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Friday, January 18, 2019

Answers by Mataji Nirmaladevi

Mataji Nirmaladevi was often asked so many questions by disciples, followers, visitors, guests relating various problems of life.  Find below some of the important questions and answers with Mataji.

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Question - Joy – Could you explain the difference between joy and happiness?

Answer - Oh, very simple, you know. Joy does not have a double thing like happiness and unhappiness. Joy is singular, absolute. It is absolute. It is thoughtless. It is fulfilment. Happiness is always shadowed by unhappiness. It is the double-coined stuff, double faces of a coin. Happiness will be followed by unhappiness, unhappiness
by happiness. It is a relative terminology. But joy is absolute – absolute. It is beyond thought. It is bliss.
It’s more like contentment?
Contentment can be relative still. But joy is that entire in one. Joy is where you do not ask anything anymore. You are just there. It just emits. You do not want anything. It just goes overflowing. It has nothing to do with your rationality, cannot be perceived through your rationality. It is beyond. You just feel it.
Question -Awakening – What is achieved once this awakening happens? I mean, why are we better for it?
Answer - We are like a light.
Now when you are enlightened, what happens to you? You see the light. In the light, you see yourself. All confusion is finished. You know the truth and you feel so blissful and happy because you know everything. There is no chaos, nothing. You are so relaxed and the power starts flowing through you all the time. It is never lost and you see in that light whatever is good and whatever is bad. And you understand everything so well.
And when you become the light, what do you do? It is to give the light to others so that they should be enlightened also. But this dead light cannot give light to others in such a way as that light can give to others. But you can. Once you are realised, you can make others enlightened.
The whole confusion of disintegration, quarrels and political problems and these economic problems and religion, everything will subside absolutely when you are enlightened