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Saturday, November 27, 2021

Benefits of Realisation in Sahaja Yoga

Following is the example of one of the sahajayogi after getting realisation from Mataji Nirmaladevi.  Bandhan and Meditation has great importance in Sahaja Yoga.  Getting relief from various physical problems or worries is very common in sahaja yoga. Get self realised and experience the powers of sajajayoga. 

 A telephone to the divine

A few months after my self realisation, Derek Ferguson gave vibrations to my back Agnya chakra. I felt a cool flow behind my eyes, like cool soothing water. Following this I spent less time wearing my glasses – which I had done since I began school at the age of four and a half. Not long after I went to my local optician who had known me since a child for a routine checkup.
‘That’s not possible,’ he informed me, ‘at your age (21), your eyes get worse, not better – what a miracle. This is really a great improvement.’
So when I went on the Sahaja Yoga India Tour for the first time, in 1984, a few months later, I did not wear my glasses all the time. On one occasion I left the glasses on a window shelf near to where I was sleeping. When I came back they were nowhere to be found. After a thorough search I gave a bandhan and went downstairs. Almost immediately one of the (Australian) tour leaders came across to me and said that Shri Mataji had asked him to tell me that we should not give bandhans for a trivial thing like glasses. A bandhan was like a telephone to the divine and was to be used with due understanding.
Gillian Woltron

Friday, November 26, 2021

Miraculous experienes with Sahajayoga


Mataji Nirmaladevi takes care of all her devotees all the time, unknowingly.  Some were fortunate enough to get her advise when she was alive.  But being the Godess herself, and prominently known world over for curing various diseases through sahaja yoga, she even today helps her sons and daughers ( devotees) to overcome all their physical problems and mental worries in a very special manner. She many a times guides in a dream. Or she does something when you are doing morning or evening meditation.  Or she provides you guidance through some other sahaja yogis, which help in curing the matter. I had personally many such experiences.  Rather I am alive only because of her blessings. In one of my dream she had extended my life in unique way. Jai shri Mataji, I owe you my whole life. 

Following is the experience of such type given by one disciple from United Kingdom.

I’d seen Shri Mataji’s photograph before I met Mother. I’d heard about these meetings and I came to the last meeting at Judd Street. One damp Sunday afternoon, it was raining, and I came with my sister, Maureen. It had a huge impact on me because I’d heard that there was a yogi lady and I had this kind of idea that I’d walk into a room full of silence and perhaps there would be little bells tinkling somewhere. But it was so unlike what I’d expected that the effect on me was really quite profound. I immediately felt that this is what it must have been like to come across Christ teaching in the marketplace. It completely hit me like that, which was quite strange because religion wasn’t part of my life. Quite the opposite, I came from a hippie background. And I just felt that here was an amazing personality and my feeling was, “How can a being like this exist? How could someone like that be here?”

The whole room seemed full of light and there was a tremendous impression of how powerful Shri Mataji was, but She was just very sweet. She asked us to come and see Her and I came up and She put Her hand on me and said, “This one’s sick,” I think were the first words She said to me. And the meeting went on. It was amazing and magical. I didn’t really have a chance to figure out what it was all about, but I knew it was something quite momentous. That was the first meeting. She said I was sick and that I needed something for my stomach and She asked for a bottle and the strange thing was — no one else seemed to see this — but it seemed to me that I saw Her take the bottle, turn round and open a sort of door into some kind of an atomic furnace and put the bottle in, take it out, shut the door and give it to me. And I was quite astonished. And I took it home, drank it and it had the most extraordinary effect. It cleared me out. She said I had six months to live. Yes, I was really in quite a bad way. We went back for more meetings and I had a whole series of extraordinary experiences when She was there, but I think the thing that really hit me was a kind of gut reaction, a kind of recognition that this was someone. I kept getting the feeling that this was someone like Christ.

Pat A.


