331de4708b05e1c7e3d68a6f68a1dc3c24899f06 Sahajayoga- Meditation techniques acclaimed worldwide: Dec 3, 2021


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Friday, December 3, 2021

Moreover, in Sahaja Yoga, I’ve seen people of seventy years also want to get married. I can’t understand, you know. After all, loneliness is not possible in Sahaja Yoga, you have so many Sahaja Yogis. Where is the loneliness? I never feel lonely. I would love to be sometimes.

If you are not with me, my family is with me. I’m never alone and I’m never alone when I’m alone, really. I enjoy myself best when I’m alone because I have time to reflect back as to what we have achieved, as to how these moments were beautiful moments of meeting you all, all those beautiful places I visited with you, all the enjoyments.

So all such people who are explaining their problems of Mooladhara have to know one thing, that this is a sure certificate for them to go to hell, absolutely. Because either from the Mooladhara, you know, all kinds of diseases come in which are incurable, according to the doctor. Say, you take multiple sclerosis.

From multiple sclerosis through all the disabilities of the muscles, even cancers could be started by Mooladhara problem. Why is it so much cancer in the Western countries than in any other countries? Everybody has an explanation. Somebody said there are not so many doctors of cancer, that’s why there are. It’s not so.

Now, you see the disease of schizophrenia also can come from Mooladhara problem. Of course, you know AIDS is nothing but Mooladhara problem. But still, if you want to make a martyrdom out of that, that, “We are AIDS soldiers walking to our death,” then what can you do to such stupid people? And stupidity comes also from Mooladhara, because He is the giver of wisdom. How do you get the wisdom? Only by awakening your Shri Ganesh. 

Importance of Lord Ganesha , his qualities and teachings


Following is the extract of the gansh puja talk given by Mataji Nirmaladevi in Australia -

Shri Ganesha puja. Lanersbach (Austria), 26 August 1990.

Today we are celebrating the birthday of Shri Ganesha. You all know the story of His birth and I need not repeat it. But, as He was created by the Mother only, by Adi Shakti, in the same way you are all created after Him.

So, you are on the path of Shri Ganesha already. Your eyes sparkle the same way His eyes sparkle. You all have the beautiful glow on your face as He had. Whether you are small, big or old makes no difference. All the beauty comes to us through the glow of Shri Ganesha. If He’s satisfied, then we don’t have to worry about any other deities, because the power of all the deities is Shri Ganesha. He’s like a vice-chancellor sitting on every chakra. Unless and until He signs, Kundalini cannot cross through, because Kundalini’s the Gauri and is the Virgin Mother of Shri Ganesh.

Now we have to understand that we are here in the Western society where so much has gone wrong because we never bother to look after Shri Ganesha. Christ came and His message spread all over the world. He talked of things which are not practised by Christians, not at all. Because whatever they started is not based on truth. Truth is that Shri Ganesha took birth as Christ. If that is the truth, then they have to understand in the light of Shri Ganesha this great incarnation of Christ.

That is, He has told people that, “Thou shalt not have adulterous eyes.” Actually, for a saint, He doesn’t know what is an adulterous eyes, because He just sees. He just sees. As Shri Gyaneshwara’s beautifully said niranjanapani: to see without any reaction, just to see. 

That is the quality of innocence, which was brought to light by Christ, our Lord. But we did not imbibe any one of these qualities. 

Now supposing you are worshipping today Shri Ganesh. So why are you worshipping Shri Ganesha? You’re worshipping because your Ganesha must be awakened, that you should have the qualities of Shri Ganesha within you, that you should feel that innocence in your eyes. Otherwise you are a hypocrite. If you are sitting here and worshipping Shri Ganesha and you are not trying to put your attention to your ascent as Shri Ganesh, then it is useless.

And then He is an eternal child. He doesn’t have ego, He doesn’t have any conditionings. So, He’s an eternal child. We have to become eternal children of our Mother. To get to that state, what do we have to do is simple, that o to raise our Kundalini, fix it up, o to do meditation and keep our attention inside, more, and not to react.

