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Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Feel Peaceful within Yourself

"You have to work it out that you should feel peaceful within yourself. It is not that if you have too much of silence outside, you feel peaceful. The peace has to be within yourself. You have it. Your Spirit is absolutely peaceful – ‘avyagra’, without restlessness. There is no restlessness in your Spirit. Absolutely peaceful and steady. It is for you to feel it. It is not for anybody else to certify you. This is one thing.

Secondly, when I am telling you something, you think I am not telling you. It doesn’t register in your brain. You think I am telling it to X, Y, Z but not to you. You are not in it. That’s another sign [that] there is no peace. Because there is no peace, there is no registration. Whatever goes into your head, that is going to work out. But what I find [is] that people [who] have concave personalities, then they receive it. Those who have convex personalities, do not register anything . The registration is so poor that whatever I say doesn’t have any effect on them. Otherwise, whatever I say is a mantra. It should have direct effect on you, and you should feel that effect, that penetration within you. But as if it is for somebody else, as if it is not for you. This shows there is no peace within you. Only the peace within can register whatever is auspicious, whatever is nourishing for your growth. So try to make peace with yourself. Do not fight with yourself, “Why should I do it?”, “I am so bad!”, “I should not have done it!” – all these we should not do. Try not to fight with yourself, first of all."
(*7 Feb 1985*)

Monday, May 29, 2023

We have to drop out many things

"So today is the day which is called the Ekadasha which is going to bring the transformation. When you are transformed so many things are automatically destroyed within you.

As you can see very clearly that all your misidentifications drop out; the misidentification that I’m a Jew, American, Christian, I’m this, I’m that. All these false misidentifications drop out and you become a naked human being, first of all you are a human being, and then a superhuman being – without the ego. So, your ego is destroyed, your superego is destroyed, your conditionings are all destroyed and all your false ideas about knowledge are destroyed. So what remains and emerges is reality.

Now when you see a flower becomes the fruit, everything practically drops out of the flower, we can say. Like the calyx is dropped out, then the petals are dropped out and then the epicalyx is also dropped out, but what remains is the seed actually, if you see. Around the seed all these things developed and the fruit remains, the rest of it drops out.

So in us also, whatever becomes the Spirit remains, the rest drops out, and that is what it is when we call it the Ekadasha which brings forth the transformation, and one has to understand – we have to drop out many things."

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Saturday, May 27, 2023

Feel Peaceful within Yourself


"You have to work it out that you should feel peaceful within yourself. It is not that if you have too much of silence outside, you feel peaceful. The peace has to be within yourself. You have it. Your Spirit is absolutely peaceful – ‘avyagra’, without restlessness. There is no restlessness in your Spirit. Absolutely peaceful and steady. It is for you to feel it. It is not for anybody else to certify you. This is one thing.
Secondly, when I am telling you something, you think I am not telling you. It doesn’t register in your brain. You think I am telling it to X, Y, Z but not to you. You are not in it. That’s another sign [that] there is no peace. Because there is no peace, there is no registration. Whatever goes into your head, that is going to work out. But what I find [is] that people [who] have concave personalities, then they receive it. Those who have convex personalities, do not register anything . The registration is so poor that whatever I say doesn’t have any effect on them. Otherwise, whatever I say is a mantra. It should have direct effect on you, and you should feel that effect, that penetration within you. But as if it is for somebody else, as if it is not for you. This shows there is no peace within you. Only the peace within can register whatever is auspicious, whatever is nourishing for your growth. So try to make peace with yourself. Do not fight with yourself, “Why should I do it?”, “I am so bad!”, “I should not have done it!” – all these we should not do. Try not to fight with yourself, first of all."
(*7 Feb 1985*)

Thursday, May 25, 2023

Mataji- sakshat Mahakali takes care of your worries. You need not worry


"How can you be worried when your Mother is sakshat Mahakali? She's the One who relaxes you, because She takes over all your responsibilities, She takes over all your problems. She's the One who solves all the problems. It is we who forget to leave all the problems to Her. If you just leave problems to Her, all your problems are solved. Not only that but you really feel blessed. It's not only physical, also it is mental, that She makes your mind absolutely free of worries.

