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Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Get Rid of Negative :Persons and do not show Compassion to them


" The positivity lies in understanding why are we here. First of all, why are we on this earth? Why are we human beings? In understanding what are we doing about it? Why are we Sahaja Yogis? What a Sahaja Yogi has to do? What is his responsibility as a Sahaja Yogi? Then he moves forward to understand why Mother is so kind to me? Why have I got vibrations? Why am I among very few who have got this special blessings, the special knowledge of vibratory awareness? And then to ask yourself , what am I doing about it? Am I still very much embedded in my cheapishness or in my childishness, in my stupidity, in my harshness, in my aggressiveness? We always see these things in other people, not in ourselves. So we are not Sahaja Yogis. We should understand at that point, when we start seeing these things in other people, then we are not Sahaja Yogis. We should see in ourselves and emit pure compassion to others but always people see that, it is in another person this exists. Whatever I may try to say they always see in other person.
Now supposing there’s a negative person amongst us, you need not compassionate to that person, on the contrary better be away. Get rid of that person, as far as possible, don’t have anything to do, is a definite sign of great compassion to yourself, if not to others. Better not have anything to do with the person who is negative, if you have to come up. He may be your brother, sister, anyone but try to be away from a person who is not positive. It causes lots of problems. I’ve been telling you this and I’ve been requesting you, but the conditioning is such that still though you have become a Guru Tattwa, you don’t understand that you have to be detached, for a Guru there is no brother, sister or any other relationship except for the relationship for the Mother. There is no other relationship exist. One of these principles are to be understood. Very important I feel is for all of us that our relationship is only to Mother and to Sahaja Yogis and not to any relationship, which has come to us, whether through Sahaja Yoga or whether through anything else. "
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Kolhapur. India. 01-01-1983