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Monday, July 11, 2022

Benefits of Vibrated water experimented in Agriculture, Forestry


With the spreading of Sahaja Yoga, it became well known that water can be vibrated by Shri Mataji, directly by her personal impact or in the presence of her photograph. Many people experienced medicinal properties of such water

Vibrated water doesn't get spoiled when stored for a very long time, like several months.

Experiment with vibrated water in Agriculture and Forests =

Dr.Hamid Mylany, Iranian by birth, having mastes degree in agriculture from Tehran University, and then awaded scholarship from University of Agriculture, Vienna Austria, and employed by Govt. Of Austria in the forestry commission had done lot of research on benefits of vibrated water in agriculture.  Following are results of experiments made by him and mentioned in a talk while touring in India ar Rahuri,Maharashtra.

After getting my realisation in 1982, I met Shri Mataji personally and was astounded at her divine knowledge on every subject. She did not complicate anything but told me that this all-pervading power has created everything – that it nourishes everything, generates everything and controls everything efficiently – it organises, it thinks and above all, it loves. She taught me how to use vibrations.   

I tried to establish vibrations, which is all-pervading power
, visible through an experiment. At this time, I was working in an International Plant Breeding Company. I had the possibility to experiment with a lot of things, also with vibrated water. I tried a small experiment with vibrated water on tomato plants. It was surprising to find that the tomatoes watered with vibrated water were much bigger, a better colour and even the taste was excellent compared to the ones watered with normal water. The results of this experiment developed my curiosity. It is remarkable to note that in her compassion Shri Mataji has given vibrated tomato seeds to many people free. They have all been planted.   

The next time I expanded my experiment to an aeroponic system. In this system one doesn't use soil – only water with different nutrients added. The result of this experiment showed the same pattern of growth which persuaded me to continue my great interest in vibrated water experiments. After receiving permission from Shri Mataji, I decided to make a field experiment using maize and sunflowers. I sowed a field with 6 repeats of maize and 6 of sunflowers and did the same for the non-vibrated block. Each field was approximately 2 sq. Meters. I sowed the field on 27 May, much later than the farmers in this area. I didn't have a lot of time to take care to irrigate daily so I made up an automatic irrigation system. This had several advantages in that it was independent from me, if the field was watered by someone they could give more water to vibrated crops. So, as it was run by computer the crops received water at exactly the same intervals. The results of this experiment were that the vibrated field produced much greener plants and were about 1 ft. higher. The average weight of the plants was 25% heavier. With the sunflowers we measured the diameter of the flower to be 2 in. more than the non-vibrated. It is again to be mentioned that Shri Mataji has experimented with sunflowers in her farmhouse research work and produced sunflowers tremendously big, more than 12 inches in diameter, very heavy and gave on the average 250 gr. Of oil. This was reported in the newspaper.   

After this experiment the company received an order to put right man dying trees with acid rain. There were many types of forest trees and I had a good chance to test vibrated water with them. I found the results again positive and this gave me an incentive to try and find a way to care for the dying forests of Europe.   

We were given a section of forest in 1986 to begin the experiment. This experiment is going very well. I measured the sap flowing through the trees with a SHIGOMETER. It showed that the sap flow in the vibrated area of forest was much better and more stable. This means that the forest trees have a greater capacity to draw nutrients, resulting in its improvement in growth. I have published the results of this experiment in my book 'what I wrong in our forest', which will be published in February, 1989.   

This so far is what I have achieved with my experiments with vibrated water. I hope that it will be possible for you to continue this new knowledge with vibrated water. It would make me happy if you achieve the same, or if not better results as myself. I wish you all good success. The results of Sahaja Yoga are to a human mind unbelievable. They are so miraculous and the working is so simple that to us, the scientist, it is incredible. But in my honesty and sincerity to humanity I must tell you that this water is made by Shri Mataji and even a few drops can transform ordinary water. It has to be humbly accepted that our Shri Mataji's photographs emit vibrations. You will not believe I used my ring with her photograph in a hose pipe and this water gave the results. Moreover, lately I fixed badges of Shri Mataji's photograph on the trees which were to be saved from the disaster of acid rain, and within a year's time the trees have become alive and growing very well.  Now we Sahaja Yogis say that in Sahaja Yoga the miracles have lost their meaning. In India, the Indian Medical Research has two doctors who have done work with Sahaja Yoga; one has proved that it benefits physical and mental growth; the other has shown how it cures psychosomatic diseases, like cancer etc. We have thousands of cases of cures of incurable diseases. Thousands have overcome their destructive habits of alcohol and drugs. It is a fact and has to be accepted if we really mean to emancipate human beings.   

We all Sahaja Yogis respect your great country and specially Maharashtra because it is an auspicious land of many great saints.   