She doesn't worry and She doesn't want you to worry. If you worry then She tries to show that by your worrying you are denying Her, you are not accepting Her. Worrying is something is very common, and people take great pride in saying, 'Oh, I was worried.' How can you be worried when your Mother is sakshat Mahakali? She can kill all the demons, She can finish all of them, She knows how to manage things; and when you are like a child before Her, how can you worry about it? So your worries are finished.

She worries about you, you shouldn't worry about yourself. That's the point of it. Her security is so great, She's so secure Herself that She gives you all the security that you need. You can hold on to Her Feet, you can hold on to Her image or to anything. You can even pray to Her. Many people are being cured only by praying to Her, because She cures you. She can cure your diseases which are very complicated diseases, She can cure."

Shree Mataji Nirmala Devi - 17 October 1999, extract from Navaratri Puja talk, Cabella, Italy.

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

The Power of Healing, Knowledge and Intelligence

The Power of Healing, Knowledge and Intelligence.”

..When this Kundalini rises, when this power, this residual power within us rises, it integrates all these subtle centers. Now these subtle centers on the physical side also look after our plexuses, on the mental side also they look after them. So as it rises, nourishes them, integrates them and then connects it, connects it up to the mains. So all the time this energy starts flowing up. Now this energy has at least three powers. First power by which it comforts you. Comforting means your sickness – many incurable diseases can be cured by this. There are three doctors in Delhi now, have got their M.D. in sahaja yoga for curing..diseases like Asthma, like psychosomatic diseases and things like that…
So, this power of healing, the comfort, comes through the nourishment of these subtle centers within us. And that’s how, so many of people, so many people who have suffered from incurable diseases, have been cured with the awakening of the Kundalini. I don’t have to do anything, it’s your own, it’s within yourself. Only thing, an enlightened candle can enlighten another candle – in the same way it works. Now then, you have another beautiful uh.. present from this awakening is that, all your mental problems are solved. So many people who were mentally harassed, who were schizophrenic and all kinds of problems of the mental depressions and all that, they got cured. But we do not say that everybody will be cured, most of them do get cured and gradually they settle down.
You’ll be surprised, there’re many cases of Blood Cancer which have been cured. But that’s not the main job of sahaja yoga – is not to cure people otherwise I better go to the hospitals and work it out. But the main job is to awaken the Kundalini, so that you become the spirit and once you become the spirit these things work out gradually. And then you become empowered yourself, that you can raise the Kundalini of others and can deal with them. Then, within us lies our own peace. You must have heard of so many peace foundations and people getting Nobel prizes for peace – they have no peace within themselves. They make peace foundations where they talk about peace. Talking about peace doesn’t bring forth any peace at all. You have to be peaceful within and the transformation of a human being is needed for achieving that state of complete peace. And then you become a witness – witness of everything like a drama you see everything – you’re not bothered.
Just look what is happening outside – you’re not disturbed by that. On the contrary you’re much better placed to solve the problems because you’re out of it and you can see them so clearly and you can solve them. So, it makes you extremely dynamic and then you become enlarged – pure love ,compassion, extremely compassionate. But last of all you become joy. When we become joy it cannot be described because it is only joy, it’s absolute. It is not happiness and unhappiness, it is joy and that joy is to be enjoyed. Apart from this ,you become a very knowledgeable person because this brain of ours is very partly used by us. But when the light of the spirit goes into it, you become extremely knowledgeable and you become very, in a way, very intelligent, I would say – you see the point very clearly, you become very wise and sensible. All these traits are very fantastic to ask because you can’t believe it – how can this happen? But it does happen, I must say, it does happen and because it’s your own, it’s within you.
I mean, I’m doing nothing about it, I should say – it just works out because you have not known what you are! Just you have to discover yourself, that’s what is sahaja yoga. …
I would say that your Kundalini knows everything about you, and She knows everything and She judges you – you don’t have to worry about that point. She is the surgeon and She knows what is to be done. So you don’t have to worry and you don’t have to certify yourself. Only thing is, that you must know that you must have committed some mistakes, so it’s all right, you’re a human being, you’re not God.
If you have made mistakes, doesn’t matter, don’t feel guilty…On the contrary you have to be very confident about yourself. You are a human being an epitome – epitomy of the evolution – the top-most people.
H H Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, 1990-03-02 Public Program,Perth, Australia.

