331de4708b05e1c7e3d68a6f68a1dc3c24899f06 Sahajayoga- Meditation techniques acclaimed worldwide: May 27, 2019


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Monday, May 27, 2019

Sahaja Yoga Meditation - Audio Talks

Sahaja Yoga Meditation - Audio Talks

Going beyond the mind

Posted: 27 May 2019 06:01 AM PDT

Please enjoy another extract from a talk by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, founder of Sahaja Yoga, at a Public Program at Newcastle, near Sydney on the 28th February 1992.


“Sahaja means with you is born. This yoga means the union, the union with this all pervading power of God’s love. It exists or not, we have never bothered to find out. We see these beautiful flowers, very beautiful flowers and everything around. When I came from Sydney I saw the beauty, the nature had just spread for the pleasure of human beings. We never even think how it has happened, what has worked it out, all these living things. We don’t even think how this eye of ours is such a beautiful camera, how it has been made, how is it this brain, which is such a great computer, how is it made. Who has made it? They may say it is autonomous but who is this auto? We have never tried to find out. That there is this all pervading power of God’s love which has done all this living work, and now for us it is to feel that, that is the yoga, is the union with that Divine. It’s not physical, it’s not mental, but it is spiritual, where you start first time feeling this all pervading power. Then only you have to know how to use this power which flows through you. But it moves very slowly and people, you see this is not a plastic work that you can go on producing many and we don’t have any organization as such, we do not organize people and we do not take any money at all, you cannot. How much can you pay for this divine work? How much do we pay to Mother Earth for what she gives us all these beautiful flowers? She doesn’t understand money, so you cannot pay for it. But there are many, many organizations afloat, which are taking money, which are giving you mental heat and people run after them, they like to go on working out that yarn that they have spun for you.

One has to go beyond this mind to feel the spirituality. With this mind, that is human mind, you cannot understand it, you have to have divine mind. But once you get your realization your mind also gets enlightened, and when your mind is enlightened, you can perceive, penetrate into every situation in such a deeper manner and the way you can improve it. I can tell you a simple analogy to understand. Supposing you are standing in the sea and the sea is rough, you are afraid of the waves, very much afraid. But supposing somebody puts you on the boat, and then you can see those waves and enjoy them. But supposing you learn how to swim then you can jump in and save them. It is not any brainwashing or any sort of a bombardment of words, but it is something that happens to you. You become something, as you have become human beings, you become realized souls as a result of this last breakthrough of your evolution. This is happening everywhere no doubt and it’s working out very well in, I think they told me, 62 countries but at least I know of definitely of 52 countries where there we have got very strong centers where it is working out.

Now whatever we are telling you here you need not accept blindfolded. Blind faith is of no use. First of all you must experience. Just like a hypothesis I am putting this before you, but you should have an open mind of a scientist. Just open your mind and see for yourself it works. If it works then you have to accept. If you are honest you have to accept. If it works with many, why not try and work it out. Most of the people do get their realization. I have seen it.

It’s a wonderful thing that is happening that masses of people can get realization. Depends on also certain places like Russia I was amazed. Where they have not heard the name of God they have never heard the name of Christ. They were not allowed to read Bible or any book, they had no religion at all. They believed in no religion. Where thousands and thousands come to my program and they all get their realization. In a small place called Togliatti there are 22 thousand Sahaja Yogis practicing Sahaja Yoga. Can you imagine it? I was so amazed. Same about Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, Poland. I was amazed how these people, Czechoslovakia, how they have taken to Sahaja Yoga so fast, just like fish to water, how they realized it, and nobody else, all these false people, could not go there, nothing could work out. Only thing that has really worked out there is something that is genuine. That is Sahaja Yoga.

One has to realize that as we are not in the absolute state, we have to reach to the absolute state. That desire should be there. If that desire is there it works out without any difficulty. It is your own power which manifests and gradually you can manifest them in such a way that you can do so many things like giving realization to others, curing others and also enjoying it, because when the attention is filled with the light of the Spirit, it fills you up with complete joy, and joy has not two sides like happiness and unhappiness. It’s singular, it’s absolute and you are then, they say they are swimming in the ocean of joy. So beautiful it is.”

