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Thursday, July 1, 2021

Kingdom of God exists and will exist


“ A Great War Going on Between Satanic Forces and Divine Forces.”

…we must know that there is a great war going on between satanic forces and Divine forces and all the satanic forces who symbolised as devils – in Sanskrit language they are called as rakshasas, asuras and all that – have taken their birth on this earth to demolish the Kingdom of God. Imagine! What ambitions! But they want to demolish this kingdom of God in your hearts. The kingdom of God exists, will exist, it’s eternal. It has created Universes after Universes. It has created human beings from amoeba to this stage. It has brought you to this position that today you are here to receive your ultimate goal. It all has happened now.
At this critical moment, at this precious moment when you are about to enter into the Kingdom of God, all these forces are built up to pull you down. It lies in your wisdom to understand that the forces are very subtle, extremely cunning, beyond your comprehension. Even after entering into Self-realised state you have noticed, how they act on you, try to drag you down, pull you down.
This war is played not on the conscious plane as it was played before. Say, one rakshasa coming in, was all right to kill him. He came as a rakshasa, he came as a devil, he was killed, finished. But today they have come as godly men, as god men – as they call them, as god women. They call themselves as god, gurus. They have come in the garb of religion. These ancient rakshasas have taken their birth and they have gone into the minds of the seekers. Thousands and thousands of seekers they have captured! Imagine the situation is so, so precarious and so dangerous. They have entered into the minds of the people who are the seekers, who are the ones who are to be bestowed with this Kingdom, who are to be enthroned, who are to be crowned, have been destroyed, tortured, by these horrible forces. And because it is not in your conscious plane, you cannot see them, you cannot feel them you cannot understand them, how dangerous they are. While they have learnt all the methods of coming into your ego or into your superego, to influence you.
That war we all have to fight. If we have to establish ourselves fully in the kingdom of God, we must know that we have to fight all those pulling forces.
Sahaja Yoga is not meant for useless people, is not meant for people who have no courage, is not meant for cowards. It’s not meant for people who run after money and who run after all these material things. Especially the first people who are the foundation of Sahaja Yoga, they have to be people of great calibre and of great desire to achieve their state of emancipation, because they are the people who are going to save the whole humanity. They are the redeemers, they are the one who are going to manifest the salvation of this doomed humanity.
Those who are weak can be strengthened because the energy lies within them. Those who are unhealthy can be cured. Those who are mentally disturbed can be brought round. But there is no place for cowards in this. You have to be courageous and cheerful people, for one thing, because you represent that force which is fighting for the Divine, for God Almighty, you are his hands. And you have to be wise, also. Stupid people are no good. Stupidity can never help you to rise, you have to be wise people. Useless people, those who run after nonsensical things, let them go wherever they like, they’ll come back when their time and turn will come. We need not be many people for this. Very few can save the world, but they have to be strong and absolutely established in their understanding of the powers of their Spirit, powers of their Father who is Almighty….
And then the whole society of realised souls is going to pull out this humanity. Everyone need not be brought to Sahaja Yoga. They’ll be all pulled out. We must have sufficient pulling force within us.
So those who come to Me earlier have a greater responsibility than those who’ll be coming much later, say after ten years. They’ll be just jumping into it. You are the ones who are going to do that. So, judge your self-esteem and do not try to condemn yourself for anything. That’s forbidden in Sahaja Yoga, you know that. You are all saints….
H H Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Caxton Hall, London, England. 30 June 1980.