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Thursday, August 31, 2023

Morality is extremely Important for Mahalaxmi Principle


Morality is extremely important for Mahalakshmi principle.…..

those who are on the Mahalakshmi Principle have to know one thing that morality is the basis of your country. That is the strength of Shri Ganesha. If this strength is not manifested one will never go up to a point which is Virat.

So in our sahaj culture, we have to understand that morality is extremely important for Mahalakshmi principle. Because of the western culture just coming into this vacuum is very dangerous I have to tell you, again and again, be careful. Many people who came to Sahaja yoga not in Russia have fallen off because of immoral attachments. But in a very sahaj manner, you can be moral. You do not have to force yourself or compel yourself but spontaneously you will manifest morality in your lifestyle. In India we have some immoral behaviour no doubt but it is not their lifestyle so some people may be immoral but they are not the whole of the society. Moreover, the responsibility is more on women who respect their chastity. If a woman is moral then the children become moral and the husband also comes to morality but if the woman is immoral then the whole society is finished. So the responsibility of keeping the social balance in society is entirely of women. It means you have to be alert that you do not deviate from the balance of Mahalakshmi principle into something that is destructive. All the prophets have created a sense of balance, righteousness, of dharma. The reason is that they were in the Void in Bhava Sagara. Moreover the more rigid is the religion, like Catholic or Islamic, then people tend to be immoral because they are suppressed so they want to take out their oppression in this way that they just go amok.
So we should also understand that the sense of morality is given to us it’s already innately placed within us. Even if you see small girls or small boys they have a great sense of shame.
This innate sense keeps the children innocent and they do not like things which are repulsive or destructive spontaneously. But as you grow suddenly this Mahalakshmi principle starts to go away from the central path. Another horrible temptation or we can say manifestation is that of anger. If you are an angry person then you can not maintain your connection with the divine power. It is important to be very watchful to see that when you are moving in the central path you do not get diverted…. Because anger, aggressiveness hot temper are not the signs of saintliness. ..
Sahaja Yogis should be very careful to see that they are not captured by this anger. From anger rise so many problems, But anger comes also physically from the liver. And also jealousy the Ego wants to overpower people because they are jealous. So this anger is to be seen to be watched all the time. Because its a killer of joy. Understanding is only possible when you are alert and watch yourself see yourself why does anger come to us? Anger makes our discretion absolutely miserable. It makes our agnya absolutely {inaudible}. So the solution of anger is love. If the ego is hurt people get anger. People always try to take the advantage of angry people. Pampering your Ego you can create hatred for another race. …
..with Ego you think only that I am right. Because of Ego you do not hurt yourself you hurt only others so you are not at a disadvantage. That means this Ego can make a beast out of you. And Mahalakshmi principle can become lost.
Firstly must be understood that to keep in the centre we should take peaceful decorous life. In Sahaja yoga it is easy to understand once your agnya is caught up you get a headache then you want to clear it out (that agnya). It is sometimes so painful that you feel like breaking your head. So this Ego which is our hidden enemy always takes us away from Mahalakshmi principle. Also we have some conditionings which take us away from Mahalakshmi principle. Many people believe that if you have to achieve God you must suffer. Then you unnecessarily try to torture yourself. You try to fast and to sleep on the open grounds and do all kinds of things to your body. So with Ego you pamper your body care too much for your comfort and with conditionings, you try to torture yourself.
In Sahaja yoga we care for the comfort of the spirit. There are no more sufferings needed nothing is needed you are just there enjoy! if you can not enjoy in Sahaja yoga then you should know that you are not manifesting Mahalakshmi principle. ..
H H Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Shri Mahalakshmi Puja, Russia, 1922-08-09

Monday, August 28, 2023

Meaning of "Many Mansions" from holy Bible


◄ John 14 ►
Peshitta Holy Bible Translated
Lord Jesus speaks:
1“Let not your heart be troubled. Believe in God and believe in me.”
2“There are many lodgings (mansions) in my Father's house, and if not, I would have told you, because I go to prepare a place for you.”
3“And if I go to prepare a place for you, I shall come again and bring you to join me, that where I am you shall be also.”
4“And where I am going, you know, and you know the way.”
Question: What is meant in the bible where it says, “In my Father’s house there are 'many mansions.' ”
Shri Mataji: "There are many 'mansions' because these are all the mansions. There are seven centers (Chakras) in the head here, all of them, the seats are there. And in His house there are many mansions.
Supposing you are an artist, you are a musician, you can enter into the 'mansion of music' (the 2nd Chakra Swadisthana) where you enjoy the essence of those things.
Many mansions, it’s the description of the greatness, the varieties of His beauty and His splendor."
'We have to realise that we are now part and parcel of the Cosmic Consciousness itself.
The Brahman, the one that creates, which coordinates, which plans everything, down to the last details, the one that loves through its creation - that is through its own expression - handles it.
We can regulate it. We can use it. We can work it out.
When we are in this state, we are Guru. 'Guru' means that which is higher or stronger than the gravity of the Earth.'
Extract from a talk on Guruship - Gmunden, Austria, 6th July 1986

