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Sunday, March 20, 2022

Birthday of Adishakti Mataji Nirmaladevi


Mataji Nirmaladevi, the founder of Sahaja Yoga was born on 21st March 1923 at Chhindwara in India. In one of her lectures she had clearly told that she had taken birth not as per her wish but due to demand from public at large, becuase of their call and desire, the adishakti had to take rebirth. 

She belonged to Christian family and her surname was Salve before her marriage.  She was the daughter of a very affluent family .  Her father was a  great lawyer and fluent in 14 languages. Mr . Prasad Salve, her father translated the Quran into hindi language.  He was also  member of legislative council of India and helped in writing the Indian Constitution.    Though he was highly respected and honored by britishers, he did not hesitate to join the Indias freedom movement.  He actively participated in the movement also had been jailed for that. He also burnt his own foreign  made clothes in the public square of Nagpur.

Mataji nirmaladevis mother was also freedom fighter and had been to jail for participation in freedom struggle.  She was the first Indian woman to receive an honors degree in mathematics.  She was scholar in Sanskrit and deep knowledge of Indian culture. 

Matajis parents chose the name “Nirmala” which means  “Immaculate”.  Mataji had a very satisfied family life with two daughters.   From the childhood she was aware of a unique gift which she desired to make available to all mankind.  She was fortunate to have close association with Mahatma Gandhi since childhood along with her parents.  Gandhiji was aware of her power from her childhoold and hence sought her advice on spiritual matters at times.   Mataji was actively involved and played a role in quit india movement and hence had to undergo jail term.    She had studied Medicine and Psycology at the Christian Medical College in Lahore.

Mataji Nirmaladevi had  used her life for expansion and spreading of Sahaja yoga all over the world by using her own money and time.  She was aware of the hidden spiritual power in every human being which was known as Kundalini in Hindus, as Ruh in Muslims and known as cool breeze in Bible.   She helped mankind to know this all pervading power .  She found out and established a system whereby people can experience this divine power in the form of cool breeze over the whole body, more particularly on both palms of their hands and on the top of their head – around the fontanel bone area.

Mataji Nirmaladevi is the only guru on this planet who spontaneously gave the experiences of self realization completely freely throught the life.   Even after her passing away the sahajayoga is tought free of charge all over the world.   She was the only one who could awaken the spiritual power  (kundalini) at an en mass level.   A very rare and significant aspect of sahajayoga. 

Sahajayoga is now spread in more than hundred countries and enjoyed by people from all walks of life  without any discrimination as poor or rich, black or white, belonging to all religions and sects of the world.   They are practicising sahajayoga while carrying on their normal family life without any disturbance.  It is the only form of yoga which provides complete satisfaction, and numerous medical beneifits along with mental peace and harmony of body and mind.   For this reasons everyday there are so many seekers all over the world who want to join sahaja yoga and live peaceful life in the world.

For her contirubiton to the human society at large number of national and international awards have been conferred upon her.

On her Birthday all sahajayogis of the world assure her to follow the principles of “Wishwa Nirmala Dharma”.  The values she cherished throughtout the life like Love, Affection, Compassion, would be spread by sahajayogis. 

Mr. Klaus Nobel  once said –

Now, Alfred Nobel thought basically about peace as absence of war, but I assure you that peace is much more than absence of war. I see that peace exists in four specific areas. The first area is the peace that an individual has in him or herself. How do we treat our mind, our emotions and our feelings? How do we treat our body? Are we slaves to other masters or are your own master? Until we have the inner peace in ourselves, we can never have an outer peace in the world.

The safest and best way of finding world peace is to have massmovements that include all religions and philosophies, all enterprises whether they are of political or scientific nature, to realize what inner peace is.

Ladies and gentlemen, the self in us is the divine cosmic power that exists in each and every individual but which is dormant in most people around the world. The spiritual leaders from ancient lore, they knew about this and they spoke about it but this secret of secret has been suppressed deliberately until Shri Mataji, with great courage and great wisdom, being an old soul who decided by herself to come back to the earth at this critical time in our history in order to share her knowledge and wisdom, which is the Sahaja yoga, which is instant self-realization, which is to activate the dormant principle that we all have, the Kundalini, and have the Kundalini to raise up and thus we become what it says in the Bible, you are created in my image. That was the first category, first sphere of peace. The one we have in ourselves.