331de4708b05e1c7e3d68a6f68a1dc3c24899f06 Sahajayoga- Meditation techniques acclaimed worldwide: Mar 26, 2010


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Friday, March 26, 2010

Personal experience of Sahajayoga explained by a student

How Sahaja Yoga helped me as a student?
I was very much a loner in school, I had no friends, I was scared of teachers, I could not understand all that I was studying and every one of the teachers commented: “She is capable of performing better if she worked harder.” It didn’t make any sense to me except that I felt real bad inside.
I met Shri Mataji for the first time when I was in fifth grade. The moment I saw Her I felt my heart fill with Her love. I don’t know exactly what happened but the sadness within me disappeared. Immediately after, my class ranking rose to fifteenth! Not impressive, I agree, but it was the best I had ever managed and somehow this gave me a lot of confidence and, for the first time, I felt interested in the subjects I was studying. Lessons began making sense, teachers started showing me a little love and now I had friends. I knew that Shri Mataji had changed my environment – but in retrospect, was it my environment that changed or had I?
I transferred to high school and for the rest of that academic year, my ranking varied between first and tenth. I was elected as monitor for two consecutive years and was nominated for House Captain. I had lots of friends and the teachers loved me. I now enjoyed studying.
Circumstances changed, and much later, I found myself talking to the Dean of Management at the London School of Economics. I told him that even though there’s no reason to admit me to the Management program, I wish he would, because I wouldn’t let him down. So, he promised me admission provided I completed a year of Diploma in Business Studies with credit. Pure miracle! While studying, I meditated regularly and tried to put my attention at Shri Mataji’s Feet as much as possible. I used all the techniques taught in Sahaja Yoga to clean my Chakras to get in balance. When I found it difficult to be attentive I would give vibrations to my liver. When I found it difficult to memorize, I would recite “Smriti Rupena Samsthita” mantra. I ended up completing the Diploma with merit (better than credit). As a result, I ended up studying for a M.Sc in Management at LSE.
A few years later, I found myself in Mississippi where I couldn’t officially work as I didn’t have a work permit. So, I joined a college to study for a Bachelors in Computer Information Systems. I ended with 4.0 GPA and Wall Street Journal Award for Academic Excellence. My professors at University of North Alabama poured their love and compassion on to me, my co-fellows offered their friendship.
Unquestionably, my practice of Sahaja Yoga meditation changed my attitude to learning completely and I now thoroughly enjoy learning.


There are number of such instances happening every day world over. It is the thing to be witnessed self by surrendering ourself before the Holy Mother Mataji Nirmaladevi and then anything can happen in life. Just keep faith and experience it. May Mataji bless you all.