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Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Mataji’s contribution to the Freedom Struggle of India

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Mataji Nirmaladevi and her parents were actively involved in the freedom struggle of India.  When her parents were jailed for participation in the freedom struggle, she was just eight years old. Even at that tender age she took responsibility of looking after her younger siblings.  The royal family was forced out of their home and then she adopted a Spartan lifestyle.  For freedom of India along with her parents she also suffered.  She even lived in huts, slept on the floor going sometimes even without food. However she was sure that her parents were doing the things for the freedom of the country, and did not thought of little comforts that children are used too.

Mahatma Gandhi had a great impact on her and her family.  She became the youth leader in Mahatma Gandhi’s Quit India Movement of 1942, while she was studying at the Christian Medical College in Lahore. She was often tortured, arrested but she remained determined with her goal of India’s freedom.
The efforts, fighting and lives of many succeeded in India’s freedom.  However the cunning Britishers divided erstwhile India into three different countries – India, Pakistan and Bangladesh.  The era of post-independence was much complex. Even at that time Sheri Marajo opened her home for Muslim refugees.  She never discriminated on the basis of religious background and rather encouraged integration of all communities.

After getting national freedom, her promise to Mahatma Gandhi resulted in getting mankind “Freedom from Within “ i. e. Sahaja Yoga founded by her.

  On this Independence Day we bow our heads with great respect to your contribution to this great nation and humanity at large.
Jai Shri Mataji.

courtesy - http://shrimataji.org/site/life/biography-from-nirmala-srivastava-to-shri-mataji/shri-mataji-college-years.html

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