331de4708b05e1c7e3d68a6f68a1dc3c24899f06 Sahajayoga- Meditation techniques acclaimed worldwide: Sprout like a Seed and enter the Kingdom of God


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Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Sprout like a Seed and enter the Kingdom of God


Only because He loved this world, He created you, the whole universe. And if you have to get your realisation also it is He who has organised within you long time back a method by which you have to have it. So even to say that sahaja yoga is something modern could not be correct. But sahaja yoga has been throughout, is the living process of the whole creation. Sahaja—is born with you. As the seed sprouts you also can sprout. This has been with us, the whole universe has been created and today the time has come for human beings to be enlightened. Their awareness, the human awareness is definitely higher than that of an animal.
For example if you want to take a horse through dirty places it would work; But if you want to take a human being through some dirty lake he would immediately faint. Human beings can see the colours and can make out that this colour is not good that colour is ugly, that [one is] horrible. The sense of beauty is not among animals. There are so many things that human beings have got which animals do not have. Still there is all pervading ignorance [agnyan]. Still we are ignorant. The light is not there. Still we are in the dark. We don’t know why God has created us. We don’t know what is our fulfilment. We don't know why we have to live in this world, to be born in this world, then eat your food, then earn some money, leave some money for your children or for example have an election then break somebody’s head and then die. Is this the way we are going to live day to day? Is this what God wanted us to do?
Because thousands of years have been taken from amoeba stage to this stage. And now what are you going to do out of us? Those who are supposed to be human beings who have got a proper nose eyes and everything intact. Are we going to waste our life the way we have been doing, the way our forefathers have done it. What is the meaning of this human being, what is the fulfillment of this being?
This question must come to every sensible personality. But it does not. It does not [unclear]. We have had our food today and as long we have insurance for some thousands of rupees then why should we worry. Our attention is so limited we just think of our very very ordinary means. But within us there is a tremendous being to know why we are on this earth. What are we going to do about this being who is born again and again on this earth. What is the achievement, what is the speciality? We have not evaluated ourselves the way[UNCLEAR] ourselves till morning, till evening. We are worried about all useless frivolous things. You are human beings. You are something so great. God has created you, this greatness has been given to you for some purpose. All the saints have been talking about it. We thought that these saints must be mad. We have crucified them we have killed them we have poisoned them. Most of them in the modern times have run away and sitting in some hills and mountains however they do not want to come down. So what have we achieved though this being?
First and foremost question we must ask ourselves, Have we been able to know why we are here? The problem is very few people know, have knowledge and the rest of them are in ignorance. Such an all pervading ignorance is there and one blind is leading the other blind. You will reach nowhere. There must be some arrangement within us after all we became human beings spontaneously by itself. What did we do? We don’t even remember we were amoeba. We don’t even remember we were monkeys. We don’t remember anything. What we know is that we are human beings. Now here we are talking of new vibratory awareness. We are talking of human awareness which is enlightened. Like when there is no light in this room you just can’t see anything. Everybody is blind, blindfolded and whatever they have found out on that is based on blindness. Ignorance leading to ignorance.
Unless and until you have found out your absolute whatever you are doing is irrelative and [relating just to relative has no meaning]. Like somebody said Mother are you for communism or for monarchy. I said both are madness. They said how? I said I am only for the kingdom of God. They said where is the kingdom of God? I said that is the point. If you are asking this question when you do not know where is the kingdom of God then you are ignorant like children. What can I tell you about it. You have to find out your absolute which is within you. Which is all the time present.
Public Program, New Year, Mumbai, India 🇮🇳 (2nd January,1980)

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