Sunday, November 21, 2021

Search of God - Search from within



This is the Yantra and the mechanism that is this Yantra – Kundalini – is a holy mechanism. And this mechanism is specially created within the being of the One Main, of the One means the Macrocosm and we are the cells – all of us – in that. We were made aware as fishes of the soil, we became reptiles. We were made aware of the food available at the heights, we raised our head. Gradually we became human beings.
After this state we started thinking of God. We started thinking on something beyond. Man is the only animal who thinks of God and of searching. Is the man aware that he has to become something? Why is he so confused? Why is he under so tension? What is he searching? He is searching something of which he has a glimpse – a glimpse of that Joy he kept with him and that Joy comes from his Self – Atma – in his heart – he has not felt. He has not been able to manifest the power of his Self but there is a mechanism placed within him, properly built up inside, all the time present in all the human beings just like this as it is placed in the One Being. In His image it is also placed within you.
As I said last time that you are all built to be just like computers. Now the job is to put you to the mains. That’s why you are seeking. That’s the only urge you have in life. All other urges are actually the side issues. You think you are searching in money, in position is a myth. Those who have money are dissatisfied, those who have positions are dissatisfied, everybody is dissatisfied. The satisfaction time only comes to you when you will reach the real thing which you are searching and the real thing is your Self and nothing else. All other things are useless because you are not searching anything else, you are only searching your Self and that Self is the reflection of God almighty, that is within your heart.
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Forgiveness is the Power of Lord Shiva

Following is the text of the lecture given by Mataji Nirmaladevi in Pune .  She has always advised to develop forgiveness -

 Have Forgiveness In Your Heart

.....Shiva will be very blissful. He is extremely blissful, and what does He give you is even more beautiful than you could think of. He is a extremely forgiving. I should say He is the source of forgiveness.
If you have forgiveness in your heart, He resides in your heart otherwise gradually you start developing very difficult type of diseases.
Say, if you are forgiving, your heart runs very fast. No one can touch your heart, you cannot get heart attacks but if you are tolerating, suffering and taking many things as a power of your own doing wrong things and forgetting about God then you also start developing a very big heart.
So one side is that you develop a heart which is extremely aggressive and can become like Hitler’s heart. Under any kind of pretentions if you start torturing someone, your heart becomes solid and then you can get a tremendous massive heart attack and all the troubles come.
This is inevitable, but supposing you are extremely tolerant and you tolerate all nonsense, you are very docile, you are frightened person, if you are frightened then because of fright you do that, you can develop another kind of a heart, we call as angina, where the blood supply is less and ultimately you develop a kind of a guilt and you live a very mediocre life.
So this second thing also is very miserable among people who think they are very-very tolerant. I am saying that tolerance is alright because of spirituality, but not because you are frightened and you are afraid of something. If you are a Sahaja Yogi you have no business to be afraid of anything.
H.H.Shree Mataji Shree Nirmala Devi
Shree Mahadev Puja, Pune
25th February 2001

Friday, November 12, 2021

Behaviour of Sahajayogis an yoginis


The rules to be practiced by Sahajayoga

Mataji Nirmaladevi has time and again set certain rules to be followed by sahajayogis and yoginis.  She has set it for the benefit and upliftment of sahajayogis.  Following are those expectations from all of us by the Mataji Nirmaladevi.

1.     Accept Life - Accept life as it is — as it is. Whatever life is there, accept it. Do not retaliate, do not get angry, do not get upset, justaccept and you will enjoy the same life which was irritating you. You will see the enjoying part of that and it will be so beautiful the way you will see that you will get over all your problems. You will get over all your enemies and a kind of a very fresh beautiful existence you will have.

2.     Daily Meditation and foot soaking -  Mataji has often said that for the sahajayogis daily meditation  twice- in the morning and evening is very essential and important.  It helps to cleanse the body and mind every day.  It helps to get connected with the god within by remaining in nirvikalp state.  Early morning meditation has great value and effect on daily happenings.  Also daily foot soaking at night or before meditation is recommended.

3.     Never speak lie – Never be a liar. It is very harmful.  Mataji has warned that all those involved in lies would go to Narak and their followers to.

4.     Avoid smoking and drinking liquor – Sahajayogis should never do smoking and drinking liquor.  Mataji has said that it is very very harmful for the body and mind.

5.     Love, Compassion is the basis of sahajayoga.  You have to love yourself, love others around you.  Be warm and affectionate with people around you.  Never indulge in dirty games of ego and superego.  Sahjayogi should always use sweet words.  Never indulge in defaming or degrading others. If possible show respect and talk about the good things of others.

6.     Must be in collectivity.  Sahajayoga can be better learned and enjoyedin collectivity.  The collectivity has better impact on your body, mind, chakras etc.  It is always beneficial to be with collectivity than doing it alone all the time. The progress in Sahaj Yoga is only possible when your attention is on the Spirit. How do you nourish it? That’s another point. The only solution is collectivity. A person who is not collectively nourished cannot grow. He cannot grow whatever he may try.

7.     Never indulge in groupism in sahajayoga.  Avoid such act and avoid criticizing others who do not belong to your group. It is never expected in sahajayoga.  Let everybody follow his or her own ideas and enjoy sahajayoga in real sense.

