331de4708b05e1c7e3d68a6f68a1dc3c24899f06 Sahajayoga- Meditation techniques acclaimed worldwide: Sep 6, 2022


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Tuesday, September 6, 2022

How Sahaja Yoga can helps reduce stress

We live in a restless age- an age where the rapid change in technology is causing a breakdown of values and fragmentation of our personality. The result of this is tremendous psychological disturbances, stress and tension. Additionally, increased stress in the workplace is contributing to rising healthcare costs for employers. Happiness seems to be eluding us and we are constantly seeking answers.

Impact of stress in professional life

At individual level - Lack of focus and sleep, emotional disturbance, lack of peace of mind, adverse impact on health through diseases like obesity, diabetes, increased smoking habits and increased alcoholism.
Impact of stress at team level - Lack of appreciation for other's point of view, less mutual understanding, less consensual and more confrontational, affects team dynamics.
Impact of stress on Organizational level - Low productivity and inefficiency, low employee satisfaction

How Sahaja Yoga can helps reduce stress

1. Sahaja Yoga meditation is a unique solution to many problems we face in life. Sahaja Yoga is different than other yogas because this begins with self realization instead of this being the unobtainable dream of a distant goal. Self realization also known as - "Knowing thy self" can be explained as follows - better understanding of our inner personality and establishment of harmony with the external demands. This can be easily learned and mastered by regular meditation and knowing the foundation of our being which is present as The Subtle System within all of us.

2 Sahaja Yoga completely cures stress by improving emotional well-being and self-Improvement.

The sense of inner calm that you experience during Sahaja’s state of meditation boosts your emotional resilience, which ensures that you can effectively cope with stressful life events now and over the longer term.

3. Sahaja Yoga helps restore balance and a sense of well-being and improve self-esteem. It also revitalizes energy, restores optimism, peace and contentment. You’ll develop the ability to self-regulate your attention and focus on the present moment with curiosity, openness and acceptance.

4. You’ll find that you’re able to observe and monitor your thoughts, feelings and sensations as they’re happening. The result is increased self-awareness, intuition and introspection
5.Your communication skills improve and your compassion and empathy for both self and others is enhanced. You become attuned to both the flow of energy and information within your own mind, as well as to the minds of others. Your overall personality improves. Your relationships improve. Creativity, focus, productivity and decision-making ability improve.
 your compassion and empathy for both self and others is enhanced. You become attuned to both the flow of energy and information within your own mind, as well as to the minds of others. 
6. Your overall personality improves. Your relationships improve. Creativity, focus, productivity and decision-making ability improve.

7. The constant practice of meditation in Sahaja Yoga enhances emotional stability by helping you self-regulate your emotions and respond to life’s stressors reflectively, rather than reflexively.

8. The present-centered awareness that results from the meditation allows helps you manage negative thoughts and feelings and regulate self-damaging emotions such as anger, fear, anxiety and feelings of low self-worth.

9. You’re better equipped to confront and solve your problems, rather than just feeling guilty about your “mistakes.
