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Monday, April 1, 2019

Sahaja Yoga Meditation - Audio Talks

Sahaja Yoga Meditation - Audio Talks

You get your wholesomeness

Posted: 01 Apr 2019 05:41 AM PDT

Please enjoy the following Sahaja Yoga talk by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi which took place on the 24th July 1979 in Caxton Hall, London.


“I say in Sahaja Yoga you get your Self-realization. No money is to be given or taken. As a by-product, you get your health alright. Of course your material things also are alright. Many things improve as a blessing of Sahaja Yoga. But the real thing that happens to you is that you get Self-knowledge. You get Self-realization. That there is light enlightened within you, and you start seeing yourself, your centers and the centers of others because you also get contacted with the whole, you get your wholesomeness.

This is what Sahaja Yoga has to offer to you and if you want to have that, please have it. The rest of it is just a by-product, because if there is a light you do not falter, you walk straight. You don’t say, “My legs improved because there were lights.” No. “My eyesight improved because of my light. Because there were no light there was a problem.” As soon as there is a light everything becomes alright and you start understanding the whole, you know how the whole thing is and you start walking straight and you know where to sit, and what is the chair and what is the person.

This is what you are seeking, then you are a seeker and you are a true seeker and you are to be blessed and it’s my job to see to it that you reach there. You get your own powers, not of your guru but of your own. And that you understand yourself you get your Self-knowledge and the knowledge of the whole. But if you are not that, my children, I am sorry, you are still a baby in the seeking, you have to still grow more, and grow more, and then you come to me when you are grown enough. Otherwise it’s a headache to work on a person like that, or to give them Self-realization or anything whatsoever. They are using sometimes Sahaja Yoga for curing people. You do get cured, no doubt. Even cancer can be cured with Sahaja Yoga. It can be. It can only be cured by Sahaja Yoga. That’s the point in it. But again it will come back to you. We cannot promise, guarantee anything. Unless and until you rise in Sahaja Yoga and become the master of Sahaja Yoga we cannot guarantee. You may get back the disease again.

Why should God not have a sense of giving for something as you have? He loves you, no doubt. He wants to give you because He loves you, but if you are wayward and if you are prodigal by nature, why should He continue to give you is a simple question that you should ask yourself and then ask for realization, you’ll get it. After getting it also there is a period of doubts because first you get thoughtless awareness, which is called as Nirvichar Samadhi. When we say awareness in the normal terminology, it means alertness to anything is awareness. But when we say samadhi it means enlightened awareness. You get thoughtless enlightened awareness. And then you get doubtless enlightened awareness. The stage between the two in some people is so little that they just are there. I have some people here who just got it and are there. They don’t pass through these two stages. But there are mediocre and there are also absolutely bullock carts I would call them, they cannot move with the time of the jet. In these modern times, imagine a bullock cart being pulled by a jet – big problem. But if you are of that calibre and that quality you get both the stages just like that. There is no doubt after that. But then there are some who get into doubts. I don’t know what they doubt here. They had the experience, they feel the vibrations coming, they see cool breeze flowing through them. They see it working on others. They see the pulsation of the kundalini, the rising of the kundalini. They’re getting better in health and everything improving. Still they are doubting and wasting their time. And everything is delayed, their cure is delayed, everything is delayed because of that. Alright, so we have here jet planes, we have here supersonics, we have missiles, and we have also bullock carts.

See, it takes lot of things to make this world, isn’t it? And so I take everything. All right. With all my love I engulf them. But I would request you not to slow your progress like that. What are you doubting is the question, that I do not want anything. If you are paying for something, then you should doubt it. You are not paying for anything. What are you doubting? What am I to gain from you? But still so many of them sometimes come and tell me, “Mother, now we are doubting.” I say, “Alright, go on, when your doubts will be over, you do come and see me.” That's how it is. I would request you to try to tell your mind that you have done all kinds of things. You have been to all sorts of gurus. You have been to all sorts of nonsensical books and you have been to all kinds of doubts. Now settle down for a while. Settle down. Tell your mind not to mislead you, and get it. This is your own; this is your own property; this is your own right to be there. So get it, and if any doubts are coming, tell them to wait for a while.”

HH Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

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You are seeking your fulfillment

Posted: 01 Apr 2019 05:41 AM PDT

Please enjoy the following Sahaja Yoga talk by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi about seeking your fulfillment.