8.     Always forgive others.  It requires great strength, but you have todo it.  It is of no use remembering bad old attitude of others towards you. You just forgive them. It saves you from getting trapped into their ideas, things, deeds and words. Relieve yourself of all that by just forgiving them.  As somebody has rightly said forgive others, not because they deserve it, but because you deserve peace.

Sunday, November 7, 2021

Solution for every problem


(Human life is usually based on five kinds of Hungers :--

i) Hunger of Stomach, use to be satisfied by having food.,
II) Hunger of physical intimacy,use to be satisfied with appropriate companion.
iii) Hunger of mind, use to be satisfied by Compassionate Emotions.
Iv) Hunger of Brain, use to be satisfied by poring more new informations to its memory.
v) Hunger of 'Spirit' (Atma), used to be satisfied with Deep Meditation.
If some one is lacking some satisfaction related to one of five kinds of Hunger.
Then one should not be worried because "Almighty" will fulfil that thing very gracefully in "His" own way, one must have full faith in 'Him'."---'Impulses'
.........................Jai Shree Mata ji

The faith, devotion and love for Mataji would help us overcome any kind of hunger within us at any time. With all her powers the Adishakti Mataji can resolve your hunger with personalised solution for each devotee. Just pray her. Just bow your head before her. Just call her from the bottom of your mind and you would find sea change in your personality.

Jai shri Mataji

Shiva and Shakti


Following is the text of shiva pooja lecture given by Mataji Nirmaladevi in Pune.

Tonight we have gathered here to do Shri Shiva Puja. Those people who have a clean heart can only do Shiva Puja. Those whose heart is not clean cannot do Shiva Puja. It’s a simple principle of Shri Shivaratri. As you have seen yesterday, we have snakes, or, these are horrible snakes guiding behind the Shiva Linga. The significance is this – those who are clean in heart, who are full of love for others, are always guarded by the power of Shiva, which are the snakes. It’s a symbolic thing, to say, very symbolic. But I must say that animals understand Divine force much better than human beings, much better. Because they have a clean heart. Whatever is their lifestyle built by nature, they carry on with it. But there’s no malice, there’s no jealousy, there’s not all these mean things in their heart. They do it because it is supposed to be. But the quality of human beings is only one – and that is how much they love and forgive. Loving capacity of human beings are such by which they conquer all their negative forces – they can, easily, see that it’s not good to have all these qualities, or maybe that they understand it’s not noble to indulge into all these inhuman behaviour. They are not bound to indulge into all these things. Neither they are asked to be, but suddenly they get lured by such things which has got hatred, jealously and greed.

You see how Shiva lives. He lives in the Himalayas. See what clothes He wears, what He eats. He has no demand for anything because He is complete, He is perfect. Such a personality is Shiva’s. And if you are worshipping Him, you should find out within your heart what sort of feelings you have, what sort of malice you nurture. These days in India, greed has become the main point. They are so mean and so low. It’s impossible to understand that they think money is everything, which is not in the culture of Indians, no, no. In no way. But somehow they have picked it up, in the foreign countries perhaps, and it is spreading very much now, that money is the most important thing. Think of Shiva. He never thought of money. He never wanted any money. He never wanted to show off himself.

There is such a difference between Shiva and Shakti. In their whole attitude. Because Shiva is absolutely a liberated personality, he’s not bothered. If the people are indulging into wrong things, he’ll destroy – finished! He doesn’t want to cure, He doesn’t want to improve, nothing of the kind. But for the Shakti it is important, because this is Her child, this universe is Her child. All this is created by Her, so naturally She is worried and She doesn’t like people who try to take to mean things and nonsense. First of all it was human beings started indulging in power. They moved from countries to country to empower themselves. Where is that power gone? Finished. Then, after that, what happened with them is that they left their style with others. And now it seems it is very common to see people shamelessly being greedy. For them, is the solution, is Shiva. All such people will be destroyed. First of all they will be exposed and then they will be destroyed, to the last bit of it.

Shivaratri Puja, Pune (India), 17 March 2002
taken from facebook post by Nitin Tapkir, Sahaji.

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Significance of Diwali in Sahajayoga


First of all you have to know there are four days that are celebrated in Diwali.’

‘Diwali comes from the word dipali in Sanskrit, the word ‘deepa’ means ‘the light’, and ‘ali’ means the ‘line’, the ‘rows’. Now, there are many things that have happened during these four days and that’s how it is celebrated with such a great enthusiasm. The first thing is the day of the Lakshmi’s birth..  the real day when Lakshmi was born out of the sea.’