Friday, August 25, 2023

The Chakras above Sahasrara


“God has created fourteen levels within us. If you simply count them, then you know that there are seven chakras within us. Beside these, there are two more chakras, about which you do not talk much. They are the Chakra of Moon (Lalita) and Chakra of Sun (Shri). Then there is Hamsa Chakra. Thus, there are three more. Seven plus three makes ten. Then there are four chakras above Sahasrara. And about these chakras also I have told you: Ardha-bindu, Bindu, Valaya, and Pradakshina. These are the four. After coming to Sahaja Yoga and after your Sahasrara has opened, you have to pass through these four chakras, Ardha-bindu, Bindu, Valaya, and Pradakshina. After passing through these four chakras only you can say that you have become a Sahaja yogi. And if you see from another angle, we have to cross fourteen stages in reaching up to Sahasrara. If you divide them then there are seven chakras situated on the Ida Nadi and seven on the Pingala Nadi. ... This 'fourteen' is very important in Kundalini Shashtra (science). Very important. It's a very important thing. We should fully understand that we become entitled to the blessings of Sahaja Yoga only after rising above these fourteen stages.”
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi,
14th Sahasrara Day, 1983
(Courtesy: Irene Vidos)
May be a graphic of text that says 'The chakras above Sahasrara Shri Valaya Shri Bindu Shri Ardha Bindu Shri Amruta Dayini ................... Shri param atma Shri Sadashiva Shri Adi Shakti Sahasrara Actual proportions'

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

You Better Have Faith in GOD


For human beings the future, past, present exists, but for God it does not. So for Him to plan and to organise and arrange is a very easy stuff because, if you do not have such demarcating things, you just organise things much better. And His methods are because of His own awareness, status, almightiness; or it’s just His nature that He’s like that, that He can manage things very well. And you cannot explain them with one event after another event, how He has managed and how it has happened. He does it just because He is capable of doing that. He need not do it, all that, with understanding or thinking about it, as human beings do, because he does not have to think either, because He is that. He is the power and He does everything. He is the consciousness, so he does everything without putting any effort into it. And is a very different state, which perhaps you can understand, as Sahaja Yogis that, just you move your hands and you find the Kundalini moving the other side! And you may say, “Why is it moving?” after all, you must think about it. You are realised so you can do it, but not a person who is not realised; if he put’s hand like that a hundred times nothing is going to work out. Only you can raise the Kundalini. The reason is: your awareness is different and his awareness is different; your powers are different and his powers are different.
So, in the same way, God, who is All Powerful, for Him, even [by] moving His finger He can move the whole Universe, after all He is God. AND THAT'S WHY FOR HUMAN BEINGS IT IS SAID THAT YOU BETTER HAVE FAITH IN GOD, because that’s the best way you can solve your problem.
26 - 01 - 1977

Saturday, August 19, 2023




Sahaja Yoga gives you the complete picture of the totality of consciousness. As you grow higher and higher in Sahaja Yoga you yourself understand and can work out this great system.
First, we have to accept that we are not only this human body, nor are we emotions, neither are we ego and conditionings, but we are the Pure Spirit. One other thing that we have to understand, that there is an all-pervading power of Love which does all this living work of creating flowers, fruits, and making us human beings.
Of course, in science they do not talk of love but even the doctors have to love the patients otherwise they cannot dedicate.
First the doctor has to become the Spirit. He has to feel the cool vibrations on his head which are the fruit of this all-pervading power of Love. This is the instrument which you have to use, first of all for cleansing yourself and for cleansing others.
In the medical terminology we can say that the parasympathetic system is looked after by the central channel and the left and right is looked after by two more channels.
According to Sahaja Yoga, left and right sympathetic are two separate energies. The left one is the one which comforts us, the right one is the one which counsels us and the centre one is the one which redeems us. All this happens after realization, because you have to have the correction.
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
2 July 1990

