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Friday, April 29, 2022

Do not go for Guru Shopping


In the search of gurus people from east or west, north or south , often move from one guru to another, adopt one cult or other, changes gurus like the dresses. But it only harms you, your power of kundalini, you do not know how much irreparable loss has been caused to your kundalini.  So mataji has warned that please do not go for guru shopping in one of her lectures Don’t go for Guru-shopping.............

“Don’t go for Guru-shopping, we have to have our own power.”

Now you will be amazed that the seekers who were there at that time are today born more in the West than in the East. You are real seekers. Perhaps you have never evaluated yourself, and you have lost that sensitivity to seeking. That is one thing true because the way you have been guru-shopping, one can understand that how could it be possible that you have been going from here to there not understanding this. But, you see, because you were seeking, I would say, because you were seeking, you jumped onto someone, you jumped onto another one, jumped onto third one, just to get the, what you call, the feeling that you were seeking.
And this jumping from one to another has really been very, very wrong because by that you have definitely disturbed your Kundalini. The most dangerous thing about these people is that they disturbed the path of your Kundalini, which you will learn; when you will be realized, you will know. All these gurus, apart from giving you diseases like cancer and all that, have been destroying your chakras, destroying your Kundalini. I have seen big holes in your chakras. I have seen burnt portions in the Kundalini. I have seen horrible distortions and mutilations of even the private parts of people because you can see on this chakra, this last chakra, (Mooladhar) which is dealing with your private parts, you see, that they have really ruined you completely, to such an extent that it is I feel irreparable, but still, we would try our level best to work it out and to get it done. I would only request you to have an attitude of openness and little relaxed. ...
You have to have patience with yourself and you have to have patience with Sahaja Yoga too because some people from the jungles and who are not in the open, who do not come to London or to America, these people have told so many sahaja yogis that “We don’t know why Mataji is giving you these vibrations. What have you done?” All sorts of questions and they are quite jealous and they don’t even understand how these sahaja yogis can raise the Kundalini so easily.
So one can say that it is happening and it is there, you all should have it because you are the seekers and this blessing was to be bestowed, is promised even in the Puranas it was said that in Kali Yuga those saints who are seeking God in the hills and dales will be blessed in Kali Yuga, in this time, modern times and they will be born as ordinary householders and they will get their ultimately truth, it is a fact. ...People have misused all the knowledge that was in the Bible, in the Quran, in the Vedas for exploiting others, it is something very sad but human beings are like that, they are really like that. So we have to be very, very careful and we have to understand that we have to have our own power....
H H Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, public programme, Caxton Hall, London (UK). 30 May 1979.