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Thursday, March 9, 2023

Inherrant Defects in Kundalini


Excellent people are very few. They are born realised. I do not have their problem much. But one has to deal with the people who are in the center. They are looking towards good but have something hanging on to them which is not so good. So for these people there are inherent defects in the Kundalini which we must understand.
The first of them is bad health, physical bad health. One should know that health is very important thing. Because this body is the temple of God.
Do not always say- " Mother cure me, cure me." Just say- " Mother Please keep me in the Spiritual life." You will be cured automatically.
The second hurdle which is Akar manyata. Meaning a person does not want to work it out.
Third is Sanshya which is doubt.
Forth is Pramad. It is one by which we go on faultering all the time.
Fifth is Bhram-
darshan. Hallucination.
Sixth is Vishya- Chitta in which the attention is attracted by objects of your previous identifications where your attention has been.
Seventh people get posseessed and get ideas.
Eight one starts doubting. Mainly those who visited wrong gurus or wrong places.
Humility is the only way to know that there is an Ocean before you have got into the boat alright. But you have to understand a lot. And you have still to attend to your Attention to your Chitta, to your awareness. "

Caxton Hall, London.
10th December, 1979