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Thursday, November 4, 2010

Sahajayoga and Agriculture

Sahajayoga is divine gift of god, Mataji Nirmaladevi. It works on every kind of living thing, not only on human beings, but also on plants and animals and nature. It is the Adishakti which plays everythings.

Sahajayoga is of great assistance in developing Agriculture. Vibrations is the essence of Sahajayoga, through which one understands the divine power, and its effects. It has been proved that vibrated seeds gives better production. The size, quality, taste of these products is really supreme.

Following are various examples of benefits of Sahajayoga in Agriculture -

Research on benefits of Sahaja yoga in agriculture has been performed by Maharana Pratap Agriculture & Tech University, Udaipur. Senior research scientists have successfully proved that by using seeds invigorated through vibrations, usage of vibrated water for irrigation and other Sahaja yoga methods, the plant quality & food production has been much higher than the normal yield

Extensive research is also being undertaken by co-operative milk producers and the university to explore the possibility of utilizing the benefits of Sahaja yoga, for increasing milk production.

Bhogpur Village: an agricultural island of excellence
Near the holy city of Haridwar, in Bhogpur village, a Sahaja yogi has been using the grace of Shri Mataji to continuously produce extraordinary agricultural output through simple Sahaja yoga methods. In fact, the whole village has adopted his methods and has become quite popular in surrounding areas for its high food grain productivity. The vegetable and cattle feed size and quality is also much higher than that in surrounding villages. The effects have also been extended by its initiator, Jagpal Singh, in dairy sector, as a result of which the quality and quantity of milk of the dairy has shown very high improvements. This has also resulted in the dairy being awarded for having Highest Purity and Quality in the whole district.

The Sunflowers at Pratisthan

Comments by H.H.Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi:

In Sahaja Yoga, you take the ordinary seeds and you vibrate them. If you vibrate them, then what happens that you start getting seeds which are even better than hybrid. I tried an experiment with a sunflower; so I developed a sunflower about 2 kilo weight, about one foot diameter and such big, big seeds, that you can’t make them out to be sunflower seeds, so the collective was so amazed at it and they felt that this kind of seed will solve all of our oil problem.
(Shri Ganesha Puja, Madrid, Spain, 6/11/87)

Material development is much faster and in balance when you get Self Realization. These vibrations help agriculture very much. We have a scientist, Dr. Hamid, in Austria, who has experimented with vibrations and has found out that even non-hybrid seeds give you greater than hybrid seeds. In my own field I sowed about 60 kilos of rice in one acre of land. And they told me: “It’s a special rice. It won’t grow here.” But it turned out to be 1700 kilos. One of the best rices. And even the sunflower was so big, two feet diameter. You could not lift; one person could not lift. Giving oil six to ten times more!
(Press Conference, Sofia, Bulgaria, 25/7/90)

If people are saintly they will be always protected by Mother Earth. She will always try to give them whatever they want. You can see in the minute way, that supposing now, in our Cabella here, the roses are of such a big size, such a big size roses, you won’t find such big size in the whole world but we have here, such big ones. In Pratisthan we had flowers of sunflower so big as that. One man could not lift it. Now, how is it all this is happening in particular places? It is the Mother Earth who knows who is living here, who is walking on Her back we should say, or on Her soil, because Mother Earth understands vibrations.

reference - http://www.sahajayoga.org.in/AgriculturalBenefits.asp
(Shri Adi Shakti Puja, Cabella, Italy, 25/5/97)

Read more: http://sahaj-az.blogspot.com/search/label/Agriculture#ixzz14M9IqUXT