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Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Approach Yourself and attain state of Nirvikalpa without blaming anyone


we have to mentally approach ourselves. We have to talk to ourselves and say to ourselves, “What are you doing?” What is surrendering? It is enjoyment. It is just enjoyment. “Then why I cannot surrender? What is lacking in me? Am I a very low level person? Am I the one who was just saying I’m a seeker but I’m not? Am I dishonest person that I cannot surrender? If so, what am I proud of myself? If that is the situation, then why am I so much enamoured by my ego?”
What do you have to surrender? A drop has to dissolve into the ocean to become the ocean. And a drop cannot be greater than the ocean, can it be? So, what is the surrendering? Surrendering of our conditionings, of our ego and the artificial barriers we have built around us.
One can approach [it] mentally, one can approach emotionally and also physically we can approach ourselves. We can approach ourselves through mantras, through seeing ourselves, through knowing ourselves. But one should know, this is the greatest of greatest opportunity for you, not for the Divine.
If you are not available the Divine can find its own ways of fulfilling its last culmination of expression. Even to understand how immense the task is you need a surrendering heart. "
" The area of Sahasrara is the realm of God. When the brahmarandhra opens fully then the heavens open within yourself. The Kundalini which has risen up and given you Realisation creates that subtle opening by which the Divine starts pouring all its subtleties inside your brain. But if you’re pressing it from both sides with these balloons, sometimes opening, sometimes closing, sometimes opening, the Divine recedes its attention; you must know that. The attention is receded back and if it is done many a times, the Divine doesn’t bother .
So it is you who has to achieve that state and all of us can achieve that state of nirvikalpa. In that there is just progression. After nirvikalpa you cannot come down. If somebody is still going up and down, up and down, he should know he is still not up to the point and he should face up to himself and tell himself or herself that, “No, I have to be into Nirvikalpa where I do not come down!”
The people who are not in the nirvikalpa state are not going to be saved. I am very sorry to say that. They are not going to be saved. They will be punished. May not be in the same way [as] those who are not realised souls. But they will not occupy the seats in the realm of God Almighty. At least you must reach the state of nirvikalpa. Do not blame any circumstance. Do not blame your father, mother, brother, atmosphere, this, that. There’s no need to blame anyone,” “Because somebody came we were influenced?” What is the matter with you? I’m here – you are not influenced by Me! How are you influenced by somebody who is so stupid obviously, so dominating? That means what is your level? "
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Austria . 4th May, 1985 .