331de4708b05e1c7e3d68a6f68a1dc3c24899f06 Sahajayoga- Meditation techniques acclaimed worldwide: SOLUTION OF OUR PHYSICAL, MENTAL, EMOTIONAL PROBLEMS


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Thursday, December 14, 2023



Solution of our physical, mental, emotional problems.”
….bhoot bhadha. Means, the obstruction from the past.” Now they don’t believe in a sort of a dead body or a dead person can invade human being. They don’t believe. Though Christ removed the, what you call, devils from the people like that. But they don’t believe. Even in Quran there is a mention like that. But that is aright in Quran. That is alright in bible. But as far as the belief in the human being there is, they don’t believe. Now if I tell them that the psychosomatic troubles comes from the left side attack, left side attack, that is from the past, from the things that have gone out of circulation from evolution or you can say dead bodies, the dead persons, the dead personalities they will just refuse it, to listen to it. But if unless and until you believe in it and you experiment with it how will you be able to eradicate this bad thing. So that is not only there. Every country has this problem. Every country even England is also full of it. I mean of course advance countries like America is much worse. To add up to that lots of false gurus went to America and have done this one. So on this point also people don’t want to agree. But whether you agree or not tomorrow you will have to come to it. Because if you want to get cured of your psychosomatic troubles, even cancer, even AIDS, all these diseases come only by the attack of these small small particles of these viruses which were left out of our circulation through evolution. That will be seen. That is a knowledge to be seen very clearly. Now in sahaja yoga many people have been cured of cancer, no doubt. Also of AIDS they are cured. So many people have been cured. It’s not, I am not telling you something false. But for that one has to understand that there is some power beyond us, something much beyond. Like Einstein himself has said that there is a kind of an area which he calls as torsion area which you will see in one of these things, torsion area which is beyond our human personality. He calls it, we have to be a vacuum ourselves. We should not exist anymore as physical, mental or emotional being. When you go beyond that if there is a vacuum then only you can feel the torsion area he’s clearly said it. But he was a realized soul himself. So whatever he says people want to doubt you see, whether it is this and that?. So with rationality we start doubting. But not to believe in Einstein shows how arrogant we are. After all Einstein is saying there must be some in it. Like that the whole world is going on and on a very superficial basis. Now our sahaja yoga is a very different thing. It is that we all human being have a special power, a residual power within us called kundalini which resides in the triangular bone which is called as sacrum. Now the sacrum bone means it’s the sacred. That means Greeks knew about it, that’s the sacred bone. And this power when it rises from here goes through the, we call it a sushumna nadi, the central path of the thing and pierces through the fontanel bone area then you get the actualization of baptism. Then you become a Muslim, then you become a Hindu otherwise you are not. So it has to come out of your fontanel bone area and has to go to that torsion area….
Mohammad sahib has said very clearly, your hands will speak at the time of kiyama. At the time of last judgement we can call it or the last resurrection. Your, your hands will speak. Your hands will speak. That means they will show, your hands will show what centers you are catching. Can you imagine when He said that nobody tries to analyze how can our hands speak. But your hands will speak he has clearly said. And that is what happens to you that you see your fingers showing you whether you are catching this centre or this center or this centre. This is actualization. This is not just talking. This is not only just describing something but it happens to everyone and should happen. As a result what happens all these centers are responsible for our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual being. So they all get enlightened. They get integrated. Also they are nourished. So all our physical, mental, emotional problems get solved and we become spiritual. Now whatever country you may belong to whatever religion you may belong to you have every right to become spiritual. And when you become that you will be amazed to see that so many qualities within us start showing. The first and foremost quality that comes to you is you get a new dimension in your awareness. And what is that is collective consciousness. You become collectivity conscious. Means you can feel another person. You know what’s the problem with that. With love not with anger, with love, you feel one with another person. Ones this happens all the quarrelsome things will disappear. The whole world can be changed and transformed…
H H Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, 1998-1214 Public Program, New Delhi.


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