331de4708b05e1c7e3d68a6f68a1dc3c24899f06 Sahajayoga- Meditation techniques acclaimed worldwide: On Realisation you become Universal Being shading all conditionings


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Saturday, July 8, 2023

On Realisation you become Universal Being shading all conditionings


First of all there’s a big difference between you people and other people who got their Realization. First big difference is this, that this power you have achieved Sahaj, easily. Others had to go to Himalayas, stand in the cold air for days together, so many died, live in the caves, eating fruits, sometimes nothing. Even Buddha’s time they had to use only one piece of cloth to cover their body and they had to ask for alms in the villages and somehow cook some food and eat it – whether it was cold or hot, no comforts. On the contrary, He taught them that you should give up all our comforts because you can live without comforts. But none of them got Realization and none of them could do the work of awakening of Kundalini.
So the difference is too much, the way you got your Realization, the way your Kundalini, in a very Sahaj manner, was awakened and the way you are manifesting those powers that you have got. For example you can give Realization to others, you can cure others, you can feel the vibrations of others, there are some Sahaja Yogis who can control rain, sun, moon, everything. Sahaja Yogis, some of them, have tremendous powers of prayers. Just by praying they have saved the lives of many people. And these powers were available to some of them, even to the rishis and great munis on those days, but their powers were not based on love and compassion. This is your special field because you have to work for the benevolence of the people. Their field was to protect themselves or to destroy. So they developed powers of curses, like sharp, they could curse people. You haven’t got that power; you cannot curse anyone. Very nicely that power I have cancelled. Nor do I curse, I can, but I never curse anyone, because our basis is love and compassion and tenderliness. They were very hot-tempered people, most of them, extremely hot temper, and sometimes they used also terrible harsh languages whenever they spoke about the people who were not realized or who were troubling them. This was very funny the way they were angry with the society, the way they described them. Some of them did not look at the society, did not denounce the society, did not say bad things about the society but they were only satisfied with themselves or they wrote about the blessings that they are having. But you have a new dimension; you have to use your powers for the benevolence of the people. So also, your Kundalini was awakened so Sahaj; it is because of the love and compassion of your Mother. So this time, we should say, your Kundalini can only be nourished if you develop within yourself the sense of pure love and pure compassion.
First I’ve used the word “pure”, that’s My name also. That means you have to be innocent to begin with. If you are not innocent then you have certain problems, maybe with your lust. Maybe your love might be directed towards some person, only. Kundalini is not like that. She rises, She goes to all the chakras, She doesn’t get involved into any, She tries to cure every chakra, nourish that chakra, and She is only worried about Her ascent. In the same way a Sahaja Yogi should not get involved into any relationship as such. Is possible. You don’t have to become like Buddha’s disciples. For example, as I have always told you, the sap in the tree rises and goes to various parts of the tree and then evaporates or comes back.
So this passage should be kept open, and once this passage is kept open the Kundalini can rise very easily without any trouble. But this passage can be closed, in case you get too much involved into one thing, because there are some people who get involved, say in their parents to begin with. All right, in the beginning I know, those who come in the beginning to Sahaja Yoga, will start saying, “Mother, my father’s, sister’s, husband’s, this things, that, is sick, so will you please cure that person.” Very common. They’ll write long, long letters describing the relationship and I really lose the connection – who is this one? Without writing the names they will give all the connections that they have. These are all artificial connections. Tomorrow some calamity comes on you, these relationships are of no use; on the contrary you’ll find they’ll take advantage of it. You cannot depend on these relations of yours, in what family you were born, in what religion you were born, in what country you are born, because now you are a universal being.
So you are no more related through these artificial relationships but you are related through your spiritual relationships. Unless and until we establish that within ourselves – that doesn’t mean you give up your husband, give up your wife, give up your children, nothing of the kind; but that means that if we have to give up our conditionings we have to give up all these things. There are all kinds of conditionings we have. If there are some good conditionings, still we should give up in the sense they should not be conditionings but we should be master of them. For example Indians have one good conditioning, in a way, in their own country, that they must have their bath early in the morning. I used to do the same. Then England is horrible for that. It takes its respite, if you do that in England, it’s a cursed country, you just can’t do that. You have to take your bath in the night otherwise give up bathing; and one has to change. But if you have that conditioning, then you will feel very sad, “Oh, oh, I’ve missed my bath, I’m feeling, I can’t sleep now, I can’t feel all right, I am not normal.” It’s a good conditioning but still it is enslaving you.
So whether it is good or bad, if it is a conditioning you should try to see it clearly, it’s a conditioning. That doesn’t mean that you should go in the opposite direction, that, “All right I’ll never have my bath”, that’s not the way. It is that, “All right if it doesn’t suit in the morning I’ll have it in the evening, also doesn’t matter once in a while I’ll miss it. The bath cannot control me, I’ll control the bath.” Nothing should control you, then the Kundalini moves for us, because you must have complete liberty. If you do not have complete liberty then the Kundalini won’t move.
We have conditionings of our families, of our religion, of our country. These conditionings, as far as possible, is to be seen clearly that we have got it through our family. If you are born a Christian you’ll always be more attached to Christ. Christ you have not seen, you don’t know whether He existed or not, whether this Bible is true or not but you’ll be more attached to Bible. Now if you are a Hindu, you’ll be more attached to Gita or to Vedas or something. This creates imbalance, because we must have the same attitude towards all the religions, towards all the scriptures; that’s the sign of a saint. So this conditioning has to go. In what country you are born is another conditioning which has to be fought out; very important it is. I don’t want to discuss the conditionings of different countries but you know very well. After Realization when you rise higher than your society which is surrounding you, you start understanding and you start describing. I’ve come to know about the stupidity of all these countries through the people who belong to that country. For example a Frenchman will say, “Mother, this is typical French mind, he’s a French otherwise born.” Or a Hindu will say, “Mother, this is typically a Hindu man, he will do like this.” So then you understand that you are not typifying that country, you are a universal being and you are living like a universal being.
Once you become the universal being then also you realize that this skin-deep complexion makes no difference in the world. So then you don’t start hating somebody who is darker than you or who is fairer than you; both ways it works. It’s not only the people who are fair hate the darker ones, but “darkers” also hate equally. And mutually they believe that they are all absolutely wrong. If you ask a fanatic about another religion he’ll say, that’s the worst religion, his is the best. And you ask the another fanatic, he will say his is the best, the rest of it is the worst. That means all of them are the worst, in a general opinion. Everybody seems to be the worst, all the fanatics are the worst, if you take a general consensus, you see. Nobody will say that, “All right, my religion is all right and at least one another is all right”, nobody.
Kundalini puja,
Cabella Ligure (italy), 21 June 1992.

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