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Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Respect and Reverence of Parents is Important


Now, if I say, “You go and talk to your mother,” then you can say, “My mother is not a good person. She is this and that.” Then I have to say, “Alright, then you forgive her.” Then you don’t like it. You would expect me to tell you, “Alright, just go and bash her.” You would be pleased if I tell you like that, some of you would – “Go and beat her up!” But I would not say like that because that’s not the way Sahaja Yogis are going to work away.
You must know that the whole society is in a whirlwind, it’s a whirlwind, so somebody has to steady oneself and stop and try to change the winds. And that’s why a Sahaja Yogi has to stand up and understand that respect and reverence of parents is important. But it is an actual thing, because if you are not good with your mother your left side is weak; you have seen it on the vibrations. Whatever I say you can see it on your vibrations. You will be the loser, so forgive her. Know that she has given you birth. Maybe if she has been harsh to you, angry with you or done something – forgive her. And you will be amazed, you can win her over, it’s not difficult because by your goodness to her, by your over-goodness towards her, relatively, it will work. And maybe, exceptionally, one person may be this thing (kumata) but you cannot make a rule out of that; exceptionally one may be. But if you have to change the society, the whole thinking, somebody has to stand up.
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
Dec 9, 1978