HH Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

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Reaching the absolute state

Posted: 27 May 2019 06:01 AM PDT

Please enjoy the following extract from a talk by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, founder of Sahaja Yoga. This talk took place at Newcastle, near Sydney, Australia on the 28th February 1992.


“I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset you have to know that truth is what it is. We cannot change it. We cannot transform it and we cannot conceptualize it. Also unfortunately at this human awareness we cannot feel the truth, so something has to be done, something has to work out in our human awareness in the evolutionary process. We have become human beings from amoeba. How did we become? And if we are human beings have we reached the absolute state? We have not. If we had reached the absolute state then there would have been no problems because everybody would have seen the same thing, would have understood the same thing, and felt the same thing, but because we are living in a relative world we have all these problems. As it is, most of the problems are created by human beings. If you see ecological problems, if you see economic problems, political problems, physical problems, mental problems, family problems, all of them are related to human beings. So we have gone wrong somewhere, there’s something that’s a missing point which we have not realized.

The advancements we have made in our civilization, say in science, has reached such a stage that we had to create atom bomb, hydrogen bomb. So all these mental efforts we have put in also boomerang on us and create our destruction. In every way we get frustrated, and we start seeking – what’s the matter?

But now a new category of very honest people are there in this world who are seeking beyond. William Blake has called them “men of God”, those who will seek the truth and they will make other people also godly. That’s the time has come, this resurrection time has come we should say, or this is the Last Judgment. This Last Judgment is going to be done by this Kundalini, the power within you. This is your own power which has to be awakened and once it is awakened it passes through these centers as told to you and lets you know that these are your problems. These are the problems of your chakras. They may be physical, may be emotional, they may be, could be also spiritual, and once you know these problems and if you know how to solve these problems you can be a very normal, sensible, balanced personality. That’s not the only thing that happens when you get your Self-realization.

Firstly what happens to you is that when the Kundalini passes through your Agyna chakra then you become thoughtlessly aware. If you see all the sciences they have created about religion, talks and the whole thing, it’s just mental. It’s not inside, it’s not innate, built within. So one thought rises, another thought falls. Another thought rises and falls down, some come from the future, some come from the past, and we are jumping on the cusp of these thoughts. But if you say now, this is the present, stop your mind at the stop, the point which is the present, you can’t, you just can’t do it. Between these thoughts there is a gap. This gap is the present, but it’s so small, it’s so small that you cannot find it. But when the Kundalini passes through, then this center, then these two institutions as you see them, the conditioning and the ego are just sucked in. As a result you become thoughtlessly aware. Means there is no thought. But you are absolutely aware, very much more aware. For example if you look at this beautiful hall with the thoughtless awareness, then the whole picture becomes clear like a photo in your mind, whole thing is stored up into every detail so clearly because present is the truth, past is finished and future doesn’t exist.

So to come to the present you have to have this new awareness called as thoughtless awareness. But when she crosses over and pierces through your fontanel bone area which is the actualization of your baptism. Just people talk of baptism, “Come along I’ll baptize you.” It’s not possible that way. It’s just an artificial ritual. Try to understand, this is not going to render that actual happening within you which is going to make you grow spiritually. So the actualization of baptism takes place and you can feel also from your fontanel bone area a kind of a cool breeze of the Holy Ghost coming in. You feel extremely relaxed. Secondly that you jump into another higher awareness which we call, as collective consciousness. This means that not only that you can you feel your own centers on your fingertips, because these cool vibrations, you can call them, start flowing through your own hands, you can feel them. But also you get the information about others as well as about yourself on these fingertips. Automatically you become like a person who is a computer. It starts working in such a wonderful manner that you can find out about any disease, any trouble without going through all the diagnosis or anything, and if you know how to cure these troubles, physically, mentally, you can definitely cure yourself and also others if you have reached that state and have permanently achieved it. This is what has to happen to us. All of us have to achieve that state which is your right to achieve it.”

HH Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

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