Thursday, August 17, 2023

Self Realisation Alone is not Enough


Many people come to our meetings, few get their realisation, or many get their realisation, makes no difference to me or anyone or to Sahaja Yoga, or to you, because, if there are seeds which are just sprouted and are wasted, they are wasted as if they are not sprouted. They do not grow. They are just like any other seeds which have not been touched by the Divine. Even if you get realisation, which is now quite easy for people to get to, they are for it, because the Divine is anxious, because your creator is anxious, to manifest itself, but to settle down as a realised soul is difficult. I have to tell you at the very outset that if you have to mature into it you have to understand yourself. You must have your self-esteem. If you just are here for a shopping,, “Oh, alright, let’s hear Mother also’, that’s not the way it is going to work out. If you are people of that calibre, then only you can ascend. There’s nothing else needed of you. You may be a prime minister or you may be a queen or you may be just a parlour maid, makes no difference to the Divine. You may be a socialist, communist or a capitalist, makes no difference. You may be this colour, that colour, makes no difference. But you have to have the calibre of a true seeker, who is intelligent enough to see that he has not come on this earth just to be wasted. If you make many instruments and if they are just wasted, they are not put to the mains, they are good for nothing, they have very loose connections, He’ll just say, “Cancel all these. Stop this factory. There’s no use having any more creations.”
Only those who are mature enough who have self-esteem – even age, you’ll be surprised, does not matter – I’ve seen people who are eighty years of age could be very stupid, and people who are very young, very small children also, could be great. So it is the inner quality of a person, his maturity, that matters in Sahaj Yoga. I know it is rather difficult to understand that why, if it is Sahaja, if the Kundalini rises so easily in us, why is it we take time to establish ourselves? The reason is very simple. We are not simple people, we are not, we are very complicated. We have complicated our lives with so many problems.
🔱💖Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi💖🔱
❤️🧡🤎💜Aug 16, 1982💚💛💙🤍

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

You are wearing a Banner of God - You have to be Pure, Clean, Beautiful and Loving People


Try to remember-you are wearing the banner of God.”
Yoga is to be established on two points. The sin against the Mother and the sin against the Father. Sin against the Mother is when you do not look after your chastity. Your attention has to be pure and purer and purest. And the sin against the Father is when you try to make money here and there: cut corners and try to save money and run after money and worry about it. Any such enterprise, any such thing: underhand dealings, high hand dealings, anything like that, is the sin against the Father.
You are the people who have started believing, also, that money is not important. So, according to them, if you make some frauds it doesn’t matter, “After all money is not important so what?” And they have reached such conclusions. But in the name of God, to take a single pie is a sin. In the same way, to mishandle even a single pie while dealing with God – be careful, I am telling you! And grace cannot help you there! And this is a very sensitive point. For you it may not be, but for God it is. Those who make money in the name of God are equally bad [as] those who try to do anything to hide money. It’s just the same.
This is the work of God and you have to be pure people, you have to be clean, beautiful, loving people, like children. Christ has said that you have to be like children to be able to enter into the Kingdom of God. But you have entered and you’ll be thrown back!
There is more attention towards gaining more power, like saying mantras after mantras, this, that, just to gain power. What power is this? The power is of innocence and of purity. There is no other power higher than this – of simple innocence and purity. And you know that from me. An innocent person can never be harmed. Try to be humble and ask for innocence to be re-established within you. A cunning man goes a very little way to his doom, very fast. If somebody cheats you it does not matter but if you cheat someone, you will be doubly punished because you are a yogi, you are wearing the banner of God. Try to remember this. I do not think you should….
H H Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, in Dollis Hill Ashram, London (uk) 27/08/1980

The Mistake and the Counter Mistake


Part One
We make mistakes. Sometimes we sin. And as we do so, or thereafter, we become aware of it. We know we have done something wrong. It is what it is. A direct mistake that has a specific nature and goes against an innate principle of our divine subtle being.
The counter-mistake though, is often far worse. What is the counter-mistake? Well, our reaction to our primary mistake. Causing a secondary mistake.
We witness our primary mistake and then, react with shame. Feeling we aren't worthy to some degree. We may even stop meditating. We may take Shri Mataji's photo down in our shame. We feel guilty. We may stop the flow of our love and qualities. And so a secondary mistake becomes a response pattern.
Negativity itself often makes great efforts to manipulate our weakness in the primary mistake. But why? It often does it to cause the secondary mistake. Because in the secondary mistake we turn our face away from our ascent. Be it for a few days, a few weeks, or a few years.
This is the meaning of part one, of 'The mistake and the counter-mistake'.
Part two and part three are very easy to work out. For they are simply; part two is that same but towards other individuals we judge in the same way. And part three is exactly the same but towards the collective.
The best stance we can have to... 🤔 Counter the counter-mistake is to be detached enough about our primary mistake and continue with love. And with understanding. Forgiving ourselves and not judging so harshly is the best shield we have. We must be transparent and caring. Patient. And rekindle our persistence to grow deeper into our ascent knowing full well that we Inevitably will make mistakes again.