‘Today is a day of very great happening, I should say. Celebrating the Diwali is a very, very joyous thing. But this joy is not for ourselves; this joy is for the whole world. We have to work for the whole world. We work for ourselves, for our jobs, for our money, whatever it is, but what are you doing for others? That you should see for yourself, and that’s very important. Only such people are useful in Sahaja Yoga because they have concern, they have care, and they are doing something for others. It’s a great enjoyment with that, when the lights are burning, it’s to give you happiness; they are burning their bodies to give you happiness. They are the ones who should teach us that we have to do something ourselves to enjoy our own higher awareness. …Now as it is, what is the aim after all, what is the aim of our lives? We have to change the whole world into a peaceful theme. Changing yourself, of course, is great thing, no doubt; but changing others also will stop all the problems of the world. If all the people of this world become good people.. then can you imagine what will happen?’

Diwali’s Sahaj Significance

‘Today we are going to celebrate the Diwali, which means the rows of lights or, you can say, group of lights. This Diwali has been a festival of very ancient times in India.. Diwali was celebrated when it was the darkest night of the year. 

So now, it is very symbolic of these modern times because the worst time, as far as morality is concerned has been in these modern times. We call it the Ghor Kali Yuga, the worst modern times. That means a complete darkness and, as you see around, you’ll find out that there is complete darkness as far as morality is concerned, but that’s why there are all kinds of crises. Because of that, also, there are many who are seeking the light, the truth…

Who is Lakshmi? How she becomes Maha (the Great)Lakshmi?

‘Now, this Lakshmi is the goddess (divine principle/subtle energy), who stands on the lotus. She represents all the well-being, the wealth, the glory of wealth, the decoration of wealth; whichever is auspicious. Whatever is not auspicious is not wealth. According to Sahaja yoga, or according to any scripture, it is not wealth at all. So She’s a lady who stands on a lotus, showing that a person, who has got wealth, has to be a person who does not assert his pressures on people, who doesn’t push people around, who doesn’t pressurize. And then, She’s a lady, She’s a Mother. So wealth, is the first opening to our seeking. But when you start seeking the wealth, you realize that the superficial wealth that you are seeking is not sufficient, is not going to give you complete joy. So you start seeking the deeper wealth. As I said that on the Mother Earth you’ve exploited all that is possible. Still there, deep down in the sea, lot of wealth still.So then the seeking moves toward the deeper seeking. So the same Lakshmi becomes Mahalakshmi (The Great Lakshmi in Sanskrit). When you start expanding yourself to higher and deeper valuables then this Lakshmi doesn’t lure you much; She’s just there for your glory, but not for your satisfaction. The wealth is there for distribution. You enjoy the.. generosity.. generous fondness; it’s a fondness, you see, that you should be generous. That is a very great happiness and joy that you feel. That is the greatest, when you are generous, when you give away. That’s a fondness, that’s a kind of a human expression of one’s own being, that you want to be generous. And this generosity only can come when Mahalakshmi principle is born in you. ‘

‘That’s why She is called as Miriam or Mariam. Word ‘Mari’ or ‘Marie’ also comes from the word ‘sea’. So, She’s born out of the sea, is created out of the sea. And the wealth of the sea, so far, thank God, human beings have not yet exploited, but they may one day start doing that also. And a lot of wealth is still there, so when people start getting worried about exhausting the Mother Earth, we must know that sea is much more than the earth is. So nothing is exhausted, still there is such a lot reserve for you, and one should not worry as to the supply of wealth that can come from the sea.’

Mahalakshmi is one of the main powers of Adi Shakti (the primordial universal power). Now these powers have powers at a material level also, at a subtler level also. Lakshmi was born or came out of the sea, the great sea, which was churned.. years back. And she came out of the sea because she is the daughter of the sea. That’s why she’s called as Neeraja. Neera means ‘water’ and ja means ‘born out of.’

So what is that? What is this Lakshmi? See symbolically, what is it expressing? It is expressing the Awareness. Lakshmi expresses awareness, and she came out of the sea, you know that; the awareness first started growing in the sea. The life started existing in the sea, to begin with, and then it grew out. Without the life there is no awareness. First the life, because everything is jarda, everything is dead, and when it becomes life it means it has awareness. So the Awareness started growing in the Sea.

taken from -https://www.free-meditation.ca/archives/2384