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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

knowledge of Self- power of Kundalini

For the seeker who really want to know about self, purpose of life, meaning of existence etc, must understand that there is Kundalini, within you. She is the great judge. You will never come across such a judge anywhere in the world. She absolutely and thoroughly understands, knows, everything about you, because she has been with you in all your previous lives. She knows you in and out. Nothing can be hidden from her.

Kundalini is your Mother. She only gives everything and does not expect anything from you in return. She wants that you should know yourself, attain your absolute state, come out of any kin of confusion, delusion.

She is your best friend. She guides you, teaches you, puts you on right path. She helps you to get awareness, light of thought, self realization, total awakening within yourself. She loves you and wants you to be the best.

Kundalini when rises, soothes you. You get good health as a by product in sahajayoga. Every one of us has power within us, the desire of the God, in the form of Kundalini. You can understand the meaning of freedom in better way and also use it for good cause- self emancipation.

Kundalini when rises also brings about enlightment in you. All the seeds of confusion, chaos, distrust, agony etc.which are typical products of Kali yuga are uprooted completely . For this you must give sufficient time to kundlani work and remove all this dirt from you. She absolutely cures you, brings about total improvement within yourself, she bestows all the blissful things upon you.

Kundalini awakening helps you to solve material problems of life. Not than suddenly you become a top ranking rich person in the world or something of that sort, but it absolutely changes your attitude, your frame of mind, your way of thinking.

Awakened kundalini generates sensitivity to reality. That is more important, because when you will test anything on the touchstone of reality, you will understand it completely. Just do not follow the dictates of some Gurus, Books, So called Saints and all that sort of things. Look within yourself. There is great divine power within yourself, there is Kundalini Maa to bestow everything upon you, to guide you, to treat you, to love you, to develop you. Hear her voice, follow her guidance and you will find everything in your life changing. So abide by the signals and messages given by Kundalini, those you can feel on your finger tips with vibrations.

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