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Sunday, October 23, 2022

We are all twice born people


Today, I hope with this puja, your heart will enlarge. And that you will learn to share with that big heart. Just try to share your things. Share your time. Share your comforts. Share every moment of your life with others. Think of good things of other people, you’ll enjoy them. If you start thinking of the thorns instead of the roses, will you enjoy roses? If you have to enjoy the roses you have to forget the thorns and enjoy the roses. Those who are wise are like that. But stupid can take the thorns and just go on pricking themselves and saying that “Oh! There are thorns.”
The sign of wisdom is to enjoy the beauty of roses, they are the most beautiful things. They are all roses. I see you all roses here. And I forget the thorns and the day will come they will not need even the thorns because they will be so powerful. And there should be no groupism of any kind, of Intellectuals coming together, non-intellectuals coming together, alcoholics on one side. In sahaja yoga also we have caste system, just imagine. Then some Indians are separate, then English are separate. Then Cambridge people are separate. There should be no separation. We are all one. We are all born through our Sahasrara.
We are a different community and different thing. We cannot form into groups, cannot form into cults, and cannot form into any caste. We are all twice born people. We are the people who are born again. We are different. We have lost all that. Everything is lost, you see. They say there is no caste for a sanyasi, for an ascetic, means the one who is a realized soul, there is no caste. Don’t belong to any caste. Forget your problems of your country, of your nation, of your, so called your people. Forget it, you are different and try to pull them up to that where they also become one with Whole. The whole world has to unite like this. Give up your small, small differences and angularities.
My God Bless You All.
Her Holiness Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
Guru Puja: Detachment And Sharing, Cambridge (England)
July 5th, 1981

Prasanth Sahaji, Dipankar Dey Sarkar and 5 others