Sunday, August 13, 2023


It is the state of mind one has to achieve. There you do not judge anyone, you don’t judge anyone. You know there is a defect, but you envelope it with your love, make a beautiful pearl out of that. Like the sun shine that is spreading everywhere, it does not see any defects and count the leaves, it just gives and gives and gives. That’s how one has to achieve that state where you just give without consideration of my-my or material considerations and other nonsensical gross methods of approaching it. Allow your heart to melt it, allow love to slip and you are enjoying it, nobody else, you really enjoy it. If others get angry with you so what, if they say anything nonsensical, so what, you are not enjoying them, you are enjoying yourself. This is real love and not a farce.

For love I have to write books. If all the oceans become the ink and the sky becomes paper, I cannot write. It is so beautiful, it is so energy giving, it is so radiant. I cannot tell you how many words one can have for that.

You achieve that love, that ‘s real love not the way human beings describe it. It gives forgiveness that you enjoy. It gives complete confidence; it gives you complete self respect and respect of another person. It is the communication of the Spirit with others, it’s not rational, it may not be logical. We cannot explain how God grace for it. For example an archbishop of black magic gets Realization. I am [?] enamored, I am enamored by the grace. Those who were going to hell are given the beauty of the Self. Can you describe it in human words, you cannot. This is love

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
Jun 20, 1989

Thursday, August 10, 2023

What is Sahaja Yoga ??


