331de4708b05e1c7e3d68a6f68a1dc3c24899f06 Sahajayoga- Meditation techniques acclaimed worldwide: 03/01/2021 - 04/01/2021


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Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Sahajayoga is only treatment for physical body, mental conditions and our own spirit

Mataji Nirmaladevi has many times described why we are ill, why we have some disease. How can we really cure it etc. Following is the text of one of her lectures -

In nutshell we must remember, believe and experience that sahajayoga is the only real way to treat our physical body, mental element , conscious, subconscious mind, and the spirit, the self atma, which is attacked by many external , unwanted, bad factors.

"When this center is out of gear, first of all your anti-bodies are reduced. There are so many medicines which reduce your anti-bodies. But people take it because it gives them a little relief for the time being.

But they become then prone to other diseases because if the anti-bodies are reduced, then you cannot find [may Shri Mataji mean “fight”?] the other, other diseases and the strength is reduced. Now, in all our medicines, we forget that we are a complete being, we are not just a physical being, but emotional being, and also a mental being, and above all, a spiritual being.
Now when we forget this, we are only worried about the physical side of it. And when our physical side is in trouble, we want to do everything under the sun; but we do not know by doing that we are spoiling our emotional side. By spoiling our emotional side, it can be very dangerous, that medicines, which reduce the anti-bodies in the body, can lead you to madness, ultimately.
First they give you giddiness, must you sleep a lot, and after that too much sleeping, too much of these medicines, can cause madness. Because you are thrown into the left side and you can be attacked and you can become a mad person.
So these medicines are so dangerous that people without understanding the complete nature of man just try to treat part of it.
In Sahaja Yoga we, as he said, I do not take any medicines, My …. as Kabira has said, “I do not take any medicines, for me Parabrahma is the one who is my Vaidya, He treats me”.
And is a fact, now the time has come to prove what Kabira has said, what Nanaka has said, what Adi Shankaracharya has said, what Christ has said. There is no need to take medicine to cure this centre."
Public Program, New Delhi (India) 9 February 1981.

Friday, March 26, 2021

Cancer causes and treatment as explained by Mataji Nirmaladevi.

Cancer is great life threating disease. It is spreading in different forms all over the world.  And till date no definite medicine has been found to cure it completely. If it is diagnosed at the earlier stage and immediate treatment started, some are saved. 

Mataji Nirmaladevi has time and again referred to various causes of cancer and treatment of cancer. Following is taken from one of the post on facebook relating to the subject .

Self realisation and daily meditation and belief in our holy mother mataji Nirmaladevi can help us lead healthy life without diseases like cancer.

Treatments for Cancer.......

For cancer best treatment is of water, ie. putting feet in the river, sea or in the water at home with the photograph. Water has the dharma of cleansing and hence Shri Vishnu and Dattatraya responsible for the dharma of human beings are to be worshipped. They help you to cure also the local deity of the chakra that is attacked. Put the patient before the photograph with the candle and his feet in the water, bring down your hands across the sympathetic nervous system towards the water. The patient will cool down gradually. If he gets realization, then he is cured.
(undated letter [1970s] to Dr.Raul in Nirmala Yoga no.8)
You will be surprised, all those patients of deadly diseases, like cancer, etc, whom I have cured, all of them without exception were the victims of fake gurus and tantrikas. I have not seen any cancer patient who was not connected with a false guru. That’s why it is said that doctors cannot cure cancer.
(lecture in Hindi, Delhi, 18/8/79, English translation in Nirmala Yoga no.17)
You can’t hear the Vani in your stomach, but say you get some troubles, specially Cancer or any such diseases, you get a problem. Then it starts showing. There’s a problem. That causes spandan, throbbing, is vibrations that you get, is the effect of that Paravani, which shows you that there is some trouble. That trouble you can see, then it starts throbbing.
(Talk on 8th Day (Ashtmi) of Navaratri 1988)
There are two sides of life, left side and right side, when they meet (when one side is overactive), you get the ‘psychosomatic diseases’. If the Kundalini rises what happens is that it nourishes those centres. But suppose you are using right side too much, left side breaks up. Then what happens is that your connection with the main is lost. You are on your own and Cancer starts. Can be cured not at a galloping stage but at an early stage. We have also tried some galloping stage patients.
(Talk to doctors in New Delhi, 6/4/1997. Transcript in New Delhi Medicos 13(4-5):32-34)
The spleen produces red blood corpuscles for all emergencies. Modern life is always an emergency. Constant shocks to the spleen make it crazy and vulnerable to cancer. At such a moment of vulnerability if something triggers from the left side then blood cancer accrues.
(Address to Medical Conference, Moscow, June 1990)
The sense of chastity in the Indian women is so great that nothing can deter them as long as they are chaste. But if they are not chaste, then fear settles in them 'very' fast. Chastity is the strength of women. And that is why, those women who have fear, mostly, have a problem of their chastity being challenged. A woman who is frightened that her chastity may be disturbed, also can develop a problem with the heart chakra. Such women can develop breast cancer, breathing troubles, and other kind of frightening diseases on the emotional level also.
(Talk on the Heart Chakra, Delhi, 1/2/83)
If you smoke too much then this Vishnumaya gets very angry. She, she is the one who then causes cancer. She can spoil you throat. I mean all kinds of ear, nose, throat problems can come in with the smoking because she doesn’t like that smoke. ... With that if you smoke, smoking, you can become also very much vulnerable to cancer of the throat.
(Shri Vishnumaya Puja, New York, 19/7/92)
Another thing which people do not know is the mantras. ... Now she [Shri Vishnumaya] is the Mantrika, she is the one who gives the power to the mantra. Now if you are not connected to this divine power then there’s a short circuit takes place, and if you go on saying this mantra you develop all the troubles of
the throat, throat cancer. You can develop also in the stomach problems, because it is Krishna and Vishnu are the same; you might develop also the problem of Virata.
(Shri Vishnumaya Puja, New York, 19/7/92)

