331de4708b05e1c7e3d68a6f68a1dc3c24899f06 Sahajayoga- Meditation techniques acclaimed worldwide: Jan 30, 2022


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Sunday, January 30, 2022


Indian music is unique in itself.  It has many forms and it do having soothing effect on mind and body. Lot many people have experienced it at different times.  Adishakti Mataji Nirmaladevi also has explained the special features and importance of indian music. 

Some experts are using music as a therapy for curing various types of patients.  Even the effect of indian music on agricultural front also has been examined and found useful. 


It is so much connected with the Kundalini awakening; Music and Talas are related to chakras
" Now, I have to tell one more thing, how Indian music is so much connected with the Kundalini awakening, which perhaps I have never talked to you about, is that when the Kundalini rises she passes through various centres and sub-plexuses. When she is rising, she makes a sound altogether is OM. But when you try to refract all these different into different sounds, it becomes from the first chakra if you start SA, RE, GA, MA, PA, DHA, NI – at the Sahasrara it is NI. So there are seven chakras it makes the sound. Now, when the Kundalini rises she has to pass through all these sub-plexuses.

Now, whenNow as you know, there is, the first centre has four subplexus, so the tala is built on four. Then you have six plexuses, we have a tala on six. Then there is, it passes through the ten, so we have a tala in ten. Then there is it passes through twelve so we have a tala of twelve. Last of all is Shri Krishna, Shri Krishna’s place where it has got sixteen sub-plexuses, so it passes through sixteen sub-plexuses. So you can imagine how it works out, at the time of Agnya chakra as you know is only the two matras are there so one has to play on two matras, where you reduce everything to two matras, so far I don’t think Indian music has reached that stage where it just plays with two matras, it will be very difficult but in the South I think sometimes they play with three matras, is something suprising, which the triguna, what we call the three matras. So that from four it becomes two, and then in the Sahasrara it is three but at the end of it is thousand petals. And where, when all these start dancing, the thousand petal start dancing with the permutations and combinations of all these sub-plexuses.

So it is so woven into the classical music, the whole awakening of the kundalini, for which perhaps the modern artist may not be aware of. But it is said everyone knows that Indian music is based on the first sound is OM, the Om-kar. So, this is how all these talas are based that’s why you are so overjoyed, though maybe you may not have understood the classical intricacies of the whole thing but the whole thing was so spontaneous and elevating your Kundalini so well that it gave you the joy ultimately after all what you have to have the joy and not the intellectual analysis of it. So the whole thing, the sub-total of it was tremendous joy and we have to thank all of them for that.
May God bless you.
Sixteen matras you know of Shri Krishna is divided into two, you see, two halves. First half is the right side and the second half is the left side. So at the left side when it goes is called kaal means lower position, lower beat or say a milder beat. So from the Shukla Paksha to the Krishna Paksha as you call it or you can call it from the right to the left. And he goes playing on the left side there, so this is the two sides of the Vishuddhi chakra very well expressed.
[Says something in Hindi about ek tala] We have ek tala of twelve matras and this is as you know of the Shiva. Shiva has got twelve sub-plexuses and that how it is the twelve matras and it is very, ek tala is a very solid thing. Like DHIN DHIN and sometimes they play it so slowly that between the two there is big gap and that’s how Shiva’s work is. So it is all very symbolic, gradually you will evolve into it and you will see to it how Indian music is built around the basic primordial music.
May God bless you. "
🌹 H. H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi 🌹
Evening Program, Leysin, Switzerland.