331de4708b05e1c7e3d68a6f68a1dc3c24899f06 Sahajayoga- Meditation techniques acclaimed worldwide: Jun 17, 2021


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Thursday, June 17, 2021

Spirituality is not for sale

As per oxford dictionary spirituality means  the quality of being concerned with the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things

Spirituality involves the recognition of a feeling or sense or belief that there is something greater than myself, something more to being human than sensory experience, and that the greater whole of which we are part is cosmic or divine in nature. ... An opening of the heart is an essential aspect of true spirituality.

By awakening of the kundalini, the real path of spirituality opens up for the human being. Mataji Nirmaladevi had been doing this for so many years in various countries of the world. People from all walks of life, religions, nations, financial standing, having different education etc. have really benefiteed in this process.  

Sahajayoga by Mataji Nirmaladevi helps people to get connected with the divine spirit in own body.  When kundalini rises, she being your mother, protects you, guides you, helps you in every possible way .  Only requirement is that you need to be connected with kundalini every day through meditation.  Spiritual progress is possible only through kundalini awakening  through sahajayoga. 

Sahajayogis are fortunate to get Adishakti Mataji as their own guru to impart this knowledge.  People must be away from false gurus, self proclaimed gurus who are crooks and criminals at time, whose eyes are on peoples purses and properties.  Those are not dharmatmas . they are Kugurus.  Please save yourself by such devils in the forms of gurus . 

Get self enlightment from Mataji Nirmaladevi, free for life and enjoy the spiritual ascent. 

Mataji has always said that "Spirituality cannot be bought and sold ".

following is the text of speech given by mataji nirmaladevi in this regard.

Spirituality is not for sale!

I bow to all the seekers of truth. I do not know how to thank the mayor of Oakland and mayor of Berkeley for being so kind to give this certificate to Me. I must say this is a wonderful country where people recognize something that is doing good work. Really remarkable it is. I had been here before, to Berkeley, because everybody tells Me that there are lots of seekers of truth in Berkeley. This is the thing that attracted Me very much. But first of all we should know what are we seeking all these days. Once you start seeking it goes on like a rat-race of seeking. Or have you been able to find something? So what do you have to find in your seeking? As you know, in all the scriptures it is been told that you have to know yourself. You don't know yourself, you don't know what problems you have within. People get into diseases without knowing until it develops into a very serious trouble. Also they go on hurting others, being jealous with others, being in tension and stress. All kind of problems come to them, and they don't know why it happens, why, what is the reason?
Now for that, there is placed within us a beautiful thing called Kundalini which lies in the triangular bone, which is called as "sacrum". That means Greeks knew about it, that's why they called it a sacred bone. In the triangular bone it lies at the base of your spine and this is the one which is going to give you a real ascent. This is the one which is going to connect you to the All Pervading Power of Divine Love. They have all talked about God, Power of God, Divine love, all kinds of things, but we don't know where it is, where does it exist, how it works. If really it is there or not, also we are not very sure. So this power lies within your triangular bone, can you show them? All of you have this power within you. It is not anyone who belongs to any nationality, or to any culture but everyone has this power within himself. But you'll be surprised, how people have made such a horrible picture of Kundalini and they say that when the Kundalini rises you may go mad, you may shout, you must do all kinds of things. Because they have no authority to do it, because they don't know how to do it - that's why they make up a story like that and tell you, because they don't want you to ascend, I think. Or they don't know, they are incapable of awakening the Kundalini. But I must tell you that She is your Mother. She is your individual Mother. She knows everything about you. It is all recorded, whatever was your past, whatever mistakes you committed, whatever aspirations you have, everything She knows about it, it's all recorded there in the 3-1/2 coils. But She is your Mother, your own Mother and when you were born, your Mother took all the trouble upon Herself. She didn't give you trouble. In the same way when this Kundalini rises, She doesn't give you any trouble. Now people are afraid even to talk about Kundalini because those who talked about Kundalini were, I don't know what sort of people they were, and it was such a misleading thing that they thought, it's better not to talk about it. But talk is talk, talk is not everything.
What has to happen is the awakening of this Kundalini. It's an actualization, it is not just talking, giving lectures, you do this, you stand like this, put your hand this way, your legs that way, it's not that. It is very simple, that this Kundalini, which is responsible for your last ascent, your, I should say, the last step in your evolution, this Kundalini is your own Mother and She cannot harm you. She can never do that. This is the fact I would like to tell you first of all. Because I know in America all kinds of people have come from India, those people also they were released from jail, wore some sort of a dress and came here. They are all minting money, that's what they are doing, they are good at it. So if you have any understanding about Divinity you must understand that you cannot sell it and you cannot purchase it. If you can purchase some person then such a person cannot be your master, he can be your servant but not your master. So onc
e you understand this point, it is very important for you people to know that it is not saleable because you know this is a consumer society, and everything has to be sold. But not spirituality, you cannot sell spirituality. And those who sell spirituality are spurious people, they are not real, they are absolutely bogus people as they call them, and you don't waste your energy and money on them."
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi June 5, 2000 Public Program Berkeley, Ca. U.S.A.