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Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Ritual Fasting affects Dieties and Chakras


Ritual Fasting affects Dieties & Chakras..........

… What is the need to do all this? They are fasting. Why are you fasting? I don’t understand. Why do you want to make your body weak? In this body the Lord is going to come, and this body is fasting? If fasting people have to get God, at least 30% people of this country should get it automatically. They are made to fast.
[Sahaja Yogi says]: Particularly women.

Shri Mataji: Women? “Santoshi Maa?”, fast. Any fast. You know they’ve gone to such an absurd limit. And these Brahmins I will put them responsible. They have given all wrong ideas, absolutely juxtaposition. How? On a Sankashti, the day when Shri Ganesh is born in the family, see, imagine, that day you must fast. Imagine the argument behind it. That day! You see, supposing somebody is born in your family? I mean you celebrate it, you’re so happy. [Mother speks in Hindi: Us din kush raho, shok rehana chayiye?] Supposing I come to your house and you are fasting. I run away the next moment. [Shri Mataji and yogis laughing]. You see, if you write “Today we are fasting”, nobody’s going to come to your house. If you have to share in fasting, you can do, like Garwa Chout, they share in fasting.

You should fast on only one day, definitely you must. That is Naraka Chaturdeshi. That day they will eat. Because that day Narakasura was killed, and he was put in the naraka, means the hell. He was put down there. And the gates of hell were opened for him, and all such people are put on that day into the hell. So, that day you should not get up early in the morning, sleep in your bed.
[Somebody says it is already in the calendar].

See, with the calendar I don’t know, who has made, [Yogi’s talking] You see, but we must use our brains. What is Naraka Chaturdeshi meant? Actually these must be some rakshashas, must be some devils who must have created these calendars for us, some of them. That you must fast. I don’t know who has written such a nonsensical thing. The day when the gates of naraka are opened that day they’ll get up at 4’o clock, take their baths and nicely eat. All the rakshasas are will be going with the food inside the stomach, in the Nabhi Chakra. The picture has come of - the picture has appeared of some Santoshi Maa. Everybody fasting on Friday. Then the absurd ideas about eating food. That makes the difference. Also this is been introduced. …

"..See the silence and the joy and the, the joy of the awe is deep, very deep like a sea. Sea on superficial level is very turbulent, but inside is silent, absolutely silent.
Feel that depth. Without awe, you cannot go down."

Talk on Chakras and Deities,
Delhi, India