facebook post by Chandrashekhar Chandane= Shri Matajis Love.

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Birth of Sahajayoga - and en masse realisation

In one of the pooja Mataji Nirmaladevi has mentioned as to how she got the power to give en masse realisation and how the sahajayoga came into being on this earth. World is grateful to Mataji for her love, compassion, and assistance in self development of all men , women and children of the world.

Following is the text of her speech -

I used to think, “Why are men doing such a drama and what has happened to them? Why are they doing all this nonsense?” But to whom was I to say all these things? I was all alone then.

At the time when I arrived here [Nargol, 1970], the only confusion that I had must be done. After coming here, when I saw this rakshasa was mesmerizing people, I realized then if at that time somehow the Sahastrara was not opened, then God knows where these people would ultimately be lead. Moreover, the spell of his influence could not be ignored and also what would have been the fate of his disciples, those who were trying to seek God and the truth?
Then I decided to stay the night at the seashore. I was all alone and felt very good. There was no one around to say a word. And then in meditation, I felt that the time had arrived when the Sahastrara must be opened. The moment I desired for the opening of the Sahastrara, what I noticed was that the Kundalini rose like a telescope within me, opening one stage after the other, travelling upward – khat, khat, khat. The colour of it was like the mixture of all the colours of these lamps put together, with which you have decorated. It was like the colour of molten red-hot iron.
Then I saw the external structure of the Kundalini that kept on rising up, creating sounds at each chakra. The Kundalini rose up to pierce the Brahmarandhra. Piercing mine was not a big deal, but then I thought it would now become easier in the world.
I felt at that moment whatever energy was there above suddenly entered within me like a cool breeze from every direction. It was then I realized that now there was no harm in starting the work. ...
The confusion was all over. Yet not being completely certain about the decision, I thought with all calmness that at last the time had come now. “At most what will happen? People will protest or beat Me up. At maximum, they will laugh or make fun or, beyond that, they are going to kill me.” But then there was nothing to fear. This ultimately had to be done. I had come on Earth for this purpose only, to awaken the collective consciousness in human beings. I thought, until people received their Self Realization or understood their own Self, this task would be impossible.
Whatever else one would have tried to do in this world would be of no use at all. That was the reason to begin with that I worked it out on an old lady who knew me well. When she received her Realization, then I was then satisfied. I said to myself, “Well, at least one has received her Realization.” By any means was it an easy task to give Realization in this Kali Yuga? But then when one of them received Realization, I felt many others could also get their Realization. And especially at the level of collective consciousness, it would be easier to give awareness. It was easy to give Realization to one person. It was in fact very easy to make a person aware. But to work it out on a collective level on the masses, it demanded more work.
So I had to work a bit more with my acquired experiences with the humans. As a matter of fact, I felt that when I had to stop, what would be the factors that would be required to consider for taking out the bad habits or individual problems or conditionings from human beings. Because one individual had one type of problem, another had a second type, while the third had yet another type. I thought if it had to be worked out on a collective level, then everyone should get the benefit with a single en-masse Realization. Everyone should be able to gain out of it. Now I cannot explain it to you here, but it is true that these types of workings had never been done before on a collective level.
I had achieved all these through meditation.
Diwali Puja 1995,
Nargol, India

taken from chandrashekar chandanes post on facebook.