Seeking with Open Eyes


But also that a seeker has to use his brains and must understand, what he is seeking. If we just blind folded go to these gurus, then what can one do about it? It’s very sad, because they are so naive, they must understand what we are seeking, what we are expecting, and what should happen to us.

Now, some people don’t understand that you cannot pay for God. You have not paid anything for becoming a human being. He doesn’t understand money. Money is created only by human beings. God has not created money. He doesn’t understand money at all. You cannot purchase God, you cannot purchase this knowledge, you cannot purchase your realisation. None of the things that are related with God, can be purchased with money. Anybody who tries to take money from you, in the name of God, is a parasite. Not only a parasite, but I would say a person who is anti-God. Because that is how he is maligning the name of God. It cannot be purchased, it cannot be sold, it cannot be organised, it cannot be manoeuvred.

We cannot have an organisation of God. We cannot organise Him. He is the way He is. We cannot tell Him now, “You come along every Sunday to our church”. He won’t. It is His desire, if He wants to do it or if He doesn’t want to do it. The only thing that binds God is love, dedication and truthfulness. If you are truthful, if you are dedicated, then God is interested in you. If you are not, He is not at all interested in people, who are seeking not God but something else.
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
Mar 2, 1983

Saturday, May 20, 2023

Shiva protects those who are forgiving and tolerant


" But the real spirituality, if you have, the protection will be always there, and Shiva will be very blissful.
He’s extremely blissful. And what He has given you is even more beautiful than you could think of. He’s extremely forgiving. I should say He is the source of forgiveness.
If you have forgiveness in your heart, He resides in your heart. Otherwise, gradually, you start developing very difficult types of diseases.
If you are forgiving, your heart runs very fast. No one can touch your heart. You cannot get heart attacks. But if you are tolerating, suffering and taking many things as a power of your own, doing wrong things and forgetting about God, then you also start developing a very weak heart. So one side is that you develop a heart which is extremely aggressive, and can become like Hitler’s heart. Under any kind of pretensions if you start torturing someone your heart becomes solid and then you can get a tremendous massive heart-attack, and all the troubles from that. This is inevitable.
But supposing you are extremely tolerant and you tolerate all nonsense, you are very docile, you are a frightened person. If you are frightened, then because of fright you do that, you can develop another kind of a heart [which] we call as angina where the blood supply is there, and ultimately you develop a kind of a guilt and you lead a very mediocre life.
So this second thing also is very visible among people who think they are very, very tolerant. I am saying that tolerance is alright because of Spirituality, but not because you are frightened, and you are afraid of something. If you are a Sahaj Yogi you have no business to be afraid of anything. In India people are afraid of everything! If they can see a squirrel they will be frightened! If they see a lizard – finished! I mean they are afraid of anything and the ladies in India are so afraid of even cockroaches! This kind of temperament is absolutely stupid, because that makes you a kind of a person who is prone to angina. What is there to be afraid of? If you are a Sahaj Yogi and Sahaj Yogini, you are not to be afraid of anything. They are afraid of rats! All kinds of nonsense. And they boast of it, and they talk about it. Here the heart is becoming weaker and weaker and weaker....
He’s very kind, and He looks after the people who are suffering. And He tries to punish people who make them suffer. It is His quality to help by destroying people who are aggressive. He doesn’t talk of Kundalini, He doesn’t talk of Self-realisation, He just punishes them nicely, in such a bad way that it’s shocking! And He relieves sometimes people like…I have seen many women who live like this, suffer so much: they die much earlier than their age.
All this one has to see in the right perspective. He’s there to protect, of course, but more to destroy. He protects all kinds of animals, all birds. All the nature He protects. He’s the one who brings all the joy, all the joy of spirituality. But if you try to become aggressive, then He is the one who will destroy. "
Shri Mataji Nirmala Delhi (India), 25 February 2001.

