331de4708b05e1c7e3d68a6f68a1dc3c24899f06 Sahajayoga- Meditation techniques acclaimed worldwide: 01/01/2020 - 02/01/2020


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Thursday, January 30, 2020

Relieve Stress with Sahajayaoga

Sahaja Yoga for Stress Management 

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Every human being is living a day to fulfill his wishes, his goals, his aspirations, expectations of family from him, expectation of society from him and such other elements.  It naturally results in stress.  The level of stress depends upon the person, his temperament, how much he thinks about the goal, is he optimist or pessimist etc.  The same given situation provides different levels of stress to each individual.  Hence we need to distress ourselves.  

The normal stress seen is with regard to business growth, life of unemployment, failure of marriage, bankruptacy, promotion results, transfer in service , loss of life partner and so many such circumstances.

We forget to understand that every result is the outcome of various factors involved in it including physical activity, resources, opportunities, rivalry, competition and like those.  We alone are not responsible for the result, still it requires great courage to tell this to self, our relatives and family members.  If we are following the dictats of outsiders, the stress is bound to be more. We are directly responsible in such situation.

Sahajayoga helps to prevent stress disorder through reducing sympathetic dominance.  By having equilibrium in sympathetic and para sympathetic nervous system  we can get rid of stress levels.
By Awakening the kundalini, the divine energy present in every human body, lying dormant at the base of the spine  we can get equilibrium of two nadis in our boy- right nerve and left nerve- Ida and Pingala,  You can learn how to acquire this self equilibrium in any sahajayoga centre.  Once your right side and left side nerves are balanced and your kundalini raised from Mooladhar to Shastradhar chakra , you attain peace of mind. You experience cool breeze.  You get rid of any stress, fear, dispute from your mind.

So practice sahajayoga for stress free life.

Monday, January 27, 2020

Shri Ganesha and Sahajayoga.

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Shri Ganesha is the most important diety of hindus.  He has got the importance of prominance. He is worshiped before starting any other pooja or good work.  He is starting point of any divine act.  By his presence and blessings every act becomes possible, easy, attainable without much troubles.  He is also known as Vighna Harta i.e the one who defeats all ill wills, difficulties, problems surrounding any divine act.

Shri Ganesha is the diety associated with the Muladhar Chakra, the first one in the series of chakras in our body , at the bottom point. His power is innocent. He is the most innocent.  Hence can bless us with love, affection, care, his soothing power, his intellect, his fighting spirit - if required. 

Mooladhar chakra is the basic charkra. The wisdom, knowledge, creativity, physical and mental power of the person largely depends upon the activisation of the Mooladhar chakra.  The one whose mooladhar is clear by the blessings of Adishakti Mataji Nirmaladevi, is always successful in his or her business, profession.  It plays an important role in one's youthfullness and also health.

we can pray Lord Ganesha for giving us all his love, to enable us to foget every ill will, to give us power of pardon, to enable us to become as innocent as he is.  Once it happens , the life changes automatically.  We are not worried, we are not afraid, we do not have enermies, we do not bother about criticism.  We know what we are, we can realise our own power and its manifestation in our act and deeds.  

Hence Mataji Nirmaladevi had time and again tought us to first cleanse our Mooladhar chakra and then raise the kundalini from Muladhar to Sahastrar chakra.  

We are greatly obliged to Mataji Nirmaladevi for her profound love and care for all the sahajayogis.  
Jai Shri Mataji. 

Friday, January 24, 2020

Benefits of Sahajayoga in Ailments

Sahajayoga helps overcoming various ailments
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Sahaja Yoga meditation has proven effective in addressing various medical ailments, including asthma[epilepsy, and ADHD. Some of these claims have been scientifically confirmed. For example, some case studies have shown that test subjects who were practicing Sahaja Yoga meditation had "significant improvement in VCS (Visual Contrast Sensitivity)", and that meditation appeared to bring about changes in some of the electrophysiological responses studied in epileptic patients. Other studies showed that Sahaja Yoga meditation results in fewer and less acute epileptic seizures  According to the Medical Observer Weekly, Sahaja Yoga was found to be more effective than other generic forms of meditation in the reduction of stress, anxiety and depressive symptoms.
Short-term effects on asthma have also been noticed, by both objective and subjective measures.
Sahaja Yoga claims that it has cured patients of "high blood pressure, asthma, epilepsy, diabetes, cancer, etc." SY's commentary on a study by Mishra [RK], et al., 1993, suggests that an observed increase in beta-endorphins for meditating males could explain "so-called miraculous cures". Mishra reported that Sahaja Yoga meditation resulted in a "significant increase" in beta-endorphins between control and meditating subjects. 
The organization runs an international hospital in MumbaiIndia, the Sahaja Yoga International Health and Research Centre, which uses Sahaja Yoga methods. This hospital claims to have been successful in curing incurable diseases such as (refractory) high blood pressure, epilepsy, and multiple sclerosis.
Shri Nirmala Srivastava has developed a liver diet to promote better health. White cane sugarwhite riceyogurtgingerfruits and vegetables promote the "cooling" of the liver. Alcohol, fried foods, red meatfishcream and chocolate are among the foods that are "heating" and thus may be harmful if taken in excess. 
Water vibrated spiritually can, according to the organization, change the characteristics of water, resulting in purifiation.