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Sunday, December 31, 2023



Wisdom is an innate quality of anyone who is a Sahaja Yogi.”- Shri Mataji (15.12.1991)

…….Ganesha was created to spread or to emit auspiciousness and holiness. Actually, if there is holiness there is auspiciousness. For Ganesha is the one actually who cleanses everything, cleanses everything because it is innocence and the innocence that cleanses you takes away all kinds of conditioning and egos that are distracting your attention…….. With that good attention you can really do so many things like now, for example, you can see the software. Good mathematics. They’re very good at music because all these things require tremendous attention. Art, dancing, anything which requires tremendous attention, that has to come only through Ganesha. Because they say Ganesha is a giver of wisdom. He’s a giver of wisdom. Means just His wisdom becomes just a dharma, becomes a part and parcel of your being. You become just wise. Now somebody may ask, Ò Mother how to become wise. It’s very difficult to say how to become wise. It is just that it happens that you become wise. So, though He’s a child, He’s so matured. He’s so wise. And He’s not only that, but He emits wisdom and this wisdom is an innate quality of anyone who is a Sahaja Yogi because in him, also, Shri Ganesha has been awakened.

So he becomes a wise person, very wise, and with wisdom what does he achieve? He achieves a balance, a proper ascent and also he understands that this ascent is for his benevolence, for the benevolence of his country, benevolence of the whole world. He understands the importance of Sahaja Yoga*. Without this wisdom, one cannot understand. And this wisdom is within us, just absolutely, innately built in. Only thing is we have to use the storehouse of this wisdom that is within us
Now, we might think that wisdom is there with us and we know how to do so many things with our wisdom and now we are absolutely wise. Agree, with Sahaja Yogis, now they have become really very, very wise and they know how to use their wisdom.

But still, faith in themselves really has to be of the Nirvikalpa state. That is only possible also through Shri Ganesha because He is in Nirvikalpa. He has Nirvikalpas, nothing. He doesn’t have to question anything. He doesn’t have to ask for anything. He is just there. And He’s in complete Nirvikalpa. Complete, absolutely into a state where He is not at all attached, nor is He worrying about things, nothing of the kind. He is just in Nirvikalpa and in that Nirvikalpa He worships Mother.

(An extract from talk of H H Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Shri Ganesha Puja. Pune, India, 15th December 1991.)

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