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Thursday, July 21, 2022

Benefits of Sahaja Yoga through Sahaja Yoga Treatment

 The benefits of Sahaja yoga are so many that one does not know where to start. Usually, people who are not quite satisfied with life are the ones who benefit most from Sahaja yoga, the most. They are not quite satisfied with materialism and want to get much more out of life.

The reason for the dissatisfaction lies in the fact that they are seeking something beyond materialism, something that will make them break out of all the shackles that bound them, the attachments and bondages of life.

After acquiring self-realization, we get connected to theall-pervading divine power which takes care of us. We get embroiled in life, feeling burdened, unable to deal with the ups and down of life. The freedom from this bondage provides an unflinching joy which defines our Spirit.

Benefits of Sahaja Yoga through Sahaja Yoga Treatment

The difference we feel after Sahaja Yoga Treatment is immense! We gradually feel the difference in our mind, body, and spirit as the time goes on.

1. Sahaja yoga treatment protects us from illness

The subtle energy system in our body helps govern our body; as soon as there is an imbalance, we awaken the dormant primordial energy Kundalini and it starts awakening the subtle energy or the centres (chakras) within us. This will help heal, balance, andrectifies andnourishes the subtle energy centres (chakras) througha simple cleansing technique, which is usually taught in Sahaja Yoga.

Once you can restore your center and you balance the energy, your health improves and your immunity increases, keeping at bay all kindsof illnesses. As Shri Mataji explains,“Once you are properly established, you don’t have to worry about your health at all.”

The health benefits of Sahaja Yoga are not merely a figment of somebody’s imagination but have been substantiated by medical doctors and psychologists who have backed their findings by clinical studies and research. Many have attempted to cure themselves of various ailments such as high blood pressure, asthma,diabetes, epilepsy, cancer and so on.

2. Improved Sleeping patterns through Sahaja Yoga

Adequate and quality sleep has numerous benefits, right from disease prevention to weight loss. But our modern lifestyle ensures we stay awake for long hours, managing to compromise on our sleep and consequently, our health. That is where Sahaja yoga comes in, as it helps us not only sleep better but deeper, and we wake up more refreshed in the morning.

Many people suffer from sleep disorders such as insomnia or unsatisfactory sleep, and they are not able to find out exactly why they suffer from sleep disorders,so they blame their lack of sleeplessness on just about everything right from the weather to bad bed springs.

But the fact of the matter is less sleep may be just a combination of a troubled mind, thinking about the past day’s events, or worrying and planning too much about the future. Through Sahaja Yoga, one can gradually let go of the past and start living in the present.

3. Spiritual Awakening through Sahaja Yoga

Sahaja Yoga has a great impact ondifferent aspectsof a person’s life, such asmaterial, mental, physical, emotional and spiritual. A heightened spirit and a rejuvenated human being can find solace in the unknown depths of energy and creativity which helps improve theliving conditions, which again leads to a more satisfied and meaningful life.

The regular practice of Sahaja Yoga can provide the person a sense of calm which enables them to cope more easily and effectively with the everyday stresses of life. Thus, it not only helps cure the innumerable diseases which are a result of modern day living. The modern-day diseases such as high blood pressure, heart diseases, mental disorders, diabetes and so on are all a result of all our hectic lifestyle.

Medical evidence is also encouraging, SahajaYoga indeed cures and heals, say researchers conducting experiments to find out about the health implications of Sahaja Yoga techniques. There is increasing medical proof of the curative powers of Sahaja Yoga as per many experiments conducted. Its ability to cure daily everyday health problems such as alcoholism, smoking and even cases like drug addiction has been proved beyond doubt.

That’s not all, Sahaja Yoga has also been able to cure several cases of diseases such as cancer, paralysis, epilepsy, and also asthma among many other diseases. The inner transformation of human beings, contributing to the overall transformation of the society and also to entire humanityis an ideal result. Sahaja Yoga brings about the integration of all the major religions of the world.