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

You are the PURE SPIRIT , Nobody can attack YOU


The One, which is reflected within us, is the Shiva, which is the pure Spirit. This pure Spirit within us is the reflection of God Almighty, Sadashiva. It’s like the sun that falls in the water and gives a clear reflection. Or else it falls on the stone, it doesn’t give any reflection at all. If you have, say, the mirror, the sun will not only fall on the mirror but will reflect back its light. In the same way in the human beings the reflection of God Almighty is expressed in the way your personality is. If your personality is clean and clear, innocent, then the reflection could be like a mirror.
Thus the saintly people, they reflect God Almighty in the proper manner, in the sense that their own identification with wrong things is no more. When there is no such identification and when a person is absolutely the pure Spirit, then the reflection of God reflects into others.
Luckily you all have got your Self Realization. That means the reflection of God Almighty is already working into your attention. The attention is enlightened by the power of the spirit. The power of the spirit is that it is a reflection. That means the reflection is never identified with the mirror or with the water. It is there till the sun shines, and when there is no sun there is no reflection. So when you are in Sahaja Yoga you have cleansed out yourself. Your Kundalini has also cleansed you, and now you are pure personalities. That’s why this reflection is clearer and clearer, and people see it; see it on your face; they see it in your body; they see it in your work; in your behaviour; in everywhere.
It is difficult for people to really believe in themselves, that they could be the reflection of God Almighty. They have some sort of a, complexes about themselves I think, that they cannot understand how they have suddenly become the reflection of God Almighty, but they have a capacity; and they can become the reflection of God Almighty, for which they have to have faith in themselves, faith in their ascent, to believe that we have become that.
The confidence in Sahaja Yoga is very important. Without the full confidence you cannot achieve your ascent. That you have seen even in My lectures, I have to tell them that we have to have full self-confidence. But confidence doesn’t mean by any chance your ego, your aggressiveness. If you are confident, you are least aggressive.
There is a story, a Chinese story, very interesting one: that one king wanted his cocks to win in the race they have about the cock-fighting. So somebody said that there is a saint, if you can take your cocks to him he’ll make them so strong that they will definitely win this race. So he took his two cocks and gave it to the saint and he said, I want you to give them all the strength to fight this race. After one month the king came and took these two cocks, and put them in the arena where there were many other cocks also. So the cocks started fighting and attacking these two cocks, but these two cocks were just standing very patiently, absolutely calm and quiet. Any kind of attack they were just looking at it as a fun, and all the cocks got tired and they ran away from the arena, and that’s how these two cocks won the game.
This is what it is for us to understand, that for a person who is detached he can never be attacked. We are attacked by so many attachments we have. Firstly our family, then our country, then our religion, then all kinds of thing, racialism; all these identifications really make us weak, because they attack us all the time and put confusion into the minds of Sahaja Yogis, I have seen. The reason is, you must have confidence in Sahaja Yoga and confidence in yourself, that you are on the right path and that you are now saved, and nobody can attack you because you have the complete protection of the Divine.
People may follow any religion, they may follow any guru, they may follow anything, but they have fear all the time that we’ll be attacked, and they’re afraid to say things, which they should say. They have no discretion even to know what is to be said. With the proper understanding that you are the pure Spirit, if you believe in that then you’ll be surprised that you will be very confident about what you are doing. In that way we can say that we have also another great advantage – is that we are in the collective. We can find out in the collective how are we behaving. What is the reaction in the collective? In the collective it’s a person who is very subtle, he need not talk too much, he need not say much. He could stand like the cocks I told you about. But his depth can be felt. You can feel a person of that caliber, that he’s such a deep person, that he doesn’t want to aggress. He feels protected within himself.
So this protection we have to feel, not mentally but within ourselves, and once you have that gravity, that feeling, nobody can attack YOU. The attacking person himself is insecure; or maybe he is ill bred; maybe he is not yet a Sahaja Yogi. So you have to just have a kind of a gracious view about the person.
Mahashivaratri Puja 26 February 1995, Australia

