331de4708b05e1c7e3d68a6f68a1dc3c24899f06 Sahajayoga- Meditation techniques acclaimed worldwide: Through Divine Vibrations you know what is Right or Wrong Karma


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Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Through Divine Vibrations you know what is Right or Wrong Karma


Q: What about our karmas ?
A:. Only human beings think they do karmas, animals do not think thus. Because of our ego we think that we do right or wrong, animals do not think thus. Actually, human beings do not know what is right or wrong because they live in relative world. But what is the absolute truth; that you can only know through Divine vibrations. When you become the Divine computer then everyone thinks the same way. Right and wrong becomes clear, like animals can pass a dirty drain without knowing, but human beings will not go there. When you become saints you will know the right and wrong, you cannot do anything wrong, you get a new dimension to know.
However, before that, you have conditionings and you become a closed personality with an ego. But Christ sucks your conditionings and ego. That is the meaning of Christ dying for our sins, for which He is awakened. By His powers He can suck all our sins , hence you need not feel guilty at all because all your Karmas have been sucked.
The idea of suffering comes from people who want to suffer. They say that since you have sinned you must pay for your sins but God does not understand money. Are we going to suffer more than Christ? St. Thomas has talked of nothing but Sahaja Yoga when He said that Almighty Father is so kind , so compassionate, how can He ask you to suffer? He said that our Father is so anxious for us to enter His Kingdom. So, let us rejoice and be happy and give up the idea of suffering. You are not to feel sad and guilty."
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Nirmal Fragrance
Page 257.

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