331de4708b05e1c7e3d68a6f68a1dc3c24899f06 Sahajayoga- Meditation techniques acclaimed worldwide: Jul 22, 2023


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Saturday, July 22, 2023




First thing to note is that on the night of new-moon and full-moon always there are dangers on your left and right sides. Especially on these two days, the nights of new moon and full moon, you should sleep very early at night. After singing bhajans, bow down before the photograph, meditate, and keep your attention on Sahastrara and go to sleep after taking bandhan. That means you go into the Unconscious the moment your attention is at your Sahastrara. There, give yourself a bandhan and you are saved. During these two nights it should be observed particularly.
The night of new moon, you should meditate especially on Shri Shiva. You should sleep after meditating on Shri Shiva, that is the Spirit, and completely surrender yourself to Him. On the night of full moon, you should meditate on Shri Rama and surrender yourself to Him for protection. The meaning of the word Ramchandra is ‘creativity’. You should completely dedicate your creative powers to Him. Thus you have to take special care of yourself on these two days.
However, on the seventh day (saptami) and ninth day (navami) of the Lunar fortnights you have my special blessings. Remember that you are specially blessed by me on these two days. Make some special arrangements so that you can have proper meditation on these days.
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
29 May 1976