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Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Spirit within you in anxious to give you Peace, Bliss and Joy


We have seen for many decades of our lifetimes, a fascination with outer space and space exploration. Is there really life out there and why is the prospect of this so desired, at least by a small percentage of the human race. Humanity has looked up or outwards at the stars for much if its existence, both practically as a form of calendar or click by which to measure time and seasons on earth and later inwardly, to try to analyse or comprehend our inner working. .
Whilst it is indeed fascinating to seek and understand such a minute fraction of what is beyond our Earth's orbit, this is all an outward and relatively movement. It's like us being fully enamoured with the branches of a tree flourishing outwardly whilst being totally unaware of the lack of development of the roots by which it is sustained in the earth.
Human beings often fail to be able to see that which is right before us. It is and has always been there in plain sight, yet still it eludes us.
Even when God or Divinity in the form of a highly evolved soul appears on earth, there are a percentage who listen, a percentage who 'hear', a percentage who truly 'hear' and 'know' within and an even smaller percentage who know what to do and how to be.
Whether you personally believe it or not, the real direction of travel truly lies within each of us, not out there until we have ourself.
Shri Mataji, explains it this :
"There is no fear from outside invasion, or from any star, or from any extra-terrestrial attack, no there is not. It is within us. The attack is built within us, of which we should be aware. In the name of freedom, we have collected within ourselves all the germs of our destruction. It is such a built-in process within us that we are not even aware that they are growing, that they are there. We are quite satisfied with ourselves, with our artificial life, with our so-called etiquettes and superficial mannerisms.
Innately within us there resides the Spirit which wants to enlighten you, which is anxious to enlighten you, to give you the peace, the bliss, the joy of your being. This beautiful lamp of yours which is being created, is with a great purpose. It has to be enlightened. Respect yourself! There is no ‘respect’ word left in the dictionary today. Respect yourself! We have to respect this lamp which has the light of the Spirit, that it should be enlightened, and let us be that lamp that shows the path of glorification of your being, and in that light, we can see God’s glory, too.
It’s such a beautiful world He has created for us. Everything He has given us, but we in our ignorance and in so-called freedom have ruined so many things. It is sometimes shocking to see how people are going just towards hell directly."
Hampstead Town Hall Centre, Hampstea