Sunday, May 14, 2023

Put Boundaries to your attention to have Depth


The second point is your attention should have that gravity. Your attention is very important. A person who is easily disturbed is not a deep person. Or easily taken to something like say emotions or easily to some other say intellectual pursuit. As gurus there will be temptations. People will be challenging, if a person comes out with a very big intellectual fleet or something like that. Then immediately you’ll feel challenged about it and you say, “All right let me handle the situation”. Handle it at the Sahaja Yoga point, on your gravity. Just sit down on your gravity and see to ittself. Immediately you will know how to handle the situation. You need not talk to that person, you’ll handle the situation all right. Not on intellectual level but on your gravity.
The attention has the gravity; it pulls down the ego and the superego of other people. Then you will not be frustrated offright. Also if you can start from the outside it may work out in human beings; it works out. Like study your behaviour how you behave towards others. Or study your attention how it behaves towards outside – what attracts your attention? What attracts your attention? Study your attention, by that study you will be able to fix your attention in its maryada – in its boundaries. Once you put the boundaries to the attention then the depth starts developing. The person who has no boundaries can never have depth, he will be spreading just like that, always, no depth at all. So you have to put boundary by understanding your attention, that no not more than that, all right not more than that."
Shree Guru Puja.
8 July 1979.
May be an image of 1 person
All rea

Mothers Day Message


May be an image of 1 person, smiling and flower

I am your Mother and I will tell you the truth.

You should not accept the slavery of anyone, whatsoever. You all have to become your own guru. This is what Sahaja Yoga is....

You become so powerful that you do not hurt anyone, nor can anyone hurt you.

But best of all, the highest is that you become the joy. The joy is an absolute quality. You believe in the world of relativity – relative, but you become the source of absoluteness.

This joy neither gives you happiness and unhappiness because these two qualities are the two faces of one coin. This joy is beyond all such feelings and you become a witness of the whole drama and enjoy the whole joke as a play.

reference - facebook post by

David Micah Nkanta

All reactio

Friday, May 12, 2023

You have to be Spirit - Joyous and Happy


Because of so many pressures on us and so many norms we’ve got, which are artificial, and we think only if outside we are alright, it’s alright; but Truth flowing from within is so joyous. You feel your capacity to love itself is so joyous, and capacity to give is also so joyous. So the Shiva Puja meant that you become love and feel the joy of love. You see when you love someone, if you love your child, you’re not bothered as to how it looks or how it appears, you just love. And if you try to be attentive to somebody because his appearance is good or he’s superficially good, or his manners are good, after some time you’ll be deceiving yourself. But if your inner being is beautiful then you will be happy with yourself first of all; because the source of joy is from within yourself. You do not get it from others.
So to cleanse yourself and to be open is the best way to enjoy life. Some people may laugh at you, some may make fun of you, some may try to trouble you; but most of them will love you, because you are so pure, and you will be yourself at peace with yourself. So the best thing is to have introspection to see yourself, whether you are Love or not. Like some people are conditioned and they want that this should be like this that should be like this, it should have been there, we should do this we should do that, we should organise like this, we should cook like this; I mean conditionings are there that according to them that’s something good. And if that doesn’t happen then they are unhappy. And some are right sided egoistical, they want to dominate others, if they cannot dominate then they are unhappy, they are angry. So they are miserable, so they make others miserable also. So the first type which is left sided makes himself miserable, while the second type makes others miserable: but both are wrong. You have no business to make yourself miserable, because God has created you to be joyous and happy.
So one should only know that you have to be the Spirit. So all these conditionings will drop out, ego will drop out. But when we talk of Spirit we always think of something very dry. No it’s not at all, it is absolutely Love, Spirit is Love. You can say the light of Spirit is Love. So it is important to understand that it’s the love only that is emitting from your heart that will give joy to you. Look at other people as you have to give them love. You’ll feel very powerful and the ‘bhoots’ and all the ‘badhas’ will run away. Once you decide that I have to just love others, all the conditioning will drop out.
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
Feb 22, 1991

