331de4708b05e1c7e3d68a6f68a1dc3c24899f06 Sahajayoga- Meditation techniques acclaimed worldwide: World Peace Through Inner Awakening


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Tuesday, September 12, 2023

World Peace Through Inner Awakening


As Humanity as a whole, we have reached the crossroads today from where we are finding it increasingly difficult to turn in any direction to get a solution to myriad problems we are facing in every field of life. Everyone of us is seeking a way out from this rigamarole in which we have encased ourselves, through our own ignorance and blindness. Even though we may have made much material progress, we realize sooner or later that it has not necessarily given us happiness. Neither of those who have it are happy, nor the ones who have yet to benefit from it.
What is the solution then ? Where have we lost the way? What are we truly seeking ? Why can't we all live in peace with a feeling of true brotherhood ? The problem is that we have divided ourselves into groups through our own narrow divisive tactics. With vested interests everywhere playing havoc with us, we have reached a state where we now live only selfishly for ourselves and not for others..... forgetting that we are all connected to a whole.
The problem is that we have not "known ourselves", our true nature which is collective. We have not realized that unless and until we know our real self... our spirit... the eternal indestructible divine dimension within us, we cannot be ever united, we can never evolve to a level we are meant to reach.
And to ascend to that level, we cannot use our minds and brains.... because we cannot know the infinite through our finite minds and normal human consciousness. A quantum leap has got to be made.... we have to let our consciousness jump into something higher. We have to become a honeybee to taste the nectar.
The time has come now... to evolve and get into that higher state. So far, very few human beings across the globe have achieved that state and the rest of humanity has never understood what they have preached, lacking the means to do so.
But today, according to Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, the founder of Sahaja Yoga Meditation Technique, it is the "blossom time", and all those truly seeking their self-realization will get it on the strength of their pure desire through their kundalini awakening, (a dormant energy within our sacrum bone) when the individual soul will get connected to the Universal Energy which does all the living work. As more and more individuals get connected thus, the very purpose of our existence as human beings will be revealed to humanity and all the differences will vanish from the earth.
It is upto each individual to establish this connection and grow from within through the sahaja yoga meditative technique and learn how to interpret the pure knowledge revealed through this practice, to bring about self transformation.
It is only by this spontaneous self- awakening at an individual level that the transformation of the world is possible.

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