" What is Sahaja yoga?
Sahaja yoga. ‘Saha’ means with you and ‘ja ‘means born. ‘Yog’ means your attention’s union with God ‘s power of love that is spread all around. This occurance itself is called ‘yog’. This is the birth right of every human being. To get it , as the other meaning of ‘Sahaj” is easy, spontaneous. For this, there is proper arrangement within us. There is nobody within whom there is no such arrangement means within your triangular bone which is called ‘Sacrum’ in English language It means that Greeks knew that the triangular bone is sacred, means it is pure. That is why its name is ‘Sacrum’ since eternity. Now this bone In this triangular bone three and half circles the power that is inherent in it, is called Kundalini in Sanskrit.
Within us God has bestowed three more powers too. One of those powers is that we desire. Our power of desire, our everyday work of the power of desire. And another is our power of action. This nourishes our sympathetic nervous system. Its nourishment depends upon these two chakras. First power, with the help of which we desire the channel through which that power is broadcasted is called Ida Nadi. And the other power that gets activated they do the work for the desire they have with their existence and their body that power which we can say is our right sympathetic nervous system. But its name is Pingala Nadi. In this way , there are two channels within us.
Ida and Pingla Nadi. Apart from these there is third channel within us. This is called Sushumna, which is in the center, is called Madhya Marg. Both these powers come from left and right and join like this. And in the center a chakra is made (Showing with Her hands) within the central chakras our physical, mental, intellectual, cultural even our spiritual, all progress is settled. When these chakras get damaged on some account, or their power recedes and is destroyed then we face so many types of degeneration, physical, mental, intellectual and spiritual. This which is built within us is like a great subtle tantra (mechanism). but the difference between tantricks and us is that tantricks don’t know anything about this mechanism and falsely they say that they are tantricks and say ‘we do this , we do that’. But mostly tantricks use Bhoot Vidya. And they mesmerize people with that Bhoot Vidya The same vidya (Knowledge) that we call Pret Vidya, Mashan Vidya etc., there are so many names.
Now the powers that are within us apart from that there is fourth power within us. Till we were not human beings, this fourth power did not evolve. Till then these three powers were implemented and whatever our progress was going on we should say that in our evolution was fully going on with the help of these three powers. For example, first power is ‘power of desire’ second is ‘power of action’. And the third power is which we can say is the cordination of the two or balance or we can say is the middle path. By and by, a human being has reached this state that he in this Kaliyuga is in hassle. Sometimes he follows a wrong path, acts wrongly and in a way destroys himself completely. Secondly, he behaves in such a manner that he becomes very wicked, is full of ego and is very agressive with the people. Its example is let us try to understand that by following both the paths we feel that we are progressing. What is wrong with this, it is good, it is freedom for us.
But it is different to know the tantra of (SAV) We are talking here about tantra of (SAV) First of all, it should be understood that if we knew only truth, knew absolute truth there would have been no disputes of the present. So, something else should be within us and because of which we will come to know that which is only ‘Truth’. After knowing all this, they will accept one thing because within them they have felt only ‘ Truth.’ Now for awakening the kundalini for the last so many years Nathpanthis did a lot of work. In this work of Nathpanthis, there was a system, a tradition that one guru would awaken only one disciple. and would work only for one disciple And sometimes these disciples would follow the wrong path and would not follow their advice. According to Me, in the twelfth century[ie 1200s] for the first time, Gyaneshwara wrote about kundalini in his commentary about Gita. In sixth chapter, has openly said as we should say, keeping in mind the conditions of that age had openly said in that period. when religious practitioners said it has not been prooved and so don’t read it. Before that, Markandeya Swamy, Adi Shankaracharya who had come in sixth century [ie 600s], told about Kundalini in Sanskrit language.
But common man didn’t know him. Secondly, which means that when only one person will work with one disciple it would spread among the ordinary people. After that there were many religions in the world. and spread also too much. But without Kundalini awakening, no dharma gets success because whatever dharma a human being does, that is just external. Every type of equipment every type of, we should say which results in too much ritualism and because of that ritualism, a human being does not get benefitted in anyway from religion. That is why we find that now a days a human being has some assumtions about dharma. One will say i am Christian, another will say i am Muslim. Now, Christian and Muslim religions are very rigid. Because in Christian religion, Christ has written that if your one eye does any wrong act, take it out and if your one hand does a wrong act break it, cut it.
But I have not seen anyone doing so among Christians. And Muslim religion is even more rigid than that. They have put such restrictions even on women. That those who are not ordinary human beings. They were, as if highly proficient for some God’s angles. The restrictions they had told about religion only they can do and nobody else. Then what it led to, was that within a human being hypocricy evolved, a religious hypocrisy. To awaken dharma inside, kundalini should be awakened. It means that when dharma awakens within a human being he becomes dharmic. He doesn’t have to be told.
The reason is that when kundalini awakens your spirit comes into your attention. In the same way, a human being does what is joy giving for him is nutritous, is constructive for him and whatever is destructible, is destrucive, (is given up). Until the light of his spirit doesn’t get awakened they do all wrong acts. It is not his fault. If anyone walks or falls down in dark he should not be blamed. In the same way within you, you should analyse first. You might say that we belong to this religion we belong to that religion and you are fighting on that account, that is wrong. All religions were beautiful flowers of one spiritual tree which were plucked. and after plucking say this is our flower, this is our flower and so are fighting among themselves. How can you fight in the name of God?
Because God is the giver of love, He is compassionate. God who is the ocean of love, people fight in His name. It is not possibe. Because they haven’t known God as yet haven’t acquired His power as yet. I have seen in Sahajyoga that thousands of people together get this power. It is very surprising. First of all, when I started this work only with one woman started and after that and twelve people got self realization. When experience takes place this all pervading power, this creation full of vibrations, is cool and very comforting power which you on your fingers can see, can know and feel. and even on your palm. Like this when Kundalini pierces six chakras and comes out of Bramharandra then its connection its oneness with all around Divine power of love takes place. "
Shri Mataji Normala Devi-

Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Pray to Almighty


Prayer to Almighty
Ask for --
" Complete satisfaction in my heart, Joy in my heart, Bliss in my heart ; so that the whole world becomes blissful. "
" Give me love, love, that I could love the whole world, and that the whole world become one in Love. "
" Take me to your feet. "
" Cleans me with Thy Love. "
Now see if there's God or not. You can feel it. Within Yourself He hears you. He is the Glory of all the Glory.
He loves you, He protects you, He Guides you. He has created you to be really His Love. But accept it.
Any time any thought is coming to you--- pray; and you will be moving in the way of that Ocean which is unconscious mind, which starts with thoughtless awareness.
If you cannot become thoughtless, you pray to Him: "Forgive me for what I have done, and forgive those who have done harm to me. "
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Mumbai, 9-2-1975