“Those who go to gurus and say, “Mother, will you please give a job to my son,” then you don’t know what to say, you should say to such a person, “Now my child, you are not yet fit, you are not yet mature to come down yet.” Or if you go to someone to ask for, say, a diamond ring. Or anyone says that I give diamond ring in the name of God, and you are quite satisfied with such an answer, then you are no good as a seeker, no good. Useless for Sahaja Yoga specially. Or somebody who says, “I will cure you” and for curative you go to someone – alright, the person may cure you, but you are no good as a seeker. Why should God cure anyone who is not seeking God? I mean, why should I repair this instrument if it is not going to carry my voice? Or else some of you, if you go to a guru, and if he tells you a story like this, that you have to pay me some money for this, because if you don’t pay me money you cannot be involved into this kind of a thing, you better slap such a guru on his face and tell him that “What do you think of me?” It’s complete indignity to your seeking. He wants to involve you through taking money from you. Can’t you see that he is insulting you by saying that you are such a materialist, that when you give me money then only you will be attached to seeking of God? Just think of it. All such arguments people give you and if you accept them and if you follow such gurus you cannot mature for seeking.

As you have to be genuine, you have to be wise to understand that you are seeking your fulfillment. You are not seeking money and diamond rings and these tomfooleries that are going on and you are not there to witness them and these foolish magical tricks of people, but you are going to witness the magic of God. Then in the seeking also you must know that if God is the universal being, anybody who professes that we are the chosen ones and nobody else can be a chosen one or he was the only prophet and he was the only God and because you belong to some organization, it is nothing but absurd fanaticism and ugliness. Do not deceive yourself. Please try to understand: self-deception will never be forgiven by God. Amoeba, does he deceive himself if he sees the food there, does he? Or a lion or even a frog, it has such a little brain. It understand what it is seeking, Will he deceive himself? But human beings deceive themselves morning till evening. We have to seek God. We have to seek our fulfillment. We have to relate to that wholesomeness that is God, the primordial being. The whole of it, this is what we have to seek. You are created for that.
If you study a little foetus in the womb of the mother, you will be amazed that the whole of the foetus is looked after by the navel cord from the mother, and though all the portions of the foetus are not yet fully developed as to get connected with the brain completely from the very beginning, still through one channel it is fed, looked after, managed. Then the child is removed from the mother when the child is born, and gradually all the sensations and co-ordinations of all these different sensory organs and organs of motion and organs of automatic functions are created gradually, very gradually, as he starts growing. But once the connections are established, a human being starts acting. On his own the whole body acts together; it knows when it is pinched. Here in the finger the whole body knows that you are pinched, the whole knows about what has happened. The whole connection is established. It’s a living process, it’s a growing process which works out. But with human beings there is a very big problem. The biggest problem I would say that they are always identified with imperfections, with wrong ideas and only in the human being these things happen, that’s why one has to be careful. Dog can smell better than you do, and it knows what to eat, what not to eat. You don’t know. You don’t know what is a real guru and a dirty guru and horrible guru and a vicious man. You cannot make out. Somebody runs out of the jail, he wears a dress, comes to England, “I am the guru” – great, and thousands will be running. They don’t know and the more he has, the better it is.

But there is a way. God has already placed that within yourself. For your growth he has placed within you, only He is testing your genuineness but if you are so obstinate as to stick on to some misidentified nonsensical things you cannot work it out. Be free from all these things, open out yourself. You all have to be aware of the whole. You all have to get Self-realization. Though by that, God will feel His fulfillment of His creation, no doubt, and He has to do it, He will do it, but He’ll have to work very hard. And still and still if you do not accept the truth, then the truth will be expressed, no doubt, but then, the untruth has to be destroyed. And at that time, those who are identified with untruth will be also destroyed. Before that, take heed to your wisdom and know what we have to seek? We have to seek our wholesomeness, which we have partially expressed in our political and economical and social clubs.

All this has to be integrated, all the great religions which have been propounded in the growth of human beings, which have substantially helped in the growth of human beings, which are the substratum of their living, has to be integrated in that habit. For example, I meet supposing a Hindu, then he says, “Mother, how do You talk of Christ? We don’t believe in Christ.” Now you are a very great person not to believe in Christ. Who are you not to believe in Christ? What do you think of yourself? What do you mean by saying that you don’t believe in Christ? Do you know it is blasphemous to say such horrible things about any great incarnation on this earth?” There are some who say, “We do not believe in Moses, or in Guru Nanaka or in Mohammed-Sahib.” Who are you? I don’t believe, I don’t believe. What is your belief? On what it is based? Why do you say such things? What do you know about them?

Did they ever say that, for example, when Christ came did He say that Moses was wrong, did He say so? When Nanaka came, did He say that Mohammed was wrong? Did anyone of these great saints say so? Then who are you to denounce them?”

HH Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

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