331de4708b05e1c7e3d68a6f68a1dc3c24899f06 Sahajayoga- Meditation techniques acclaimed worldwide: Aug 24, 2022


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Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Sahaja Yoga - essential-medicine


“Within each individual the subtle energy system or subtle body is divided into 3 channels right, left and centre. The right side channel corresponds to right sympathetic chain of the autonomic nervous system and left hemisphere of the brain. While the left side connects to the right hemisphere of the brain and corresponds to the left sympathetic chain. If a person suffers a stroke in the right lobe of the brain it is commonly known that the left side of the body becomes effective. In line with the opinion of the psychologist sahajayoga identifies the right hemisphere of the brain has been responsible for the functions of the lateral, artistic, expressive thinking. Those functions traditionally believed to be more predominant in a females. The left hemisphere corresponds to functions of the linear, computational and mathematical logic traditionally considered to be predominant brain activity in males.

Dr. Carl Gustakh Jung well known analytical psychologist identifies the left and right side as the anama and anami with the collective unconscious lying in the central channel. Through the studies we observe that in every women there is a masculine aspect within her psyche the architect of the animus and for every men the feminine counterpart the anima. Jung was always aware of the imbalance in western culture in favour of the masculine seen in a preference for logic, analysis and external achievement. These are all claims for mascular side or right side of the psyche within all human beings. A right side channel also provides the energy needed for plan, act, analyze and predict. On the physical level it corresponds to liver and pancreas. “This power of action moves on the right side of the spinal cord and coming to the optic chiasma it crosses over; passes to the left side and creates an institution called ego. The institution of ego is a myth. What we do is to get something dead like some trees dead so make some platform or some furniture, we take some stones and make a hall and we think we have done a great job. Actually what we have done is to reconstructed the dead. But while doing it we get the feeling that we have done it something. That is how our ego develops.

In sahajayoga Tao refers to the balancing of right and left side. When this balance is maintained the healing energy is able to travel on the central channel to integrate and nourish all the energy centers and ultimately keep us in harmony with the balance of nature. “As we have two sides in our system of autonomous nervous system left and right which we call as left and right sympathetic nervous system. The left side caters for our emotions, for our past, our desires. The right side caters for our action physical and mental. If we indulge into one too much and go too far with it you develop an imbalance within yourself. In the centre lies the third power which we call as parasympathetic nervous system. This is channel which is the central path of ascent.
When the kundalini rises through it, it brings you in the balance because it rises in the centre of the system. So this is a minimum that happens that you develop your balance.” The ascent which is the awakening of this feminine energy coiled and sleeping in our sacrum bone nourishes and revives the subtle system. She is like the Mother Earth or our own Mother soothing, nourishing and sustained the powers of gentle and strong. She is the kundalini the very root of our existence.