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Monday, February 20, 2023

Enjoy the Strength of Eternity, Divine Love and Strength of being Universal Being


" In the present everything is fleeting. Everything is fleeting that is not eternal. In the present the eternal stays, the rest all drops out. It’s like a moving river which doesn’t stop anywhere. But the moving river is eternal. The rest of the things are all changing. If you are on the Eternal Principle, all that is not eternal changes and drops out, dissolves and becomes nonexistent.
We have to understand our own dignity, our own essence. The first and foremost is that all the Sahaja Yogis are the chosen ones. They are the people whom God has chosen. In this city of Delhi there are thousands and thousands of people. All over the world there are so many people that we are suffering from overpopulation, but in Sahaja Yoga there are very, very few people. And when you are chosen the first, you must also realise that you are the foundations. You are the stones that are to be laid down and have to be strong, have to be forbearing and that’s why it is necessary that all of you who are now few, who are the first lamps that are going to enlighten other lamps in the world, you have to enjoy the strength of eternity, the strength of Divine Love, the strength of this Universal Being that you are.
This is what meditation is. So when Sahaja Yogis ask Me: “What should we do for meditation?” You be in thoughtless awareness that’s all. Don’t do anything. At that time, not [only] that you are moving towards the goal, or that the Unconscious is taking charge of you, not only that, but also that you are emitting, for the first time, the Divine into the nature, into your surroundings, into other people who are universally connected to you. Only thing is that we are used to one thing, that is we must do something about it, and so that’s why we start doing something. Meditation is the most Sahaja method.Then we have prayers and we have also puja. Prayers are also, if said in your heart, with the feeling of complete surrendering and asking for the Eternal, it will be granted. Just ask for that and the rest will take [you] step-by-step. "
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, New Delhi. 30-03-1976