Now, to say not to react means just to watch. And when you watch without thinking about it, then the truth, which is really poetry, comes out. That’s why a poet sees much more than an ordinary person can see. The inner’s beauty just starts penetrating your vision and you start seeing it.

So, you have seen children, whatever may be their origin, from whatever country they might be coming, whether it is Japan or whether it is England, India, Australia, anywhere, see the children are normally very beautiful.

 I realised, you see, these small, little children, their Ganesha is awakened in them. Everybody’s Ganesha is awakened when you are born. All the animals have their Ganesha intact with them, specially the birds. We never think how birds, all the way from Siberia go to Australia. What direction comes to them, from where? They have got a magnet within themselves. That is Shri Ganesh. Magnet is Shri Ganesha. So, this magnet, which is within us can attract innocent people and repel cunning, horrible as they call witch and devils and all those. So this magnet has both the qualities, that it repels those who are not all right and it attracts those who are innocent. And that is why in Sahaja Yoga we find that we cannot tolerate some people somehow or other, “We try, we try, we try. You see Mother, some are a bit difficult, you know.” They don’t know what is the reason. The reason is Ganesha. Now, in the Western society, as you know, not that they’ve not paid any attention to their Ganesha quality, but they have talked too much about the perversion of Shri Ganesha. They talk on the television, they talk here, there, in every way. The children see it and so many small, little children are suffering from Shri Ganesh problem, very small children. How do they get into these problems is because of the atmosphere is full of it.

He is the giver of wisdom.

So, Shri Ganesha has created you. Because of Him, you were born. He’s the one who looked after you when you were in the womb of the mother. He’s the one who saw to it that you are born at the right time. He’s the one who has looked after your nourishment, everything.

He’s the one who has looked after your development of the foetus, of the brain and everything. All is done that by this great personality, Shri Ganesh — so how much we owe to Him!

Now, many people have a feeling also that we have lost our innocence. That is something, an eternal quality you have got. You never lose your innocence. Maybe, as clouds can cover the whole sky, maybe your ego and conditionings and your mistakes might have covered it, but it is always there, always there. Only thing, it is for you to respect it, to behave in a manner that you respect your innocence. Not to feel shy about your innocence, never. Your innocence itself is a power and your innocence will definitely give you that wisdom by which you can solve all the problems without any difficulty.

But in a deeper way, if you see who is Shri Ganesha, He is the child of Adi Shakti. She created Him from the Omkara. Now, Omkara is the Logos, as you call it, is the first sound when Sadashiva and Adi Shakti separated, for creation. That sound is used as Omkara which are vibrations, which have light in it. They have all the causals of all the elements, only on the right side.

Then left side, it has the power of your emotions.

In the centre it has the power of your ascent.

So it’s a very powerful deity we have and He’s playful. Children are seldom cruel. He’s not cruel, but if anything is done against the Mother, then He goes all wild. Then He punishes and that is how the divine justice is brought to people.

Thus, if we surrender to Shri Ganesh, He protects us, He gives us wisdom, He gives a proper understanding, the protocol of the Mother. He does not know any other deity but His Mother. He doesn’t bother about any other deity but His Mother, and He knows that She’s the most powerful deity. And this is His wisdom, which must be imbibed. When you pray, you must try to imbibe that.

So today’s puja is specially to be done with a prayer in your heart that: 

“Shri Ganesha, please be kind and merciful and forgiving that You manifest within ourselves. 

Let all these hypocritical things, all these conditionings and all these wrong ideas we have or all the wrong life we have had, should just disappear like thin air, 

and let the beautiful moonlight of your soothing qualities of innocence be manifested through us.

Let us manifest these qualities.”

This is what is to be asked.

So, may God bless you all!

reference -https://www.amruta.org/1990/08/26/shri-ganesha-puja-lanersbach-1990