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Thursday, November 11, 2010

Overcome drug addiction

In reality any kind of addiction is worst and so drug addiction. People loose all control, everything they have, they are separated from their families , society and what not. Even though highy educated, scholars, intelligents sometime become victim of drugs.

Can it be stopped. Can they be improved. They are horrible people, can they be brought back to normal life - The anwer is Yes. How can it happen? With the Sahajayoga. But how? With self enlightment.

Sahajayoga provides key to self knowledge, development from within, awakening of Kundalini, lighting the flame within which show you what is right and wrong and when you realise it, you give up wrong things. The root lies in self realisation - it can free you from any kind of addiction, bad habits, vulgar nature, anything which is considered socially condemnable.

Kindly read with interest- the extracts of lecture given by Mataji Nirmaladevi at Vancouver,Canada in l990.

Question: You talk about our habits and weakness and how to overcome that. Can You talk a little bit more about it?

Shri Mataji: See, we are weak because we are ignorant first of all. As I told you, we are holding the snake and there’s darkness and in that darkness we don’t see that this is going to bite us. But, when you become enlightened, you become a very powerful, dynamic person, absolutely. And you separate yourself from your habits. You see it very clearly. Then you don’t talk that “I have this habit or that habit.” You don’t say like that.

Like a person would come and say, “Mother, you know, my Agnya is catching; this chakra is catching. That means I have too much ego.”

But they don’t say, “I have ego.” I mean if you tell somebody, “You have ego,” they’ll hit you hard, isn’t it? But if a person gets it, he feels it. And he says, “Mother, I have too much problem with the Agnya Chakra so please clear it up.”

So, if you have any habits – say supposing there are people who used to take drugs. In the beginning I had horrible people in England, about seven of them, all drug addicts and things. Of course, very well-educated, professors and things, but all drug addicts, hippies and violent people, really. When they came to Me, it was not easy to handle them. But they are today the foundation of Sahaja Yoga. Wonderful people they are. Now what happened, they said, “We want to get rid of it but we can’t. We just can’t help it.”

But you will be amazed, overnight they gave up, overnight. Just it happens because you see the light and you throw the snake, just happens. You don’t have to think about it, just happens. I never tell them these Ten Commandments – don’t do this, don’t do that. Don’t tell them. Just it works from within. Why should I tell them? Why should I give them a lecture? There’s no need. They themselves become their own master and the mastery is that the master cures and gives you powers. You develop that dignity; it’s remarkable what happens. To Me, it’s not a surprise because I know what you are. You are so glorious.

It’s like you take a small little, say a television to a remote corner of India and in some village and show them and say that “Here is a place, this box will show you all the kinds of music and all kinds of dramas and this.”

They say, “What? This box? How is it going to work out?”

And, you put it to the mains and it starts working and they say, “It’s fantastic.”

It’s like that. We are fantastic, we are glorious but we have yet to be connected, that’s all. It just happens, you don’t have to force yourself, you don’t have to do anything. It just works. The inner force works it out.