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Saturday, June 3, 2023

Three Conditions for Effective self realisation


So, as you have no questions we could have the session of Self-Realization. First thing I have to tell you that it is a living process and nobody can be forced. If you have a pure honest desire to get your Self-Realization then it will work out spontaneously. Please have full confidence in yourself!
Now, there are three conditions before we start. First, as I said, you must have full confidence in yourself. The second is, you should not feel guilty at all about anything, whatever has happened in the past. Because we are all human beings, and if we have committed mistakes it’s all right. You are not God. So, to feel guilty is absolutely of no use. On the contrary, if you feel guilty then the center on the left-hand side here catches very badly. And this is a very dangerous thing that happens. With this catch you develop a disease called angina, and also spondylitis, and also the left-side organs become lethargic. So, please forget the past at this moment, you have to be in the present! The third condition is very simple but people think it is difficult. The third condition is that you should forgive everyone without thinking about them individually. Many people say, “It is very difficult to forgive.” Whether you forgive or don’t forgive you don’t do anything. Logically, you don’t do anything. But if you don’t forgive then you play into wrong hands and you torture yourself unnecessarily while the person who has troubled you is living happily. So, if you just say, “I forgive everyone in general”, don’t think of them, immediately you will feel very much lighter. So we must have respect for ourselves because we have no ideas to how glorious we are inside, that there is Divinity within all of us which has to manifest to give us joy, it’s all waiting there. So please, forgive everyone – without thinking about them!
Now, we have to take out our shoes to take the help from Mother Earth. Put your both the feet away from each other as these are two powers. Left power is the power of desire, and the right one is the power of action. So, we have to put our left hand like this towards Me, symbolic that we desire to have Self-Realization. We have to use our right hand for nourishing our centers on the left hand side. First we put our right hand to our heart.
Aside:”Somebody should show.”
First, I will show you, and then we will close our eyes. Here resides the Spirit. If you are the Spirit, in the light of the Spirit you become your guide. So you become your own master. So now, take down your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. This is the center of your mastery. Now, take your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. This is the center of pure knowledge. Then, you raise your right hand again in the upper portion of your abdomen. Then again on your heart. Now, between the corner of your neck and your shoulder and turn your head to your right fully. This is the center which I have told you goes out of order when you feel guilty.
So now, you have to raise your hand on your forehead across and put down your head as far as possible. This is the center where you have to forgive everyone in general. Now, please take your right hand on the backside of your head and push back your head. Here, without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, just for your satisfaction you have to ask forgiveness from this all-pervading Divine power. Now, please stretch your palm fully and put the center of your palm on top of your head, on top of the fontanel bone area. Now, please put down your head as far as possible. Now, please push back your fingers, please do this, push back your fingers otherwise there won’t be proper pressure. And now move your scalp seven times clock-wise, slowly. Push back your fingers, put down your head!
That’s all we have to do.
and I cannot force Self-realization on you. You have to ask for it. So now, please move your right hand with a pressure on your scalp, move your scalp seven times clock-wise saying, seven times: “Mother, please give me my Self-realization!”
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi is blowing into the microphone.
Public Program Day 1.
CA-Tent, Vienna (Austria),
5 August 1991.

Kartikeya provides the power of commander


Kartikeya represents the great, we can say the captain or the leader of all the Ganas, of all the, like a commander (in chief). Ganesha is the King, but he's the commander (in chief) and because German character is to be in command of everything. We are going to have this pooja where the men will be in command of their spirits and their manly qualities and women will be in command of their womanly qualities. To be in command is different from to be a master. Master owns it, a commander does not own it, he does not own it.

That is also lost, possession is also lost. You just command it and that is the state we have to come to now. From Ganesha state to the state of Kartikeya. The other way round.
Ganesha is nice, he's the king, very nicely sitting down with all the powers, allright, innocence is there. But Kartikeya is the one who commands innocence, gives you a power of that commandment. He commands. After the Guru Pooja it is better that we should have the power to command others, and that commanding spirit comes in the men through their talking, through their dynamism, through their personal achievements.
For the women, through their loving power, through their forbearance, through their gracious behaviour, forgiveness, compassion. So let us develop that today, that we can command it, means, it is not that what we have, but in the position we are to command. I hope you understand, what is Kartikeya.
May God bless you! So let us start the Pooja
H.H. Shree Mataji Shree Nirmala Devi
Shree Kartikeya Puja
Holzkirchen, Germany