" You are all realized souls, you are not only human beings, that’s why I am requesting you that remember you have a power to forgive. To forgive everyone who hurts you, who tortures you, who troubles you. How far can you go? Just think of forgiving and you’ll be amazed, he will change. He will change and you will also enjoy yourself.
It’s a difficult thing for people to understand, but just try. Just try what I’m saying. If somebody does any harm to you, just forgive that person and see the reaction, reaction in that person and in yourself; what happens?
But if you want to carry the burden of his anger or of stupidity, whatever it is, then you are unnecessarily loaded with useless things.
We should not waste our energy on deciding what’s wrong, what did he do and what you should do to him. That we should not. Just leave him alone and you just forgive. Say that: “I forgive”.
Look at Christ. Such a powerful person, such a powerful God. And when He was crucified how He asked for forgiveness for them. Why did he do it? Because that has power. Saying: “I forgive”, it’s very powerful. You don’t lose your power, but on the contrary, you go higher in your power, you go higher in your personality. Just forgive. As simple as that. To say that “I forgive”, just like that.
That’s how I live because people have their own whims and they do whatever they like, but I don’t get angry on that point and I’m not upset on that point, neither I’m concerned. I just say, “I forgive”, that’s all. And you’ll be amazed – within Myself, it so helps so much. Really, very helpful.
So this is a very big quality for which today is a special day. On the cross Christ said that, “Oh God, forgive them because they don’t know what they are doing”. On the cross when he was dying, He said this and what we have to learn is to forgive.
For our sake, not for others. This helps us. If we forgive, this will help us very much within ourselves. This is the message for today and permanently. Permanently. Always, if you are angry with anyone, just say, “I forgive”. If you find somebody hurting you or troubling you or torturing you, how will you work on it? Just forgive, just forgive. This is the only way. "
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Nagpur, India 23-03-2008.