppie’s disease where the conscious mind becomes absolutely useless, cannot move. Consciously people cannot move. Unconsciously they will, but not consciously. And this disease is so horrible. A person becomes like a reptile. You have to carry them on your body. They can’t walk on their own. They can’t sit on their own. In a very young age this can happen. This is happening in America. Also, I have seen two, three cases here, in India, also such a thing is happening.
So if you do not try to see your ego and control it, and feel repentant about it. In Sahaja Yoga, there is nothing like repentance, we don’t believe in repentance. Because we believe that you all have got your realization. You are beyond any mistakes. It’s not true. We have to repent. There’s a, in English, there is a word – sorry. Sorry, for everything they will say sorry. Even telephone if you pick up, they’ll say, “sorry.” I say, “Sorry, for what?” But this sorry itself is very empty. It has no meaning. It has no depth. When you say “sorry,” you have to see why you are saying “sorry,” and what is to be corrected. This is a very big problem of today’s generation where people have developed such tremendous ego - because all our economic growth, all our industrial developments, all our big, big organizations, all of them have given us a way that we should all develop our ego. If we don’t develop our ego, we will be lost; we are nowhere. And that’s how we start pampering it, and then this right-sided problem starts. Then as a reaction, it goes to the left side.
Actually, in the head it is on the right side. Here is the right side ego comes up, so the left rudra is that of Mahavira. So people do things, which are sinful, which are wrong, which are against Shri Ganesha. Then also there are controlling powers of Mahavira, who controls. He says, “You will go to hell. This will happen.” He describes all the hell, all kinds of hell, that you’ll go to hell and you’ll be burnt alive - I don’t know, all kinds of things He describes to frighten you. But that doesn’t help. So people start getting more onto the left side and, I should say, through this rudra, when this rudra gets helpless, then a tremendous depression comes in. One feels very depressed. “Oh God. What a depression I have. I am so sick. I am this thing.” And then you try to frighten others with your depressions. You show sort of a, what you call, a emotional blackmail you do. All kinds of things you will do, and beat your head and do all kinds of things. Could be through ego, could be through this left side problem of the left rudra.
These two rudras are very important because they are directly connected with our left and right sympathetic nervous system. So, it’s very important to see that you don’t fall a prey to these rudras. These rudras are to be satisfied. So to be normal, at least look after these two rudras, which are: one is one who controls the ego, and another is self-pity. “I just can’t do it, I’m this, that” and all kinds of depression. All this works out into, physically also, into very serious problems like cancer. If the rudras are caught up, you develop cancer. But all this portion gets swollen up. It’s called as the medha. This all portion gets swollen up, and you can see a cancer patient having a swelling all over. At least would be here, or may be there. Because such a swing in the nature of a person that you can’t say from which rudra they have developed these psychosomatic troubles.