331de4708b05e1c7e3d68a6f68a1dc3c24899f06 Sahajayoga- Meditation techniques acclaimed worldwide: 10/01/2021 - 11/01/2021


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Friday, October 29, 2021

Diwali - The Festival of Light


Diwali the Festival of Lights

Diwali is the greatest hindu festival of Lights celebrated all over india and now at many places of world also.   It is the most joyous and happiest season of the year as almost every hindu person is in celebration mood.  Different days of Diwali has different importance.  Two special days – Bhaubeej for the sisters and Padwa for the wife.

Diwali means lighting  everywhere, in home, in office, on roads , in shops. You would find number of colorful  artistic lights everywhere.  But Mataji Nirmaladevi has rightly pointed out that lamps and lights outside has no value.  It is more important that you ignite the light within your own body.  Once you are sahajayogi that light is firmly deeply fixed in your body and mind.  In the light of that lamp which is within you, you can see the whole world in true sense and color.

The eternal light would help clense all the dirt, negativity, bad habits, and all sorts of personal problems like ego, superego, hatred, lust and so on.  One can become really delightful once the lamp within is on. In sahajayoga it can happen everyday, when you practise daily meditation.  The enlightened soul would manifest externally on your face and in your body language.  You would be just full ofall joy and love, caring for all surrounding you. 

Mataji Nirmaladevi has rightly said that internal lighting is more important than the external lighting.  Internal lighting would have wonderful effect on persons mind, body, deeds, and home.  He would always be at comfort with available resources. He would always be bubbling with joy and positive energy.  He would never fear for anything as Mataji and her blessings would always be with such person.

So let us practice sahaja yoga every day and enlighten our life from within.

Jai Shri Mataji for providing such a wonderful yoga for the total upliftment on mankind.

For real sahajayogi Diwali is not for three or four days in a year , but every day due to real lighting of the lam within. 

Jai Shri Mataji.

Saturday, October 2, 2021

Sahaj Marriages based on Matching of Vibrations

Marriages is one of the universal concept or relationship recognised by almost every religion and society.  It is aimed at helping young boys and girls to choose their life partner with various motives.  It is union of not only two bodies but two minds and two families too as per hindu culture. In the situation when marriages are breaking and  sibblings are suffering, there is a need to establih a system which would avert such breaks and would provide great meaning to life time partnership of the couples.  With this great human and social requirement shri Mataji evlved a specia system of sahaja marriages. 

 Amongst the countless blessings showered upon us by our Divine Mother, Shri Mataji, we have been blessed and nourished by the establishment of Sahaj marriages. Through the creation of these subtle and beautiful relationships, She has not only given us the deep and loving companionship for the journey of our spiritual ascent, but has also created with each marriage the establishment of a force which both subtly and overtly works for the establishment of dharma and the founding of a new, enlightened society.

  With Her guidance on a selection protocol based on a balance of vibrational compatibility as well as practical common sense, standards were set for the approach to this holy and auspicious work, which led ultimately to the formation of an International Marriage Committee (IMC). Shri Mataji oversaw the selection process that would follow for many years, but She also trained a number of people in Her approach so that one day this process could continue without Her physical presence.

 Today the IMC ( International Marriage Committee) consists of a group of twenty people from around the world, a number of whom were trained directly by Shri Mataji in the process of arriving at appropriate matches. This group works with tremendous care and dedication and with an awareness that their work impacts the lives of Sahaja Yogis very profoundly. Being from diverse countries, their perspective is global and they have been carefully recommended as having has high vibrational awareness in order to ensure they can properly feel the right matches based on vibrations.

Marriages  arranged in sahaja prcess based on matching of vibrations  has helped many couples to  understand the depth and significance of the marriages, imparting peaceful wonderful coexistence as couple while attaining more depth in sahaja yoga and attaining transformation of the society.