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Real Religion in spirit oriented, not money or power oriented


The nature of the Spirit.”
Our religion stays outside, we remain outside. It has no control over us because the self-control is only our ego that controls. But the Self-control, means the control of the Spirit, is not there. Unless and until you become the Spirit and the Spirit comes into your attention, when you are completely enlightened then you just don’t do wrong; you cannot think of these things; you just, you become righteous automatically because you are in the light. Without the light within, in the darkness you cannot achieve that – whatever is promised….
We have to have this world full of peace, full of joy, full of friendship and brotherhood. That’s what we have come to. Now we have reached that point we don’t want to have any more wars. …
Either these religions have become money-oriented or have become what you can call the power-oriented. They are not Spirit-oriented. Let them become Spirit-oriented. None of them are Spirit-oriented. If you are just power-oriented or money-oriented then it will create problems. But still they think they are doing well, they are alright…Then we have lots of games connected with money. Then the power game is going on. How can these organisations be one with any government, with anything like that? What has government to do?
Only it is God’s government. It is his kingdom we should seek. Once you get into that kingdom you automatically become legal. You don’t have to read any laws, nothing; you become legal automatically because you become so righteous you don’t want to do anything wrong. But supposing they want to crucify you, they can. I mean, that’s different because they are crazy people. But otherwise it’s such a wonderful life…
I’ll tell you about the Spirit, the nature of the Spirit. The first nature of the Spirit is this: that when it manifests in your attention then your attention becomes enlightened and you can feel on your central nervous system this all-pervading power about which I told you yesterday which is the divine power which does all the living work; it’s the living God and his living Power. First time you start feeling – cool or hot breeze like waves flowing into your hands. That should happen. This is first things that happens when you become the Spirit, means the awakening takes place.
Then secondly you become absolutely thoughtlessly aware: thoughts cannot bombard you anymore. Because as you have seen here there is one side is your conditionings and another side is your ego, that covers …. Now, it is in between in the limbic area, in medical terminology it’s limbic area but we call it as Sahasrara – means “one thousand petals”. Now what happens: that when this centre – Agnya, that is the centre of Christ – when it is awakened, means Christ is awakened, it goes like this and this is sucked in inside that Agnya chakra. So you become thoughtlessly aware: means there is thought which just goes away. One thought rises and falls, again thought rises, falls and we are jumping on the cusp of the thoughts. But when this happens you are no more in the future and the past from where the thoughts come in but you are in centre – that is, you are in the present. So you can exist in the present…

the ego has gone away and you are connected with the Divine and you are getting all the inspiration from Divine which is the absolute; which is absolute. Because Spirit is the absolute, means you know the absolute truth. There is no difference of opinion between two persons or hundred persons. Whatever they know about others …. What you read, whatever are the precepts become your practices automatically. You don’t have to do it. I don’t have to say, “Don’t do that.”
As a result of this happening first of all, all bad habits drop off. .. But the Spirit when it gives you a complete, perfect idea of truth you just have to know how to overcome or how to correct your own centres. And that Spirit vibrates with this cool breeze. As soon as you are corrected you find all your fingers are flowing alright, it’s working alright and you feel extremely joyous because that is the nature of Spirit that it is joy. It is the ocean of joy. …
It is so wonderful that such a time has come now for all of us to take to our Self. This the way the Last Judgement is going to work out. Last Judgement doesn’t mean that we’ll be weighted; no, it doesn’t mean that. It means this kundalini will rise and she will tell herself what’s wrong with you. Even in Koran it’s written very clearly that when the time of Resurrection will come your hands will speak and they’ll give witness against you. This is what Sahaja Yoga is.
H H Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Brisbane (Australia), 21 February 1992.